that I need doesnt come in one pill so Im taking 100 mcg one day and 75 on the other. Lowered heart rate. Memory loss. the tests after 3 weeks showed my TSH to be 12.920 and now she wants to increase the meds to 175. Iodine is essential for proper function of the thyroid gland, which uses it to make the thyroid hormones. Restart Medical LLC. So I had the ablation without much research on my own, and now Im at the highest weight of my life and miserable. I have Hypothyroid Mom readers struggling with hypothyroidism now since treatment for their Graves' with radioactive iodine (RAI) or thyroidectomy. This keeps the radioactivity from destroying other cells in your body and only allows for the destruction of your thyroid gland. I had a miscarriage about a year after the RAI treatment. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it in for 20 minutes. I have a quick question. We know that that still leaves lots of options if your heart isn't already set on a color. It doesnt appear that the first treatment was sufficient to destroy the hot nodules (or there is some other issue). You probably will not feel sick during this time, but these precautions are in place to prevent you from accidentally harming another person! Rinse your hair with warm water and shampoo it. I eat a diet free of inflammatory foods and exercise 3-5 times a week, but I cant get my weight to budge more than 5-10 pounds. Need better symptom control? They are basically useless here, Ive been to two, and I am actually SCARED for the first time in my life. You can expect to live a fairly normal life after radioactive iodine treatment but your life will probably not be exactly as it was before your procedure. Be wary of home-use products, and use recommended professional products for dye, highlights and conditioning. It was also noted my B/P was sometimes Hypertensive, and my glucose readings were starting to climb. The doctor started me on .50 of Synthroid, and taking the first dose my eyes cleared the next day. However, it affects only the body part that is being treated with radiation. I work hard at it. The researchers found that the proportion of overweight people increased from 9.6% to 18.5% (almost double) and the proportion of obese patients increased from 6.4% to 21% (almost quadruple) (4). Your TSH should always drop as you increase your thyroid dose and you should aim to get that TSH around the 1.0 range (which is considered normal in healthy adults). One study looked at 157 people and tracked them both before and after their procedure. #1., #2., #3., #4., #5., #6., #7., #8. Thyroid Ultrasound: A thyroid gland impacted by Graves' disease is often enlarged and may have increased blood flow; both of these elements can be visualized by thyroid ultrasound. who gave me 150 of Synthyroid. Some people also feel flushed. I will know more in a few days when he has all the pathology reports back etc. I am concerned. My question is what if I do radiation while my thyroid isnt hyperactive? I have been asked to transport a friend who is having Radioactive Iodine treatment both the day of and a couple days later for her followup scan. I must admit I feel like a lab rat at times with all the tests and trials. My last blood test shows TSH of 0.02 and I have been asked to go for a follow up test. Rarely, people can feel pain in their neck. 240-760-6600. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. The thyroid gland is the only tissue in the body that takes up and holds onto iodine. If I have all of these symptoms and have had levels increase so much, is it worth seeing another dr due to my history or do you think this is normal? Theres no way to tell if your eye symptoms are related to your thyroid without first trying to optimize your TSH (which should be your next step). olive oil, vegetable oils and nut oils. (Pat). Prior to that, I always weighed in the 125-130 lb range (normal for my height). Methimazole Side Effects You Should Be Aware Of (What to Expect), Hashimotos vs Graves Disease: Differences & Similarities, read more about my own personal health journey, free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 New Thyroid Support Supplements: Thyro Fuel, Thyro Biotic & Hashimotos Ab Rx, The 50 mcg Levothyroxine & Synthroid Medication Hack. To help prevent thyroid problems that may cause hair problems, it's important to get sufficient dietary . Radioiodine treatment avoids surgery, anesthesia, and anti-thyroid drugs. If we extrapolate out this data then it means that on average 30% of all people who undergo RAI can expect to gain some kind of weight. Prior to my RAI my level was .03. It has to do with how important your thyroid is in regulating your metabolism and your weight. Now that you are considered to be hypothyroid there is a world of potential therapies, supplements, regimens, and protocols that are available to you. At that time my numbers were so low I was experiencing eye problems. Last week labs getting better with a methylpro supplement. To protect family pets, do not sleep with them for up to 21 days. I read your list of vitamins all NINE of them, and the only thing I could think of is NO! You can omit the leptin resistance rx if weight isnt an issue (but it tends to be something that many RAI patients struggle with). While you cant control this side effect 100%, you can do your best to mitigate (or reduce) any weight gain by going into your procedure at a normal and healthy weight. After reading all the comments I feel worried about the side effects.I saw in the report that they give me I-131 15mcl for hyperthyroidism. Read our, An Overview of Thyroid Disease Treatments, The Low-Iodine Diet for Radioactive Iodine Treatment, Society of Nuclear Medicine Procedure Guidelines (PDF), Practice Recommendations of the American Thyroid Association (PDF). Not everyone gains weight after RAI, if thats what you mean by treatment but if you are going to, it will start within 4-6 weeks of the procedure and may continue for several months. This usually means that you are being overtreated and are being put into a state of hypothyroidism. If you are a man, just be sure to consider this before you get your operation. People who do have hyperthyroidism tend to have a fast metabolism, but the treatment for hyperthyroidism (the medication you are taking) slows down the metabolism dramatically which leads to weight gain. I feel good, but still struggling with tiredness and some weight gain (some weight gain due to post menopause). Well since this journey has began Ive lost almost all of my hair and gained a ton of weight. I eat three meals with three snack times. And that training tells me I wont be ready to go back to work that afternoon. I eat all organic. Like the effects of chemotherapy, hair follicles and new hair are more delicate and prone to . Anecdotally, youve probably already heard stories about people gaining weight after their procedure. Protecting Your Family After Radioactive Iodine Treatment. Hair follicles, which can influence hair shaft structure, length, and color, are known to respond to hormones including TSH. Is there specialist out there that can look at your overall health history and help you get a regime that is right in regard to everything that is going on with you, i.e. Fortunately, most patients experience reduced symptoms about a month after treatment. This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Westin Childs and is for educational and information purposes only. So when you take radioactive iodine your body will automatically take it up and store it in the thyroid gland. The radioactive iodine uptake test (RAIU) is also known as a thyroid uptake. Im worried more about loosing my hair than my life. Hyperthyroidism is a condition where your body produces too much thyroid hormone so the treatment is to destroy your thyroid gland and stop that production. The permanency can be seen as a benefit as patients condition will become stable and symptoms can be more easily controlled. I am a former Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (no longer practicing) that now focuses on producing the information you see here while also formulating some of the best supplements on the market (in my HUMBLE opinion) :). to covid weight, but now the hair loss! You can read more about my own personal health journey and why I am so passionate about what I do. I also used Nioxin shampoo. Findings from a study of patients who received radioactive iodine (RAI) treatment for hyperthyroidism show an association between the dose of treatment . How to Avoid The Dangerous Side Effects of Radioactive Iodine Treatment No, you won't lose your hair after a radioactive iodine treatment. Catnip works for lighter colors. I think that she was supposed to maint. meat. For more details, see our Privacy Policy. Thinning hair. A better option might be to try just a partial thyroidectomy or to take out just the half of the thyroid with the cancer. Treating Hypothyroidism After Radioactive Iodine - BodyLogicMD Low Iodine Diet | American Thyroid Association There's no medical indication to support this as a benefit, and as we mentioned above, excess iodine could cause much bigger problems in the long run. I was exercising and my nutrition intake is organic most fruits, vegetables, meets grass fed etc. In your case, these would be best: Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a7703e5f38024655a2d5bbdddbfa13ec" );document.getElementById("bc952adef4").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Hey There! I have Graves disease and recently have a hyperthyroid flare up after being in remission, I went back on my meds but was recently taken off to see if I can do radiation. I had radiation iodine therapy in late September. Iodine and Hair Loss: What's the Connection? | hims Your article is quite interesting. Its normal in the sense that ALL post RAI patients will become hypothyroid but abnormal in the sense that you should NOT feel poorly if you are treated properly. A large study found an increase in some cancer types in people who had radioactive iodine treatment for hyperthyroidism compared with the general population. When you are given radioactive iodine, it is taken up by cancer cells and destroys themincluding those that have spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Post-therapy whole-body scan with abnormal radioactive iodine - Healio I'm Dr. Westin Childs. Since then, each year various GPs have looked at my thyroid function test results, focused solely on the low TSH reading and have now reduced my levothyroxine down to 100 despite my arguments to the contrary. Will it cause you to gain weight? It is not common in the United States to hospitalize patients after RAI, but if you are receiving a particularly high dosage of iodine 131 and have no way to protect children or babies, it may be an option. And I cry at the drop of a hat now too. The risk of developing a secondary malignancy due to radioactive iodine therapy . If possible, its always ideal to try and normalize your weight BEFORE the procedure. Currently they have me on a combination of 100mcg Synthroid with 1 Grain of Armour (60mg. Small amounts of I-131 may also leave through your saliva, sweat and feces. You can opt-out at any time. How to Clean After Radioactive Iodine Treatment - wikiHow Hyperthyroid Symptoms Checklist Do you Have an Overactive Thyroid? Before they killed my thyroid and before it was even diagnosed the heat affected me something terrible and would just take my breath away. Thyroid Hormone Resistance: What is it & How to Diagnose it. What should I do after this treatment to restore my metabolic functioning and gut biome? I had RAI treatment year 2010, and now I am taking levothyroxine for my hormonal replacement since I am considered as hypothyroid patient. The majority of radioactive iodine, therefore, will be absorbed by any remaining thyroid cells. You can expect to live a fairly normal life after radioactive iodine treatment but your life will probably not be exactly as it was before your procedure. The best course of action is to contact the doctor that was responsible for your procedure and let them know about your symptoms. Iodine, an essential mineral, may affect hair health and hair growth through its effects on thyroid function. If you havent already then you would probably want to make sure it isnt your other hormones causing these issues. It is a good idea to increase your fluid intake after an imaging exam involving an iodine-based contrast material to help remove the contrast material from your body. Contrast distinguishes, or "contrasts," between organs, tissues, bones, or blood vessels during your imaging exam. 5PM supper with VS and glucose readings. Reds that lean more violet or pink than red are also your best bet. You can find my recommendations on how to manage hair growth/hair loss with thyroid disease in this detailed guide: My hair is the one and only thing about my looks that is considered beauty. General Information. Results were. If weight loss is your primary goal then I would take a look at my weight loss program here: Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease that leads to overactivity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism). Thank you for any advice! New study findings show an association between the dose of a common treatment for hyperthyroidism and risk of death from solid cancers. All rights reserved. I know this post is older but I am considering radiation! The real concern with radiation exposure to others in your family has more to do with them coming into contact with actual contamination. Thank Sharon. My Dr. stated that my MTHFH enzyme is blocked indicating a genitic issue. I would like to try some of your supplements, but not sure which ones I should be looking at. Call (800) 542-1123 or visit to learn more about protecting your home against radioactive iodine. Several of my siblings make fun of me and say I am hiding but dont even know what Graves disease is and I was not around them and did not share my health issues until recently with them. #4. The connection between your weight gain and hyperthyroidism is explained here: After your treatment, you won't be able to go home using public transportation, such as buses, the subway, trains, or a plane. Can Hashimotos Be Reversed? . Along with a pain and numbness in my right hand. Use vitamin C powder. And if the color is hash on the . This means avoiding public transportation, hotels, carpools, and in some cases, your workplace. This is of particular concern because this can lead to internal uptake with the radioactive iodine then accumulating in their thyroids. Radioactive Iodine 131 (I-131) | Stony Brook Cancer Center You may gain weight after you undergo radioactive iodine treatment. I have not lost any weight. Dont let this be of major concern to you, though, because in most cases these symptoms can be managed. Radioactive iodine therapy is a systemic and targeted treatment. You can drive yourself, have someone pick you up and take you home, or take a taxi or private car. Please help! My doctor has changed my meds 5 times I was doing better if my medication was a little on the high sideI had started to lose wait, had more energy & the best ever NO SWEATS, but she said no, WHY! Since then I have suffered most every day with severe chemical sensitivity. My symptoms include very dry skin, heart problems, severe pain, muscle problems, joint issues, sometimes brain fog, hair is brittle and dry, constipation, stomach issues, basically nothing is right since the treatment. Im hoping I still have some thyroid function based on the fact that he kept lowering my dose of levothyroxine and I can just take your supplements and see some weight loss and feel a bit better. They do this by either stopping your oral thyroid medication or giving you thyrogen. Pls.can u explain about this. After radioactive iodine treatment - Cancer Research UK So I have graves disease but was only diagnosed because I was actually gaining weight. Want to know why I'm so passionate about these topics? However, I havent been placed on any med after treatment what is your professional opinion. My question is even though my thyroid is dead, should the T3 and T4 level be tested as well? 2 capsules of T3 Conversion Booster daily (important if you take T4 only medication!) 4. The short answer to this is no taking iodine supplements will have little to no effect on your hair growth. Information for patients administered radioactive iodine (I-131). Yup, the pain and numbness Dx CTS, that was put on the back burner for a while, as it wasnt all that troublesome at the moment. The cold also affects me if its too cold I really get cold but thinking back I pretty much think I was always like that with cold. This shouldnt stop you from trying natural therapies (as long as they are relatively inexpensive and not harmful) but you should have reasonable expectations as you do so. I am now living in the Midwest originally from Iowa. So, now my doctor told me a list of things to expect over the next while. Improving gut function can be done through diet and supplements. can i color my hair after radioactive iodine And to key to getting there is to understand what happens to your body after this procedure and how it influences your thyroid function. Hi, Dr. Westin ChildsI had Graves disease and had the radioactive iodine treatmentyour information was so good to read..weight gain is becoming an issue I just watch what I eat and exercise as much as I can I also have osteoporosis but managing well so far Thank you so much for your information. And how can I persuade my GP to think about more than a TSH reading? Foods to Avoid if you Have Thyroid Problems: Ive found that these 10 foods cause the most problems for thyroid patients. Since I was at the office a week ago complaining about what PTU was doing to my body I feel nervous about calling the endocrinologist again. Then too, my annual eye exam with dilation is due now, that appointment is upcoming, as well as further dental with my regular dentist now that I have the one impacted and rotted tooth extracted. The amount Prior to discovering the bump, I had reversed my Diabetes and had consistent HA1C readings of 5 or lower. This may or may not be important to you based on your age, your gender, and whether or not fertility is something you are interested in but, again, its worth knowing about. My GP at the time liked to keep me on that level despite blood results as he said it was better for patients to be at the higher end of the scale in case they needed a metabolic boost when ill. Radioactive iodine (RAI) is a treatment that uses radiation to treat thyroid cancer. Are those levels indicative of something going wrong? can i color my hair after radioactive iodine - I have Graves Disease and lost 40 pounds. Hopefully, you're now a lot closer to figuring out what color you should dye your hair. My supplements can help but they will not take the place of thyroid medications like levothyroxine. Radioactive iodine (RAI) is a treatment method for hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer. I guess that is my main question because I am willing to do the hard work even if it takes a long time. These effects include a warm, flushing sensation, a salty or metallic taste in the mouth, a brief headache, or nausea. I am a female, and Im 60 years old, soon to be 61. Graves' Disease: Life After Radioactive Iodine Treatment - HealthMatch