[19][20] The research, by Bruce Wydick, Paul Glewwe, and Laine Rutledge, evaluated Compassion efforts in six countries, with 10,144 children studied, reporting "large, statistically significant impacts on years of schooling; primary, secondary, and tertiary school completion; and the probability and quality of employment." 2004 1,131,750 2005 0 2001 14,000 2013 0. Based on Twocare.org research, the Love Won Out campaign appears to have been planned by a working group that included Herbert Schlossberg and Don Schmierer, who co-led a presentation at The Gathering 1997 on how to combat organized homosexuality. 2007 103,800 The International Foundation 7. 2006 500 2011 319,879 2009 3,300 2009 370,090 Eldredges paean to manly aggression has been unexpectedly popular among the former head of the ultra-violent Mexican drug cartels La Familia Michoacana and its successor the Knights Templar, which established their fearsome reputation by committing mass decapitations. 2002 141,948 We did see nay cities open up to the gospel for the first time. Revival Prayer Institute, Inc. death, and separation from God is the result of mans rebellion against God, which 2007 5,000 2009 193,200 By contrast, the activities of the foundations whose heads attend the yearly conference known as The Gathering can be readily traced through funding patterns in the 990 tax forms that those foundations file yearly with the Internal Revenue Service, and also through audio archives of sessions from the yearly The Gathering conference going back to 1996. Continuing in this vein, Moi commissioned an inquiry into devil worship as an offficial response to a growing belief that devil worship was becoming prevalent in Kenyan edu- cational institutions (Ogembo 2001, 7)., Alabama Policy Institute (EIN 63-0809568), The Alabama Policy Institute is an example of the overlap of the State Policy Institute system (which promotes pro-business, anti-regulatory legislation authored by ALEC, the American Legislative Council) and the Family Policy Council network associated with Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council (which promotes pro-family legislation and issues, as those are typically defined by the religious right.). Javascript is required on this website, please Enable Javascript in your browser. exists to further the following objectives: 2004 1,000 2005 101,640 2009 4,900 [26] The Ministry of External Affairs later stated that the ban had nothing to do with the ideology of Compassion International.[27]. 2013 166,250. Telling me that you are a homosexual took courage, especially because you know Im a Christian. 2002 1,000 Adding considerable intellectual gravitas to the project (and inspiring evangelical missions theorists such as Miller) has been the simultaneous rise of a secular school of thought, advanced most notably (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiELJTIQT8Q ) by Lawrence E. Harrison, a former USAID official who worked for two decades in Haiti, and by Samuel P. Huntington. 2009 1,145,916 2012 17,050, Great Commission Foundation EIN 35-1057090 2004 0 Thus, the ADF is in effect a spinoff from the elite networks of conservative evangelicals associated with The Fellowship and its offspring The Gathering, a fact which provides strong corroborating evidence for journalist Jeff Sharlets case (as outlined in several chapters his 2009 book C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat To American Democracy [2009, HarperCollins] see: http://harpers.org/blog/2010/09/inside-c-street-six-questions-for-jeff-sharlet/ ) that The Fellowship has played a major role in inspiring Ugandan religious and political leaders to create and promote the infamous Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill. Along with Cromartie, other Villars participants included Howard and Roberta Ahmanson and top Fieldstead & Company leaders, Coalition on Revival steering committee member Ted Baehr, Christian Reconstructionist (and COR member) theorists George Grant and David Chilton, World Vision Vice President Evon Hedley, multiple leaders of Food For The Hungry International including Darrow Miller, conservative evangelical strategist Herbert Schlossberg, and journalist Marvin Olasky one of the leading intellectual architects of George W. Bushs Faith Based Initiative. 2003 234,392 2011 812,500 All Rights Reserved. Traditional Values Coalition 2008 521,098 Family Research Council 5. 2012 106,250. This effort which has neutralized, at least in a public relations sense, charges that participating churches are anti-gay, has helped ignite church growth in Portland according to Palau: Were beginning to see churches grow and new churches planted, because weve demolished that straw man argument of Oh, youre just anti-this and anti-that. South Lake, for example, has planted a church in the Roosevelt neighborhood with 150 people coming. 2007 209,350 2007 1,390,833 The world will come to learn, for example, that though God passionately loves every homosexual, remaining in that sin will cause someone to fall under the sword of His judgment. He told listeners in the sermon that homosexuality is sin in the eyes of God, and it is sin in the word of God and also issued a call to lovingly but firmly respond to the aggressive agenda of homosexual activists., The op-ed quotes the late D. James Kennedy, When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, proudly, violated all of the commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: tolerance for their immorality. (see: http://evangelismexplosion.org/tolerance-police-arrest-louie-giglio/), 2001 37,000 Three cheers., (see:http://www.samaritanspurse.org/article/franklin-graham-statement/ ), 2001 57,560 8 in Forbes' America's Top Charities List in 2020, Compassion is a founding member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability and an accredited charity with the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance. The World Congress of Families whose conferences have featured anti-gay rights agitators such as Scott Lively, Judith Reisman, and ex-gay consigliere Don Schmierer of Fieldstead and Co. has been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-gay hate group. 2004 $25,000 2011 909,480 The ADF was a co-convener of the 2012 World Congress of Families conference in Madrid, and ADF chief counsel Benjamin Bull has traveled to Russia to meet with Russian legislator Yelena Mizulina, who has led legislative efforts in the Russian Duma to pass anti-LGBT and anti-reproductive rights legislation. 2007 66,500 2004 67,500 Global Mobilization Ministries 2004 53,500 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) Ellel promotes the doctrine that homosexuality can be caused by demon possession and teaches methods for exorcising such demons. 2006 2,500 As AP News noted on the occasion of the death of the founder of the two drug gangs, Nazario Moreno, La Familia reportedly took its inspiration from an odd source: the book Wild at Heart . In September 2009, AIs Africa affiliate Advocates Africa hosted a conference (see: http://www.advocatesinternational.org/content/advocates-africa-0), in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at which ADF Senior Vice President Jeffery Ventrella led a plenary session with the title Religious Freedom, the Homosexual Agenda and Advocacy. They are into destroying institutions that have been built by Christians, whether it is universities, governments, our own traditions, that we have. Baehr has participated and spoken at World Congress of Families events and is personal friend to Natalya Yakunina, wife of Vladimir Yakunin (a close ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin) who heads Russias vast and strategically critical rail system. 2008 500 2005 150 2010 65,000 2012 51,040, Mission America Coalition (EIN 23-7317473), National Organization For Marriage (EIN 20-7472471). Campus Crusade founder Bill Brights efforts to political mobilize conservative evangelicals began in the 1970s and Brights ties to far-right business elites enabled him to play a major role in recruiting financiers to bankroll the emergent religious right that burst into national consciousness in the late 1970s to early 1980s. 2010 1,600 2009 7,920 For practical reasons, the encyclopedia covers only a handful of the myriad anti-LGBT groups that NCF funds the most prominent or especially noteworthy organizations in terms of their anti-LGBT rights activities out of the over-17,000 entities funded by the National Christian Foundation as detailed in NCFs 2013 990 tax form filed with the Internal Revenue Service. The ADF in turn works with state-level family policy organizations created under the aegis of (NCF-funded) Focus on The Family and which interface closely with the (NCF-funded) Family Research Council. suffering and injustice. 2008 33,000 2009 112,042 First, Charity Navigators updated criteria removed revenue growth as a measure they evaluate. A fourth MLM board member is J.I. In 2008, Mitala presented Ugandan Martin Ssempa with an award for what the Ugandan government-controlled New Vision news service termed Ssempas anti-gay crusade (see: http://www.newvision.co.ug/D/8/13/649677). Food for the Hungry grants helped fund the creation of the Disciple Nations Alliance, which has worked directly with Ugandan Stephen Langa, one of the top lobbyists for the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill. 2003 66,500 In South America, Compassion works in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. 2005 82,800 This seminar focuses on teaching useful tools for setting people free: the healing of past wounds in order to break strongholds; replacing lies with truth; and closing doors to spiritual opposition., The course description linked directly to the bethelsozo.com website of NAR leader Bill Johnsons NCF-funded Bethel Church (see Bethel Church section). 2012 14,500 2013 613,815, The Becket Fund For Religious Liberty (EIN 52-1858532). 2007 6,000 Jack Klenk serves on the UCUP board of directors. Job specializations: Nursing. 2013 11,341,187. I would not say this in other cultural contexts, Eldridge explained, but the gay agenda has all the elements of that which is truly evil. 2011 3,000 Some U.S. 2010 200,000 Rutherford Institute head John W. Whitehead denies being a Christian Reconstructionist, and a 2007 interview with the nonprofit advocacy group Jews on First (see: http://www.jewsonfirst.org/08a/whitehead.html) seems to indicate that Whitehead has moved some ideological distance from Christian Reconstructionism since his the days of his close association with Christian Reconstructionisms founder R. J. Rushdoony and Rushdoonys most important financial patron Howard Ahmanson, also one of the Institutes top financial backers. ex-gay apologetics (see: http://www.probe.org/site/c.fdKEIMNsEoG/b.4465835/k.9241/Homosexuality.htm), 2002 5,000 2013 1,239,850, Christian Anti-Communism Crusade (EIN 95-1921156). Whitehead credits Rushdoony with providing the outline for his first book, which he researched in Rushdoonys library. Natural disaster. 2013 54,100. 2010 1,000 Not at all! 2007 2,734,300 That was a covenant, a pledge. 2005 0 2012 25,500. As the Executive Director of the New York Civil Liberties Union Donna Lieberman testified in 2012 in the ongoing court case, the Bronx Household of Faith rejects New York State law recognizing same-sex marriages because it fails to recognize the authority of God, creator and sovereign of the universe, as the authority above the state. (see: http://www.nyclu.org/content/testimony-new-york-city-council-regarding-churches-worshipping-schools), 2001 1,000 2012 94,340 2007 2,078,944 Where can I find out information on my childs country? 2007 144,050 2006 2,400 Shocked by rising crime, teen pregnancy, and divorce throughout the 1970s and 1980s, top leaders of the emergent Christian right, such as Bill Bright, had turned to the radical solutions outlined by the overtly theocratic Christian Reconstructionism movement. Efforts to claim a genetic basis for homosexuality are rooted in the assumption that our genes tell us what Gods intention for us is Only the Word of God can tell us what Gods intention is. AIM was conceived from the efforts of Scottish missionary Peter Cameron Scott, and launched its missions and church-planting work with an 1895 expedition to Kenya, where AIM is particularly well established in Africa. 2004 4,000 2006 2,950 2005 7,400 Is Compassion International a nonprofit organization? 2005 46,650 2010 10,000 Indiana Family Institute It was pioneered in the late 1980s by a core group of New Apostolic Reformation leaders including Ed Silvoso, C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, and others and subsequently exported to Africa and the developing world. 2004 242,350 Luis Bushs book The 4/14 Window presents Ugandan Stephen Langa as having helped reverse Ugandas rising HIV infection rate. I looked forward to all your letters, as they were the only times I read the phrase, "We love you.". 2009 1,676,090 Thomas, once a practicing Catholic, has been attending Truro, a charismatic Episcopal church, for about a year, The Friday evening ceremony was a jubilant occasion. Potential criminals, evil doers, would be restrained by fear. 2010 5,100 2007 64,300 2011 58,000 churches in Africa, Asia, Central America and South America. Often we lead the person to speak the commands. 2002 114,125 2005 4,950 2008 1,500 (Bethel Church no EIN provided) 2009 0 2006 65,050 2008 53,100 These kids are in desperate need of the basics like food, water and medicine. The failure to operate from a distinctively Biblical perspective in both methods and goals. . 2005 1,194,145 Compassion International began in 1952 in Chicago, IL, as the Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association. One of the adjunct faculty of WLI has been Julius Oyet, who claims to have co-authored Ugandas Anti Homosexuality Bill. Compassions strong commitment to financial transparency, integrity, and our core purpose of releasing children from poverty in Jesus name is and will continue to be unwavering. When people were held in bondage to hunger and deprivation by unjust social 2009 500,066 I know its at least over 80 percent, I believe its 80-85 percent success rate. 2002 32,500 Wrote journalist David Corn, for The Nation magazine, in 1991. It was a project of the Chick-Fil-A led Marriage CoMission, a coalition of dozens of ministries and organizations dedicated to fighting the downward spiral of marriage and the traditional family in America., The project included the participation numerous anti-LGBT organizations and leaders including Exodus International, Citizens for Community Values, the Alliance For Marriage (a driving force behind state anti-same sex marriage amendments), leaders from Focus on the Family, leaders from The Navigators, Campus Crusade For Christ Military Ministry, Alan Carlson and Larry Jacobs of the Howard Center, members of the Georgia Family Council, and representatives from Campus Crusade For Christ (Family Life).