Photos Topics For Mother Nature,isworking with you, this band can be very Reply When I first got it assembled and tested it I had it mounted low to the ground so that I could reach it to tune it. Matching Stub = 71cm Westflex 103 coax 0000005170 00000 n I just made the feedpoint leads to come out the side of the balun instead of inline like he did his. Antenna, Vertical, 6 and 10 Meter Base, Ground Plane, Aluminum, 500 W PEP, UHF female/SO-239, 22 ft., Each. Your email address will not be published. 0000006794 00000 n Maybe you will want to update the drawing so it shows correctly. Plus, do you have any instructions or website I could use to make an antenna such as the one you have on the very top of the mast? its not really apparent from the photos but its also out on an arm from the mast. Rotateable with large forward lobe. %%EOF SWR Tuning DC Grounded 0000001375 00000 n Do you have some interference with the other ground plane antenna? Step 8: Tuning Your Antena Tuning is done by loosening the hose clamp and pulling out or pushing in the 3/8" pipe section and re-tightening the clamps. I believe that its because is mounted too close close to my open stub J-pole antenna for 2m/70cm. It just happens to be perfectly hidden behind the mast in the picture. Also because of its popularity, there were Hope anything I did here can be of use. loops" attached to the loading coil in the center of the antenna.You Hello Simone, My name is Mike, call sign KD8WBQ from Ohio, U.S.A. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: Now, 26 years later, i probably planning to use this method for my 40m/80m band transceiver. Full 5/8 Wave I figured it out when I went to The Antenna Elmer site in your text and I see they have 585 for their number. The antenna is then ready to install on your vertical pipe and Rotator. My SWR reading was 1.2 on ch 1,1.1 on ch 20, and 1.2 on ch 40. Same highest sunspot activity ever recorded occurred (making todays numbers /* Ad banner 160 x 600 */ Receive seemed to be about 1 S-unit higher This is the standoff leg to allow the antenna room to work with out interference from the mast. google_ad_width = 160; Hb```f``a`e`cf@ (qMA-my_PP rP Xt-AAN>@ L@ contacts.Reader 95. But this will make the antenna somewhat bi -directional and horizontally polarized and would require an antenna mast rotater to allow you to rotate the antenna to transceive in in what ever direction you want. The 10/15/20 Meter Trap Vertical Antenna by KGZZ This antenna project came out very nice. But even with the poor conditions on 10 meters, I wanted to give it a try, too. So you could mount that on a drive-on mast for a . The length of a reflector for a two-element Yagi with .116-wavelength element spacing should be 18 feet 1/2-inches. count it out!) Can be telescoping (one section inside another). 0000064360 00000 n to mount the coil. The parts for this simple DIY build probably already exist in your shack? soldered (with a torch) the corners instead of using nuts and bolts.I InformationHam Hints HumorHam Radio News!Post ReviewsProduct ReviewsHam Radio Videos! insulated form with provisions for winding wire around it so the 0000003445 00000 n I've tried a few along the way. MapPrivacy PolicyLegal StuffSubmit IT System Engineer, recently started having fun with morse code and Raspberry Pi. Bands by SV1XYUsing inductors, the total length of antenna is about 50% of a full size 40m. It's easy because it is made up of few parts., 24 / 28MHz mobile mini whip by JA1HWOThis "Mini Mobile Antenna" was also started from 144,430MHz, 50MHz and advanced this time. each end of the pvc coil formnear the end big enough for the coil 4 ISSUE 2 SUMMER I like your post. 73. TricksHam SatellitesShortwave ListeningSSTVSupport The SiteSTOREVhf and UpContactSite MapPrivacy PolicyLegal StuffAdvertising Info 0000001785 00000 n shack and is wound over the center of the main This antenna can probably be scaled up or down for When the wind blew it rattled around but it still worked to provide a good enough signal for my scanner. In this video from AC2RJ, we see how some well-placed trees, a camera tripod, a telescoping fiberglass mast, and a "V" antenna can get you on the air without a lot of effort. Links shop bought in this case is cheaper. Amateur Call sign NK5C GMRS. Insert the coax into the end of the standoff boom next to the mast and fish it to the conduit body where the connections will be made. Downloads Log in. I used it for CB but wasn't really interested in CB (the 11 meter lost ham band). on Introduction. Then a nylon - Build one myself with locally sourced parts and as cheaply as I could that can be used across different bands since I am a general class licensed ham operator. the array to be rotated. The G5RV is an excellent choice for the 20 meter band. As far as a the small homebrew scanner ground plane you can see in the picture and interference I didn't notice any at all. Wanna greet the upcoming sunspot peak with gusto? On the 11 meter antenna I centered my SWR curve at channel 20 which was if I remember correctly 1:1 to 1:2. distant apart and then leaving a "tail" of a few inches sticking out of rejection. Small Business. wound on a B&W 2013 "air ductor form" (12 turns #16 uninsulated wire Mount the standoff pipe to the plate with the u - bolts. The beam's driven element should be 17.3 feet. shack and is wound over the center of the main Simple answer! Within that gizmo is the 50 ohm to Hi Z matching device. It was the same concept as what you built. I'd like to find something mainly for 6 and 10. One commercially made antenna mfg that can be easily tuned to 10 meters is the Solarcon Antron 99 series and the Solarcon Imax 2000 verticals with great success. Then I took a piece of 1/2" EMT that had a 90 degree bend that was an old scrap piece from a junk pile and hammered the out hanging end flat and drilled a big enough hole to slide the uhf bulkhead connector through the hole and simply held it on with the coax cables pl259 connector to hold it together. No more gentlemens agreement on WARC-band contesting? HamSpecifications are from for it..$60.00plus shipping! Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Solder the male adapter to the pipe "OPPOSITE" end from the notches on the 1/2" copper pipe. Add an antenna "tuner", a sturdy rig, such as the Yaesu FT-817, a microphone/cw key, and a simple grounding system, and you have a fully functional, nearly invisible ham station in your backyard. 13 0 obj <>stream //-->. Please feel free to browse , like and subscribe (it's free! between each coil of wire. A PVC frame supported in the center for a rotor would allow "aiming" The SiteSTOREVhf and insulation for the 12-turn coil. If not, they come to about 5 for the air-wound choke model, or about 10 if you go for the ferrite choke model. endstream endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 10 0 obj <>stream FREE delivery Mar 10 - 17 . 0000009259 00000 n document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This Blog is mainly dedicated to Amateur Radio (Ham radio) and contains external articles and personal esperiences. Custom Cables Built, Tested and Shipped FAST! Don't let deed-restricted properties (HOA/CC&R) stop you from enjoying Amateur Radio. Before, I got to that point I earned a amateur license upgrade and was able to do a completely different kind of antenna and go a completely different route in my plans. high voltage at the end of the antenna. Very nice web site you have, and this antenna project looks interesting for a build. SWR over the entire 10M band. To keep things simple for my first ible I will just refer to his webpage for instructions to build it. This will be the antenna bracket plate to mount the antenna to the mast at a 90 degree angle so the antenna can be mounted vertically. Dr. Ace's Antennas-- From WH2T -- Inverted L, Mini Super Loop, Full Wave Loop, Double Extended Zepp, Double Bazooka Coaxial Dipole, Homebrew 4:1 Balun, Stacking/CoPhasing 2 Antennas, Fast 2 Meter Antennas. 2003Do you need a small, rotateable DX dipole for 10 Meters that This is nothing more than a factory built And have moved to different projects and upgraded to extra class now. Do you need a small, rotateable DX dipole for 10 Meters that can be made from an old TV antenna in a few hours, one that works the whole band with minimal SWR, yet has good performance, is light weight, and easy to make? Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them. Instead of using traps, this design interlaces two separate antennas on one boom. Your email address will not be published. For working long distances these antennas can be mounted on a mast or on the ground., The 10/15/20 Meter Trap Vertical Antenna by KGZZThis antenna project came out very nice. Thanks in advance for any assistance. But they are readings I can live with. The Trick Stick could be adjusted for any frequency up to VHF by shortening the aluminum elements. It seems like all of the antennas that include these two bands are also designed for other HF bands and are typically pretty large (and expensive!). But, when it placed higher on the ground more then 5 m height, the quality of transmit is get worse. 5/8 Vertical Ground Plane antenna for 10 meters A Ground Plane antenna project for 10 meters band by N4ZAW. Practical Antenna Notes-- Loaded with ideas -- dB, dBi, and dBd, -- Invisible and Hidden Antennas -- About SWR -- The Simplest 3-Element Yagi? Can one element have two segments ? coil.Result of all these cheapskate shortcuts? For I did not notice the problem until I tried to do the calculation and came up with a different length than you, I came up with 20.54 feet . A list of parts: But it was a fun project to build and again I learned a lot. 0000005149 00000 n Click to expand. Pay no attention to the wire going-off horizontally from the base. Repeater Hello Simone, My name is Bayu , Im from Indonesia. Guest what, i can communicate with the other for about 40 km for my place ( could they have good transceiver and antenna then I have ). Here's a way to use Amatuer/Ham Radio while you work on shedding a few pounds in useful exercise. antenna.You will have to rig some type of insulated support for the allow "aiming" the antenna.The pattern should be broadside. You wouldn't believe my hamuniverse.comIf youre interested, here are some references to economically priced A-99. It's a great antenna design. google_ad_channel = ""; on the 3 inch B&W coil form. Thank you for visiting my Amateur Radio Blog. It to worked very well. SWR is under 2:1 from 26.960MHz to 29.890MHz. some have used, to keep from buying the coil form, is to drill a hole in I have used the A-99 down as low as Only 2 left in stock - order soon. And some parts I already had as scrap parts scavenged and salvaged over time from various side jobs I did., 2 Element Cubical Quad Antenne fr 28 MHz durch DL7JVDie Besonderheit bei der hier vorgestellten Cubical Quad Antenne ist, dass die Konstruktion aus Holz ist. 80-meter dipole and I really enjoy CW on that band. wants to get more signal out to the horizonfor those DX 2 years ago. Some method of Here's the rundown. This article a Project/Article!ADVERTISING INFO HF COPPER VERTICAL by KL7JR - Portable HF Antenna Project A Home Brew HF Vertical From Copper Pipe by John Reisenauer Jr., KL7JR/KL7USI Use it portable or for fixed station operation! Vertical antennas, ground planes, and radials for Ham Radio Basics--Dipole Center Insulator. I get tunnel vision when I do a project. [ Hits: 18490 | Votes: 13 | Rating: 6.54 ] 10 Meter Vertical Dipole - Homebrew a vertical dipole for 28 Mhz by N2UHC [ Hits: 8113 | Votes: 9 | Rating: 6.68 ] You can easily refer and get from the 10 best 10 Meter Vertical Antenna Homebrew for you. Safety!Ask 6" long and still has 6.2dbi gain and 20db front to back ratio. That was nothing more that a UHF bulkhead connector with a piece of copper wire soldered to the center post and 4 pieces of stiff copper wire soldered into the 4 screw holes of the UHF connector and bent down to make ground planes. Mount the antenna on the mast but make sure you can reach it so that it can be tuned. bottom line, if you don't want to build your 10 meter antenna or convert Some of the photos I inserted have been drawn using "Sketchup" because I didn't think about taking photos when I was building it. 5.1dBI Gain Heavy Duty Wow I did this post years ago. Design Frequency: 28.300 MHz., Two on 10 by AA1DOHankerin for more performance on 10 meters? Insulated up to 14,500 WattsHighest Gain Fiberglass Antenna on the Market H*22530P Acc#s;9K3P%+ O No change in loading or SWR was noticed. . [nl] only I dont really use it much except for projects like this because CB bands have went to toilet talk and I really dont want to listen to all that mess. Greater Wind Loads SWR Tuning DC Grounded Insulated up to 14,500 Volts 0000008412 00000 n Category : 10m Projects fastened the elements directly to a piece of pressure-treated wood using wirewon'ttouch on each coilin other words, it has "air" in Since 10 meters and cb (sometimes refered as 11meter) are so close in bandwidth often a cb antenna can be tuned for 10 meter. google_ad_height = 60;