C) conduct the interview at eye level and at a distance of 4 to 5 feet. you develop a list of possible interventions based on . Medical diagnoses are used to evaluate the cause or etiology of disease. Spirituality may be used to *find meaning and purpose for illnesses.*. *D) the heritage of the patient. Feedback: INCORRECT "* Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT Chapter 10 - Pain Assessment: the 5th vital sign Parents or caretakers accompany children to the health care setting. Health Assessment Exam 1 Got Correct After completing an initial assessment of a patient, the nurse has charted Expert Help Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT Nursing diagnoses are clinical judgments about a person's response to an actual or potential health state. Health Assessment Exam 1- PPT and quiz questi, HEALTH ASSESSMENT EXAM 1 PRACTICE QUESTIONS, Health Assessment Exam #1 (Ch. Subjective data is what the person says about himself or herself during history taking. Starting at ___ years of age, the interviewer asks the child directly about his or her presenting symptoms. If you find it helpful, use the mnemonic PQRSTU to do this. B) the beliefs of the patients family. Feedback: INCORRECT (1) A *complete (or total health) database* includes a complete health history and a full physical examination. Health perception is how the person describes and defines personal health. 2. Upgrade Health Assessment Exam 1 Terms in this set (131) Assessment Assessment is the collection of subjective and objective data about a patient's health. A) participating in religious services on a regular basis. *C) The humors must be balanced. 1. initial comprehensive. Each response plays a role in the interview process, but practice is needed to use them effectively and move among them smoothly. Feedback: INCORRECT What symptom is greatly influenced by a person's cultural heritage? What is the yin/yang theory of health? Subjective data is what the person says about himself or herself during history taking. C) Congruence mechanism D) Socialization experience. Whose story is the narrator telling? The incidence of breast cancer varies with different cultural groups. Modify communication techniques based on each *patient's developmental stage,* including parents, infants, young children, adolescents, and older adults. Feedback: INCORRECT Appearance, dress, and hygiene are observations included in the general survey. *C) the Asian population tends to be younger. D) Readiness for enhanced spiritual well-being B) Follow-up *complete health history data category 6.*. Feedback: INCORRECT *Ethnicity* pertains to membership in a social *group that claims to possess a common* geographic origin, migratory status, religion, race, language, shared values, traditions or symbols, and food preferences. B) crepitation in the left knee joint. Ethnicity pertains to a social group within the social system that claims to possess variable traits. To develop cultural care, you must have knowledge of *your personal heritage* and the *heritage of the nursing profession, the health care system, and the patient. D) ask every youth about the use of condoms. Viewing the world from another person's inner frame of reference is called: Additions include: When obtaining a *child's health history*, use the same structure you would use for an adult, but make pertinent modifications or additions. C) "Mr. Jones, is it okay if I ask you several questions this morning about your health?" C) Adolescents A) decreased range of motion. C) an individual's perception of health. *Feedback: CORRECT* PQRSTU is a mnemonic that helps the clinician to remember to address characteristics specific to: C) 9 However, you should *address all categories* before making a diagnosis or judgment about the patient's health status. Inspect mouth: pushed tongue right with tongue blade. A reliable person always gives the same answers, even when questions are rephrased or are repeated later in the interview. The health history will assess lifestyle, including such factors as exercise, diet, risk reduction, and health promotion behaviors. It breaks up the book into easy to read bullet points. Refer to feedback in option B. No matter what form is used to record the health history, plan to *gather data in eight categories. The *Comprehensive Older Person's Evaluation* is particularly useful because it addresses: The *Comprehensive Older Person's Evaluation* is particularly useful because it addresses: Basic and instrumental *activities of daily living*, *Functional assessments*, And physical, social, psychologic, demographic, financial, and legal *issues*. B) Risk for infection B) sympathetic language. D) the cause of disease. * A person can possess values that are consistent with the norms of the traditional culture or that are modern (or acculturated to the norms of the dominant society). The *purpose of the complete health history* is to *collect subjective data*, which is what the person says about himself or herself. Feedback: INCORRECT Objective data is what the health professional observes; level of consciousness and orientation are observations. - Touch. D) "You are upset about the level of pain, right?". Health promotion and disease prevention are important aspects of nursing's concept of health. A) distancing language. Religious beliefs may influence the person's: Religious beliefs may influence the person's: Use both inductive and deductive reasoning to develop your argument. *Feedback: CORRECT* Objective data is gathered by what the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating, and auscultating during the physical examination. Hearing loss is more common in whites than in blacks. C) English proficiency is associated with a lower quality of care. E) the heritage of the health care system. A) speak at least two languages. This is a closed or direct statement. B) history of present illness Your silent attentiveness communicates that the patient has time to think, to organize what he or she wishes to say without interruption from you. Feedback: INCORRECT What information is included in greater detail when taking a health history on an infant? Feedback: INCORRECT *complete health history data category 8.*. Feedback: Open-ended questions and statements ask for narrative information; they state the topic to be discussed, but only in general terms. Silence is golden after open-ended questions. You *assess factors related to heritage* to determine the depth to which you and the patient identify with a traditional heritage, that is, the cultural beliefs and practices of the family, extended family, and an ethnoreligious community. Through *facilitation*, *silence*, *reflection*, *empathy*, and *clarification*, you react to the facts or feelings the patient has communicated. The nurse should ask the patient which question? I just did Caplan and flash cards. ach culture has its own healers who usually: NURSINGTB. A) the patient's perception of pain. A) ask about violence and abuse before asking about alcohol and drug use. D) helps the nurse understand his or her own feelings in relation to the patient's verbal message. B) Evil is hot. Feedback: INCORRECT B) Limited English proficiency is associated with a higher quality of care. health assessment exam 1 health assessment exam 1 Flashcard Maker: G G 202 Cards - 7 Decks - 1 Learner Sample Decks: eye, cranial nerves, ear, nose, throat Show Class Health Assessment Exam 1 Health Assessment Exam 1 Flashcard Maker: Samantha Anderson 310 Cards - 6 Decks - 4 Learners * B) "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?" A) an evaluation of past and present health state of each body system. Clarification is used to summarize the person's words or to simplify the words to make them clearer. A) review previous medical records. B) rephrase the same questions later in the interview. This may be for orientation to the agency setting: "Your dinner comes at 5:30 PM." * Write an editorial for your school newspaper in which you explain whether you find King's ideas and methods of standing up for his beliefs applicable today. B) impedes further discussion. Write an explanation of how Paul shows his growing self-awareness and confidence in the choices he makes. *First-level priority problems* are emergent, life-threatening, and immediate, such as establishing an airway or supporting breathing. Subjective data is what the person says about himself or herself during history taking. * These responses now include your own thoughts and feelings. * This statement is not based on direct observation as with confrontation, but it is based on your inference or conclusion. These areas are related to the coping and stress management section of the functional assessment. You share factual and objective information. When a patient reports a symptom, perform a *symptom analysis*. Behaviors that one culture views positively may have different, possibly negative, connotations in another culture. - Studocu good notes to help understand health assessment practicum quiz study online at be to what is important to your patient. A complete database includes a complete health history and a full physical examination; it describes the current and past health state and forms a baseline against which all future changes can be measured. C) Emergency B) Limited English proficiency is associated with a higher quality of care. Feedback: INCORRECT *Feedback: CORRECT* Feedback: INCORRECT D) stand next to the patient to convey a professional demeanor. The four humors of the body include the blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile; the humors regulate basic bodily functions and are described in terms of temperature, dryness, and moisture. *Feedback: CORRECT* B) Evil is hot. A) Appearance, dress, and hygiene Evidence-based practice is a systematic approach to practice that uses the *best evidence,* the *clinician's experience,* and the *patient's preferences and values* to make decisions about care and treatment. When exchanging information, both individuals engage in *verbal and nonverbal communication*. "* (4) Using avoidance language, A) the non-Hispanic white population tends to be younger. * This response echoes the patient's words. Feedback: INCORRECT 7/29/2020 Health Assessment Exam 1 Jarvis Flashcards | Quizlet 8/25 using language wernickes aphasia receptive aphasia, linguistic opposite of broca, person can hear sounds and words but cannot relate them to previous experiences delirium an acute confusional state, potentially preventable in hospitalized persons dementia a chronic progressive loss of cognition and intellectual functions . The Asian population was younger with a median age of 35.4 years, and about 26% of the Asian population was younger than 18 years old. B) use nonverbal communication. Starting at ___ years of age, the interviewer asks the child directly about his or her presenting symptoms. C) helps the patient understand personal feelings in relation to his or her verbal message. A) Infants Feedback: INCORRECT C) Health exists in the absence of illness. The developmental history and nutritional data are important for current health of infants and children. C) Congruence mechanism D) a short statement of general health status. Chapter 9 - General Survey, Measurement, Vital Signs Feedback: INCORRECT Religion refers to an organized system of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. B) Heritage consistency B) "negative" under the system heading. *Feedback: CORRECT* "* C) An earache Exam (elaborations) - shadow health focused exam:uti with antibiotic sensitivity (education and empathy) 4. The "review of systems" in the health history is: Expectations, manifestations, and management of pain are all embedded in a cultural context. When obtaining a *child's health history*, use the same structure you would use for an adult, but make pertinent modifications or additions. According to the biomedical model, a narrow definition of health is: Assessment of self-esteem and self-concept is part of the functional assessment. Chapter 4 - The Complete Health History Inspect mouth: lifted tongue with tongue blade. a. Feedback: INCORRECT Parents or caretakers accompany children to the health care setting. Reflection is repeating part of what the person has just said. - collection of objective data. *B) pain* Feedback: INCORRECT Objective b. Subjective c. Introspective d. Reflective a. A follow-up database is used to follow up short-term or chronic health problems; the statuses of identified problems are evaluated at regular and appropriate intervals. C) Documented relationship of support systems *Feedback: CORRECT* The hot/cold theory of health is based on humoral theory; the treatment of disease is based on the balance of the humors. A) severity of dementia. This type of question encourages the person to respond in paragraphs and to give a spontaneous account in any order chosen. The *depth of information* obtained for each health history category may vary from one setting to another. You give your honest feedback about what you see or feel. View Health Assessment Exam 1.docx from NURS 220 at West Virginia Wesleyan College. These discrete areas include understanding of: (Select all that apply.) D) report of impaired mobility from left knee pain as evidenced by an inability to walk, swelling, and pain on passive range of motion. *CAGE* test is a screening questionnaire to identify excessive or uncontrolled drinking, such as: - A developmental overview, B) Limited English proficiency is associated with a higher quality of care. What are the four kinds of databases? D) Patients with language barriers have a decreased risk of nonadherence to medication regimens. What symptom is greatly influenced by a person's cultural heritage? Spirituality is defined as: B) personal response to stress. *Feedback: CORRECT* Medical diagnoses determine the etiology (or cause) of disease. Planning - Establish priorities, set timelines for outcomes. Refer to feedback in Option B. Refer to feedback in option B. - *G* Guilty - Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking? A.olfaction B.auscultation C.Palpation D.Percussion B Rationale: B. The purpose of the assessment is to collect pertinent patient health status data, identify abnormal findings, Identify patient's strength and coping resources. Feedback: INCORRECT An episodic database is for a limited or short-term problem; this database concerns mainly one problem, one cue complex, or one body system. D) a short statement of general health status. Which of the following is considered an example of objective data? D) sympathy. Module 3 Questions.docx University of Texas, Arlington Advanced Health Assessment . Aggravating factors are determined by asking the patient what makes the pain worse. In addition, there should be a note of any special circumstances, such as the use of an interpreter. B) a personal effort to find meaning and purpose in life. This response is an appropriate communication technique referred to as seeking further clarification. (8) Talking too much, A) "I know just how you feel." * Fifth, investigate *past health events*, such as illnesses, injuries, hospitalizations, and allergies as well as current medications. Most of health practices used by folk healers are not dangerous and are usually harmless. *B) crepitation in the left knee joint. - validation of data. D) food intolerance One method to verify information within the context of the interview is to: Health Assessment Exam 1 Flashcards Quizlet Health (6 days ago) Web (1) A complete (or total health) database includes a complete health history and a full physical examination. *C) Impaired gas exchange* C) ask the patient if there is someone who could verify information. D) ask every youth about the use of condoms. D) stressors, coping mechanisms, and change in past year. C) "I can see that you are quite uncomfortable." A patient admitted to the hospital with asthma has the following problems identified based on an admission health history and physical assessment. On the basis of median age: And I never even used the ATI to study for the NCLEX. 03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT. 4-7 In some cases, you can choose one of two options (A or B, not both). B) have at least one parent present during the interview. Health depends on all these factors working together. Feedback: INCORRECT What type of database is most appropriate for an individual who is admitted to a long-term care facility? D) arthritis. The CAGE test is a screening questionnaire that helps to identify: Feedback: INCORRECT - Facial expression, *C) use short, simple, concrete sentences. B) Follow-up During the interview, the nurse learns that the client wants . breathing, bleeding Objective data is gathered by what the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating, and auscultating during the physical examination. * Of the emerging majority in the US, *Hispanics* are the largest population. *Feedback: CORRECT* Interpretation also ascribes feelings and helps the person understand his or her own feelings in relation to the verbal message. * First, collect *biographic data*, such as the patient's name, address, and date of birth as well as language and communication needs. The areas assessed under the self-esteem and self-concept section of the functional assessment include education, financial status, and value-belief system. B) impedes further discussion. The non-Hispanic, single-race white population was older than the population as a whole; the respective median ages were 40.8 and 36.6 years. (1) it is *learned* from birth through language acquisition and socialization. B) a pattern of coping. D) use detailed explanations. Before determining whether cultural practices are helpful, harmful, or neutral, nurses must first understand: *A) Infants* C) excessive or uncontrollable drinking. All of the exams use these questions from the test banks. Avoid using a family member or close friend as an interpreter because this violates the patient's confidentiality. D) objective data that supports the history of present illness. Euphemisms are used to avoid reality or to hide feelings.