So we fired him. If this is the same one, she was pretty infamous. Well, the first attempt they pulled up before landing so obviously something was wrong, he said. Commutair 4933 | Jetcareers This isn't surprising to me at all. Ive seen interview flights of no more than 20 minutes lead to absolutely invaluable insight. Le 23 fvrier 2019, un Boeing 767 cargo effectuant le vol Atlas Air 3591 pour le compte d'Amazon Air, entre l'aroport international de Miami, en Floride, et l'aroport intercontinental George-Bush de Houston, au Texas, s'crase Trinity Bay, prs de la ville d'Anahuac, lors de son approche sur Houston.Les deux membres d'quipage et le seul passager prsent bord meurent dans l . CommutAir Flight 4933 (operating as United Express Flight 4933) was a domestic regional flight operating from Newark, New Jersey, to Presque Isle, Maine, in the United States. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Investigation Report. He had been recently suffering from the flu and had lost sleep, and had made only limited and inconsistent use of his prescribed continuous positive airway pressure machine for several days leading to the accident. Presque Isle International Airport will be closed until further notice as representatives of the Federal Aviation Administration investigate, Smith said. March 17, 2020. . Air safety incidents for Commutair - AeroInside One pilot and three passengers were injured, and the aircraft was substantially damaged. [7], The NTSB identified the first officer's lack of sleep as a contributing factor. NTSB: United Express plane missed runway in Presque Isle Following the incident, Senator Collins contacted the National Transportation Safety Board and asked them to investigate the cause of the accident. [1]:1314, Flight 4933 departed from Newark Liberty International Airport around 10:04Eastern Standard Time(EST) (14:04UTC). Oh well, its not like lives are at stake or anything. Due to internet piracy we needed to close access to proxies. The NTSB determined that the probable cause of this accident was the flight crews decision, due to confirmation bias, to continue the descent below the decision altitude when the runway had not been positively identified.. According to the report, the landing followed the pilot's second approach to runway 1 after having conducted a missed approach during the first approach. It was the copilot's first day on the job. Publicado hace 1 segundo. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Wow, clearly that investigator was a sport's guy, cause I wouldn't have known what to make of it. Contradicting the report that the plane landed on the runway and then skidded off, he said, that the actual landing, if you want to call it that, completely missed the runway. Airborne 02.24.23: GAMA 2022 Report, Piper News, Starship March Launch. A pilot and two passengers received minor injuries. It's interesting to see what gets released fairly quickly (such as the 909 accident) or takes forever. I remember her from when I got hired at VX. that one. We climbed out on a ladder with the help of local firefighters, he said. From June 2007 to October 2008, the aircraft was operating for Delta Connection before operating once again for Continental Express until October 2010 when it commenced operations for United Express. 3:11-cv-05 | Casetext Search + Citator. ). Frankly, it's a white man's favorite myth. The plane touched down then slid off the runway. He had not gone to sleep until around 1:00 EST the night before the accident due to flight and shuttle delays during the preceding workday, and he had only slept until 6:00 EST, about five hours, whereas he usually slept for about eight hours. [4], The aircraft was substantially damaged and was subsequently written off as a result. NTSB: United Express plane missed runway in Presque Isle - WCSH Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It is not clear what may have caused this to happen, Smith said. Track CommutAir (C5) #4933 flight from Houston Bush Int'ctl to Lafayette Rgnl/Paul Fournet Fld. This map shows the airport of departure and the intended destination of the flight. [1]:15, In a post crash interview, the first officer of the flight stated that when he transitioned from looking at his flight instruments to the outside, all he could see was "white on white". Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The runway had been plowed about ten minutes earlier. American that struck ground and a few others at JFK. PRESQUE ISLE, Maine (WABI) A United Express flight had a rough landing at Presque Isle's airport Monday leaving a pilot and four passengers with minor injuries, that according to city officials. The EMB145XR subsequently impacted the snow-covered grassy area between runway 1 and a parallel taxiway. The line is connecting ADS-B datapoints from FlightAware. This was the second approach to runway 1 after having conducted a missed approach during the first approach. If you search the database for accidents in Presque Isle, Maine there is no mention of flight 4933. CommutAir Flight 4933 (operating as United Express Flight 4933) was a domestic regional flight operating from Newark, New Jersey, to Presque Isle, Maine, in the United States. Theyre famous here too! Nonetheless, they didnt call for a second go-around. There were 28 passengers and three crew members on board CommutAir flight 4933 flying from Newark to Presque Isle, the company said. Senator Collins Issues Statement on NTSB Report on 2019 Presque Isle See this is my problem with the industry. I have to wonder if I could have been honest, if that copilot and passenger would be alive today. An earlier approach had been aborted. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The final straw was flying in IMC into a bay surrounded by mountains to eht to a local village (Alaska) the villagers complained loudly. Rick Daigle said from the airport via an interview using Facebook messenger that passengers realized there was a problem even before the plane hit the runway. This accident occurred less than 2 weeks after the Atlas crash. NTSB Where is the NTSB Report on Commutair 4933? : r/flying - reddit What do you think about this accident? Simple Flying will be at the Farnborough Airshow next week. Pilots I know firsthand, who had massive training and proficiency issues, are now working for major carrierssome in heavy jets, others in the NB left seat. Commutair. It sounds like visual illusions, problems with the localizer in the snow, and sticking to SOP seem to be some of the biggest factors here. I'm personally still waiting to see what happened to the American that struck ground and a few others at JFK. On Jul 8th 2022 the NTSB released their factual report reporting amongst other details: On March 2, 2019 (2 days before the accident), the flight crew of . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Do you think the history of the CA here will have any impact on contributing factors to future hiring practices? Of the 31 passengers and crew onboard, two passengers and 1 crewmember received minor injuries. By the time it exploded in midair 25 years later, it had . PRIA is worthless when airlines just let it slide with a good Cage Consulting spit shine. On March 4, 2019, CommutAir flight 4933, a 50 passenger Embraer plane, was attempting to land on runway 1 at Presque Isle International Airport in light to moderate snow. At an Appropriations hearing in July 2019, The report determined the probable causes of this accident to be, The first officers fatigue, which exacerbated his confirmation bias, and. Also big Yikes. The flight was operating under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121 as a regularly scheduled domestic passenger from Newark International Airport (KEWR), Newark, New Jersey, to KPQI. Senator Susan Collins, the Ranking Member of the Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee, issued a statement on the release of the National Transportation Safety Boards (NTSB) final report on the missed runway incident at Presque Isle International Airport that occurred in March of 2019. PDF TECHNICAL SERVICE BULLETIN - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration For more information, please see our The airplane touched down before he could determine what he was seeing. At an Appropriations hearing in July 2019, Senator Collins raised this issue directly with then-Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao. The Daigles are parents to a 4 1 /2 year old son. There are pilots making it into airline cockpits that have had training failures at other airlines and they have been able to hide them from future employers. And for such a serious incident too, anything involving airlines usually takes 2 years. Accident Number: ENG15IA024 Operator/Flight Number: United Express flight 4776 (operated by CommutAir) Aircraft and Registration: Bombardier DHC-8-202, N363PH . The non-flying pilot was a female captain with a history of training failures. Commutair E145 missed the runway entirely at Presque Isle : flying - reddit Report: United 2019 Embraer 145 Crash Due To Pilot Misidentifying Snow PRESQUE ISLE, Maine (WAGM) - The National Transportation Safety Board issued a final report on the missed runway incident at the Presque Isle International Airport that happened in 2019. I have started a talk page discussion about possibly revising the naming conventions to clearly address regional-brand flights. The preliminary report on the accident of United Flight 4933 says that on March 4th at 11:43 am United Express landed between runway 1 and the taxiway in light to moderate snow at the Northern Maine Regional Airport in Presque Isle. Reports provide details about the accident, analysis of the factual data, conclusions and the probable cause of the accident, and the related safety recommendations. Today, U.S. I had no idea that snow could affect the localizer signal. One pilot & three passenger reported minor injuries. I never had an issue, but she could be very abrasive, especially toward FAs. How difficult he is ? The airplane was substantially damaged. The NTSB also determined that the first officer was fatigued, which contributed to his confirmation bias; that the captain had demonstrated "poor judgment and decision-making" in instructing the first officer to continue the approach although he did not have the runway in sight; and that the ILS localizer was out of tolerance by about 200ft (61m) to the right, a condition that had been noticed during six previous CommutAir flights, including by the accident first officer, but had not been properly reported to the FAA. DropTank Well-Known Member May 22, 2022 #3 Roger Roger said: Vol Atlas Air 3591 Wikipdia NTSB database search results for Presque Isle, Maine. The accident took place on a snowy day in 2019 at Presque Isle International Airport. They also ping the FO for not using his CPAP in a few places. Just because you are a pilot doesn't mean you are a good pilot and belong in a high performance part 121 aircraft! After reaching the decision altitude, the captain said she had seen the runway in front of the aircraft. NTSB releases Final Report of the 2019 Presque Isle plane crash - WAGM That final report has been out for months. CommutAir/United Express #UA4933 from Newark landed in Presque Isle and left the runway to the right. But ALPA is too scared theyll get hit by a DFR lawsuit. United Express, landed between runway 1 and taxiway A in. During the final approach, the pilots decided to do a go-around after they were unable to see the runway. Most reports focus on a single accident, though the NTSB also produces reports . Just before our initial push, I became ill. No one should have to work under those conditions. When the airplane was below 100 feet above ground level, the captain and the first officer expressed confusion stating they didnt know what they were seeing. [3], The aircraft had three crew members (two pilots and a flight attendant). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our site. commutair 4933 ntsb report - Rule 3: We are seeing many changes in the hiring/retention environment in the airlines in the USA. Accident: Commutair E145 at Presque Isle. I had an employee that was a good stick and rudder pilot but horrible decision maker, cocky, and just did stupid shit like rolling a company 207. Lets investigate further. There are probably so many qualified candidates out there that would be a joy to fly with but didnt get the job because they used the wrong greeting. ^^^ You nailed it. Report: United 2019 Embraer 145 Crash Due To Pilot Misidentifying Snow Covered Runway. On the second attempt, the pilot landed off the runway between runway 1 and a parallel taxiway. They found that on the initial approach the crew executed a go-around as they weren't able to establish the runway, they saw snow and a structure with an antenna but no runway. Going into MEX after midnight during thunderstorm season would have been a single pilot operation for me.I wonder how their CPP interview will go at U Was just released yesterday or day before that he completely missed the runway. The benefits of subscriptionGet the news right onto your desktop when they happenPut the news on your website/in your newspaper. The plane left Newark, New Jersey and landed in Presque Isle around 11:30 Monday morning. Many were hired right after failures. This is preliminary information, subject to change, and may contain errors. The NTSB has released a preliminary report from an incident in which a CommutAir flight 4933, an Embraer EMB-145XR, N14171, d.b.a. ALPA needs to be stop defending these pilots all the time. We'll check the IP address and possibly reenable access. Rick and Cassie Daigle, owners of Too Far North Fitness in Fort Kent, were on the flight returning from Columbus, Ohio, where Cassie Daigle was competing in a kettlebell event at the Arnold Sports Expo. For all the latest news from the show click here! Airport maintenance staff later reported that the runway lights were not illuminated at the time. NTSB: United Express E145 Missed Runway Entirely - Aero-News The first officer then spotted a tower near the aircraft's position, and realizing that the aircraft was not aligned properly with the runway, he initiated a missed approach. Washington, D.C. Today, U.S. Cookie Notice Cass did say to me she will be OK when she sees Keegan, Rick Daigle said. As a leader of the Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Collins has consistently secured robust funding for the instrument landing system (ILS) that provides pilots with precision landing information in poor visibility. Commutair 4933 Roger Roger May 22, 2022 1 2 3 4 Next Roger Roger Paid to sleep, fly for fun May 22, 2022 #1 Couldn't find the original threads, but the docket is open NTSB Docket - Docket Management System Minuteman "Dongola" May 22, 2022 #2 Oh yeah . At least they were at the correct airport. In August 2016, the aircraft was transferred to CommutAir. ago I did a bit of work in the training department at my regional. We tell them Our goal here is to overwhelm you to see how you handle it I watched one applicant put us in a 30 degree nose down tuning a radio. On March 4, 2019, CommutAir flight 4933, a 50 passenger Embraer plane, was attempting to land on runway 1 at Presque Isle International Airport in light to moderate snow. Kathryn's Report: Embraer ERJ-145, N14171: Accident occurred March 04 NTSB said it will document the reconstruction using 3D techniques, and the data will be archived for historical purposes. Preliminary Accident and Incident Notices are also available in csv format (Microsoft Excel) for downloading and use in databases or spreadsheets. There were three minor injuries. PDF National Transportation Safety Board - CommutAir 4933 accident at PQI docket has been released to the public by the NTSB This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 68 44 44 comments Best EJ1134 7 mo. UA (C5) 4933 Runway Excursion at PQI on 4 March 2019 She had accumulated a total of 5,655 flight hours, 1,044 of them on the Embraer EMB-145XR. 3.4. [1]:15, Around the time of the first approach, the Automatic Weather Observation System (AWOS) at the airport was reporting wind from 060 at 4kn (4.6mph; 7.4km/h) and visibility of 0.50mi (0.80km) in moderate snow and freezing fog. It is against the APC Forum Rules to advocate any labor action which is not authorized by the RLA/NMB. The flight departed from Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) with 28 passengers and three crew members. I was suppose to start a four day trip with an individual that displayed this described behavior. 34 votes, 28 comments. 2017. Adopted: March . The first officer stated "I'm staying on the flight director 'cause I don't see it yet", and the captain responded by repeating the phrase "stay in it", followed by "what the [expletive]" and the first officer saying "I dont know what Im seein'." The airplane was substantially damaged. The pilot did not touch down on the first attempt. Its like we didnt learn from Colgan, except to keep the 1500 hr (which I dont think would have stopped the crash, but different topic for different day). The aircraft was piloted by a 40-year-old captain who joined CommutAir in March 2013 before working for another air carrier in November 2015. (closed by non-admin page mover) Extraordinary Writ (talk) 20:49, 15 August 2022 (UTC), CommutAir Flight 4933 United Express Flight 4933 Per WP:COMMONNAME, crashes of regional jets operated by contractors under a major airline's regional brand name should use the brand name for easy identification by members of the general public, who are typically unfamiliar with contractors such as CommutAir (not to mention Envoy, Endeavor, Republic, Jazz Aviation, etc.). The "issues" she speaks of was that she lied about hours and qualifications and it went beyond that but I can't remember the specifics. Instead, they saw white on white and a structure with an antenna but not the runway itself. On the second approach when the FO stated he couldn't see the runway at a hundred feet, she should have called for a go around and did not. 28 pax/3 crew. The first officer and two of the 28 passengers sustained minor injuries. Landing under that set of circumstances is a fools errand. [1]:78, The aircraft ascended from a minimum altitude of 703ft (214m) mean sea level (MSL) [169ft (52m) above ground level (AGL)] to around 1,000ft (300m) MSL. JavaScript is disabled. The report determined the probable causes of this accident to be the flight crews decision, due to confirmation bias, to continue the descent below the decision altitude when the runway had not been positively identified. By subscribing to our service you can get the news mailed right onto your desktop as soon as The Aviation Herald reports them and get permission to publish the news/articles on your website or reprint them in your newspaper (but not to relicense/redistribute them to other venues), provided you print proper reference (avherald) or provide a proper link to our article on your online publication. The Daigles were still at the airport as of 2 p.m. after having been interviewed by emergency medical technicians and a United representative, Daigle said. I do not see how PRD will help that kind of situation. The NTSB has scrubbed any mention of this accident from their website. PDF Service Bulletin 18-002 The flight was operated by CommutAir under the United Express brand. However, none of the pilots reported the issues. The Ohio-based regional carrier, in which No.3 U.S. airline . [1]:5 Investigators found that the localizer antenna was surrounded by 25ft (0.611.52m) of snow; after confirming the reported localizer misalignment, the snow was cleared, and this caused correct localizer alignment to be restored. The pilot did not touch down on the first attempt. Fourteen minutes after the accident, visibility had improved to 0.75mi (1.21km), with scattered clouds at 800ft (240m) AGL, and an overcast ceiling at 1,300ft (400m) AGL. United Express 4933 Recovery - At least five days before the accident, six pilots who flew into PQI encountered issues with the ILS localizer. Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) prevailed at the airfield, with low ceilings, fog, and blowing snow. We smelled some burning, but nothing was on fire. Following the incident, Senator Collins contacted the National Transportation Safety Board and asked them to investigate the cause of the accident. [2] It came to rest with the left main landing gear assembly sheared off and wedged between the rear fuselage and the left engine. The NTSB report uses CommutAir in favor of United Express and through that, I note that nearly every article is mentioned through that convention (excluding Colgan Air Flight 3407 and a lengthy discussion about it took place if you see the archives. Rick Daigle said the scene inside the airplane as it landed was one of chaos with people screaming and seat parts popping off. "Landed and slid to the right of the runway" and "landed on Runway 1 and then veered off" were respective initial statements from CommutAir and the FAA, both of which contradict the findings. The airplane was substantially damaged. The report indicated that Golden State was leading at halftime 58-49. In October 2020, FAA provided additional guidance for airport operators about snow removal around navigational aids. The CommutAir managing director of safety could not state a reason why the reports were not filed earlier. Contributing to the accident was also the first officers fatigue, which exacerbated his confirmation bias and the failure of at least six pilots who had observed the localizer misalignment to report it to the company and air traffic before the accident. Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 8:04:00AM EST, Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 9:15:00AM EST, Sunday, February 6, 2022 at 9:15:00PM EST, Sunday, February 6, 2022 at 9:30:00PM EST, Monday, March 11, 2019 at 12:37:00AM EDT, Saturday, March 23, 2019 at 8:50:00PM EDT, Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 6:49:00PM EST, Sunday, February 6, 2022 at 9:20:00PM EST, Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 12:20:00AM EDT.