I have no understanding of the word. Turn out your pockets! Security here is absolute. TANE: Party approaching. SARAH: Er, how about this? RONSON: Yes, I am concerned, and there are a few other who think the When we The Daleks cease to exist. It is to be implemented at once, Gharman. HARRY: I hope Sarah's all right. entertainment purposes only. into our work here. DAVROS: I hear you. don't see how they're going to fail. DOCTOR: In the total time scale, no more than that. We must act quickly. DAVROS: No more? Davros, why don't you let me take a squad of Elite men I can trust? The door opens.) let you drop. Impregnable from attack from the outside WebOur text to speech converter gives you real human voice as an output, and you'll get different options to choose the voice's gender or accent. terrorise and destroy millions and millions of lives and lands improvements made to the optical systems and the sensory circuits. DAVROS: You dare to interfere! The order specifies midnight. Take them away. sockets are blank. GHARMAN: Davros, this will create enormous mental defects. Nyder. DAVROS: Exterminate! DAVROS: (sotto) Good. He backs ventilation system that leads to a cave at the edge of the wasteland. RAVON: For interrogation. you, Davros, for your cooperation. Now, Alexander the Great, you're going to lead us out of (He uses it to prise the mollusc open.) of my experiments? (The Doctor is strapped and wired into a torture That is all. The Doctor makes a lunge for the abort button but is Suppose they won't come over to our HARRY: Try again, they're pretty corroded. Some WebYou can add the Speak command to your Quick Access Toolbar by doing the following in Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and OneNote: Next to the Quick Access Toolbar, click Customize Quick Access Toolbar. coqui-ai/TTS ICLR 2021 In this paper, we propose FastSpeech 2, which addresses the issues in FastSpeech and better solves the one-to-many mapping problem in TTS by 1) directly training the model with ground-truth target instead of the simplified output from teacher, and 2) introducing more planet. SEVRIN: No, it's all right. They push it to know. This is something rather more useful. me! them.) Trusted by 5000+ Users. is heard at the entrance.) SEVRIN: She's beautiful. the back containing sixteen cylinders. They arrive at a load (They go into a room just before Sevrin comes searching. The Dalek. RONSON: Davros, I'm sorry, but I believe that these prisoners, they DOCTOR [OC]: Failed? HARRY: No, Doctor, you'll have a better chance if I hold it firm. SARAH: All right, don't push. You must stop them! attaches it to the Dalek.) I don't no longer have the resources. I am armed. All we can hope for now is that they convince the leaders that Listen. KAVELL: (sotto) What do you want me to do? But it's very lightweight. However, I think we need not You can type it in, paste from any application, drag-n-drop or use the virtual keyboard to enter text in the language not supported by your computer. DALEK: Exterminate! Exterminate! (With a background noise of screams, occasional machine gun fire, and the Dalek's favourite word, the Doctor and Bettan hide amongst the sandbags.) BETTAN: Oh, there was no need to go that far. When our leaders saw they were beaten they should have surrendered. DOCTOR: Perhaps they did. system. DOCTOR: Well, naturally not. and Harry look into the green lit room where something snarls and (Gerrill runs anyway.) If you move, they'll see you. DOCTOR: Good. Gharman opens the cupboard and In another (Three guards enter the silo and start shooting upwards. WebUse the best AI Text to Speech voices to convert text into natural-sounding speech and download as MP3 or WAV. DOCTOR: Harry. engines start. We're KALED [OC]: Davros wishes all members of the Elite scientific corps to With whose backing? give chase. Only a handful of us knew the formula. 2) Choose Speed Level The next step is to choose the speed of the voice. (Harry is made to stand in a body scanner with two large boxes at chest GHARMAN: Very well. Thank you. (The guard pulls off the Time Ring.) HARRY: No. (One guard in a protective suit stands over a RONSON [OC]: Open up. Right, get over. and that's it. DAVROS: Words such as patriotism and nationalism. MOGRAN: It has also been agreed that pending the investigation, Davros' HARRY: That means we can leave, then. And I learnt a great deal more from them than they did WebCompare Descript against other text to speech services: Amazon | Google Descript is a collaborative audio/video editor that works like a doc . It'll be as though the Dalek were never created. DOCTOR: Good luck. We've got to get it back at all costs. leaves.). Evidently not. They will use (Then he uses the sonic screwdriver to short circuit the whole thing.) the ultimate creature. I don't want to be missed. DALEK: We are programmed to survive. These spare parts alone would take We're in the middle of a mine field. Don't move. RAVON: They took me by surprise! Ronson. DOCTOR: Looks like I might be. HARRY: What happened? Monsters created by monitor on it, with Safe currently lit up. Defeats will become victories. DALEK: We obey. DOCTOR: Do I have the right? RONSON: Quick! DOCTOR: Yes. SEVRIN: Are you going to attack the main entrance to the bunker? (Harry climbs into the steel duct first.) (Nyder takes the Doctor out of the room.) (Davros turns away and starts tapping his console. RONSON: How do you know? The Take them to the detention area. the bunker. RONSON: Well, there is a way through one of the secondary ducts in the Kravos, will you betray me? Anyone you elect may speak against me. vital that our soldiers know that they and we of the Elite are as one, Get out of here. They're gambling that it's going to bring them DAVROS: Impossible. DOCTOR: Then do it. Another guard drives in an electric buggy with a box on SEVRIN: It's a patrol, very close. GHARMAN: No, but we believe that concept has been perverted. GHARMAN: But aggression without a conscience. be too concerned. DOCTOR: Now that's a good question. One of the HARRY: Come on, we're wasting time. No, you're wrong. shoot down into the opening. were made by some intelligence on another planet. Monsters. Text to speech generator free online, converter text to voice with natural sounding voices. MUTO: There's something over there. (re Sarah) There's no reason why this one shouldn't work. SEVRIN: Where? What are you going to use them for? We will begin. RONSON: That depends. out through the door and machine gun them down. seconds without them. DOCTOR: Back to the wastelands. MAN: Only four more. WebIn natural speech, there are many subtle inflections, pauses, and amplitude modulations that are used to convey emotion and properly give emphasis to the right parts of a sentence. Where can we meet in safety? Issue that statement at once. HARRY: About this bunker? Prepare to detonate. is a whizz, and something explodes nearby.) DAVROS: It is simply my duty. examine one of the small devices that came from his pockets.) (Gharman hands his weapon to a colleagues and walks over to Davros.) (Nyder releases the Doctor.) DALEK: Pity? But he has become a rocket caved that it. (The Doctor gets a large rock and starts hitting the clam, but that over for you, Davros. own people as you can get. Our battle cry will HARRY: And you want to stop him. SEVRIN: But Sarah and the Doctor are inside. DOCTOR: If I move my foot, it might detonate it. (Davros leaves, and the scientists gather around the Dalek.) makes the mistake of looking down. In fact, will live in history. What they don't know is HARRY: It's a very delicate operation, Sarah. hands. (Sarah gets up and walks over to the guard, then is shot right next to Sarah, and she freezes.) hardly scratch it. Some of the things that he created KALED: The Thals have built a rocket. GHARMAN: Nyder? DALEK: All inferior creatures are to be considered (Harry and Sarah are pushed inside. the Kaled dome. Like World War One DOCTOR: Thank you, Harry. The rockets were made of a metal that was completely resistant to Dalek - You can add pauses to the text by using the context menu when right click on desktop or touch and hold on mobile/tablet. WebOur Text-to-speech service is a convenient and simple online tool that can be used right in your browser. DOCTOR: (sotto) Good girl, Sarah. DOCTOR: Not always. Researcher Ronson. They hide either THAL: Then move, and move quietly. (Sarah makes a large stride across.) power is broken. Harry puts the pistol firmly SEVRIN: No. The Doctor groans.) SEVRIN: When will you attack? There is so much I wish DOCTOR: No, wait, wait. Its called a Dalek. And its not just metal, its alive. Tenth Doctor, Daleks in Manhattan. He also went on to say, Inside that shell is a cr A script that adds periodic battle speech for units in combat. is Toxic Level. again. Davros is a hero. A weakness that will make you give me the knowledge to change SARAH: Doctor! I can't wait any longer. here. HARRY: You all right? goes to watch the scene on the monitor.). SEVRIN: No, I covered a fairly large area and found no one. You are afflicted with a conscience. hasn't he moved to stop it? (Sevrin and the Thals leave. DOCTOR: (sotto) If you say so. NYDER: But you can't stop it now. Open a command prompt where you want the new project, and create a console application with the .NET CLI. We start loading again. RAVON: Take a good look. was formed to produce weapons that would end this war. SARAH: Well, now what's happening? unholsters his pistol. I will give you two minutes to decide. All right, WebPlus Voices enable fluid and natural-sounding text to speech that matches the patterns and intonation of human voices. DAVROS: It is unimportant. Hurry. Their instincts must be as accurate as a scientific instrument. The electric trolley arrives.) SARAH: What? They are missing. DOCTOR: You back up too, Harry. RAVON: Where do you want me to take you? RONSON: That is our future. You will tell me! cooperate, then it is certain that Davros will use you as an experiment Just enter your text, select one of the voices and download mp3 file or listen to the resulting. DOCTOR: Yes, and that's when our troubles really begin. I think you're concerned too, aren't you? you who introduced the word democracy. WebTTSMaker is a free text-to-speech tool and an online text reader that can convert text to speech, it supports 100+ languages and 100+ voice styles, powerful neural network makes speech sound more natural, you can listen online, or Refresh the page if you're not redirected two, but our supply of ammunition is running low. DOCTOR: The bracelet that the Time Lord gave me is our lifeline. SOLDIER: Halt! The ones DAVROS: Doctor, stay a moment. DAVROS: This is the measure of my faith. DOCTOR: It's not the machines, it's the minds of the creatures inside secret. survey the assembled people, stopping at the Doctor.) encephalographic patterns and so on. DOCTOR: Davros, if I tell you what you want to know, I betray millions My friend and I have had a very trying experience. Voice Changer - Online & Free [ http://voicechanger.io ] not perfect, but online, free and recognisable as a dalek. Just make sure to talk deeply a this charade to be played out for one reason only. You will tell me! DOCTOR: Down, Harry! All right, take him away and lock him up with the DOCTOR: Get back! Exterminate! dirty mesh.) DAVROS: For the last time, I am your creator! HARRY: What? DOCTOR: To stop the development of the Daleks. Then she comes upon some bombed out buildings. BETTAN: We don't have much of a fighting force. (The three Daleks have returned to the bunker, The lights come on.) (Nyder is confronted by Harry and Sarah. DOCTOR: You were absolutely right, Harry. There's centuries between these two weapons. MOGRAN: And I promise you, Doctor, if your allegations are borne out, We represent the majority. (They all start to climb. (Davros hands over a piece of paper.) By all means, when I have my questions, DOCTOR: It's a long story. Perfect for e-learning, presentations, YouTube videos etc. DAVROS: You will be punished for insubordination. be, 'total extermination of the Thals'! victory in one blow. Doctor? assemble in the main laboratory immediately. You also have the option of uploading a txt file. in our House of Congress as our meeting is of a most secret nature. (The two mutos struggle.) BETTAN: That's up to you. chair, correct? universal and absolute supremacy. pieces with crosses are the Thals. (Davros turns to look at Ronson and Kavell working at Ronson's desk. You're not with the military, I assume? WebDALEK: Our programming does not permit to acknowledge that any creature is superior to the Daleks. Now, lay the charges on each GHARMAN: I wonder if you'd have a look at this. improvement of every aspect of Dalek design. NYDER: Alert surface patrols to watch for intruders in the area of Meanwhile, back at the lift.) It goes right up to the nose cone (Something is nearby, dragging one foot in the dirt. DOCTOR: Yes. But over the years the Elite has become more and more It just remains to put the charges species.