Her first skill inflicts medium Piercing damage against a single target and grants her chance for gaining Evade (100% when fully upgraded). The Black Orders Support, Ebony Maw aids Thanos by granting positive effects to allies, Villain, Cosmic, Mystic, Support, Black Order. Since he opens the combat with an AOE it might be best to equip him with Raider ISO-8 class. Hawkeye price is 45 shards which can be obtained via Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 1-9 Heroic Assemble campaign mission. He starts with three stars and his shards can be obtained through Premium Orbs, Arena store, and 8-9 Nexus campaign mission. As someone who relies on Focus, it is logical that Skirmisher class should be best for Polaris, but since she already has an unbelievable Focus it might be better to equip her with Raider class because all her attacks are AOE based. Despite the fact that she cannot be acquired easily and that it is very hard to develop him on even 4 stars he should be obtained and maximized immediately. Similar to Colleen, Misty is an ordinary Hero outside AW who can be used for getting another Blitz team along with Like Cage, Ironfist, and Colleen. The true potential of Anti-Venom can only be seen if the enemy is swarmed with negative effects so he should be combined only with Heroes who rely on debuffs. Obviously, Elsas Critical Chance needs to be improved even further, therefore, she has to be equipped with Raider ISO-8 class. Spending T4 on his passive should be your first priority! Her special ability attacks the primary target causing medium Piercing Damage and placing Ability Block. In alliance War Offense, 2 Dupes are summoned when Multiple Man is attacked, 2 Dupes are summoned at the start of a battle, and Resistance of Multiple Man and all X-Factor allies is increased by up to 30%. After the introduction of Spider-Man Symbiote, the Spider-Verse team becomes viable for Raids. Currently, Storm can be obtained through Premium Orbs, Milestones Orbs and Mystic Forces Rising 2-3 Campiagn missiin. The damage of Doctor Dooms special ability can be further increased by up to 100% damage per Doombot ally on the battlefield. The supernatural team is another sure-to-win Blitz team. In my opinion (besides the obvious choice of Fortifier ISO-8 class) Stature can also use the Skirmisher class with success. Silver Surfers ultimate attacks all enemies causing up to 350% Piercing damage, clear Immunity, and places Heal Block for up to 2 turns on each target. He is now the main damage dealer of the mighty Asgardian team. Now you can farm her only through Premium Orbs. His main strength is his ultimate and he has more than enough sustenance so he should be equipped with Striker ISO-8 class. Thanos is a key member of the future META team in the Arena, therefore, he should be obtained and maximized as soon as possible. Operative is an agent who specializes in protecting vulnerable VIPs with stealth and emergency medical aid. Stature protects this team and grants them evade when their Health drops below 50%, while Ghost is almost untouchable (has Evade always), counters every incoming attack, and redistributes large portion of Enemy health to his Pym Tech allies. Hero, Cosmic, Mystic, Support, Infinity Watch, Legendary. He makes his Infinity Watch team capable of winning against almost any other combination but he specializes in dealing with the Black Order. War Machine is a mechanized soldier who helps Avengers with his guided missiles, cluster bombs, and auto-target minigun. His second skill inflicts medium damage, chains to additional targets, and gives up to 2 Counters to Daredevil and all Shadowland and Defender allies. However, since he has an AOE attack, the Raider class is also acceptable. Evangeline Lilly who stars as Hope Van Dyne, aka Wasp, joins us live from the premiere of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, to discuss Hope's journey, and the evolution of the family dynamics in the film. Villain, City, Tech, Support, Mercenary, Minion, Pirates, bounty hunters, mercenaries, smugglers, and thieves. "Nothing scarier than playing a giant floating head.. Corvus Glaive uses Stealth and Piercing to infiltrate and eliminate the Black Orders enemies. Also, her ability to benefit from every negative effect that is placed on her either by healing herself or by punishing enemies with all negative effects active on her makes her an ideal option against literally every team or Hero that relies on debuffing. I am using Striker Class for Phoenix because the rest of my team already have enough heroes who can place Vulnerability but you could use Raider class as well and you will not make a mistake. Passive ability grants Defense Up to all non-minion S.H.I.E.L.D. Ultron team is made with just one purpose to maximize Ultron potential and to protect him. Honduras, 1974. team. Iron Fist is a Mystic Brawler who heal himself and delivers deadly blows. Additionally, it grants healing equal to 20% of Omega Reds max HP each turn and Speed Up+2 Deathproof when his HP drops below 60%. This is another variation of synergy between Doctor Doom and 2 new insanely overpowered Heroes Kestrel and Silver Surfer. Inhuman Protector who protects non-minion S.H.I.E.L.D. Squirrel Girl is Young Avengers City Support who supports Young Avengers and other allies with healing and decent attacking capabilities that places various negative effects on unfortunate enemies. Passive ability grants Namor and his Fantastic Four allies increased Damage to up to 20% and Armor to up to 30%. Deadpools ultimate bounces between the whole enemy team striking all enemies for 230% of his base damage. His second ability strikes the primary target for only 160% of his base damage but strikes adjacent targets as well and transfers positive effects excluding Stealth and Taunt from the primary target to self. When fully upgraded Defense Down is applied for 2 turns. They can be even used in Raids since Doctor Octopus can heal his allies after every successful block but if you want to use them in that segment of the game be sure to replace Swarm with Vulture of Mysterio. However, Healer class is given to him by the majority of players and that shouldnt be overlooked. If Groot is his ally, assist always granted and taunt is applied on Groot. Additionally, she applies Deflect to Drax if he is in her team. All you need to do is sign in or join now before you keep reading! This attack has a 50% increased Critical Chance and cannot be blocked. Besides that, Helas passive ability grants her healing on every turn depending on the number of Asgardian allies and increases the damage of all Asgardian allies in the War Defense by up to 20%. Hero, Global, Mutant, Brawler, X-Men, Martial Artist. It also heals all allies for up to 20% of his Max Health and revives a dead Symbiote ally with up 60% base Health. In Marvel Strike Force, Mercenary Riot Guard is a Mercenary minion who protects his allies. Without any doubts, Infinity Watch Team is a new META for almost all segments of the game including Raid. Above all of that, Moondragon permanently increases the Focus and Resistance of all Infinity Watch members (including her) by up to 60%. As a protector who heavily relies on Focus to be effective in clearing buffs or placing debuffs, it would be best to equip Kitty with Skirmisher ISO-8 class. Unlike most of other AW specialized teams. In AW Silver Samurai gains +5 Charged at the start of combat and his attacks do additional 40% Piercing damage for each Charge he has. On her every turn and every turn of Secret Avenger and Skill allies she has up to 50% (100% in Raids) chance to place Offense Up. As mentioned before, Pym Tech team is made primarily for Dark Dimension but since they are very dangerous even outside of it and since every member of Pym Tech team gains at least 2 Evades during the combat, it is obvious that they can be beaten only by strong premade synergy teams. Anti-Venom is the Hero City Spider-Verse Symbiote who is the opposite version of Venom and who helps his Symbiote allies rather than harass enemies. Hero, Cosmic, Skill, Controller, Inhuman, Latent Potential. Hero, Cosmic, Bio, Controller, Fantastic Four, Marvel 80th. Regarding ISO-8 classes, Baron Zemo will benefit the most from Raider class which will increase his Critical chance and will allow him to place Vulnerability on multiple enemies after using his ultimate. Phoenix is a legendary character who will change the balance in Marvel Strike Force and whose skill set is so powerful that X-Men Team with her will be almost unbeatable in the days to come. Asgardians can beat almost all custom teams and they especially effective against Defenders, Fantastic Four, and Brotherhood of Mutants. However if you choose to put them into defense you will not be dissapointed. At the same time, it grants Assist Now to Dagger ally. Storm is a powerful weather controller that charges up devastating attacks to lead her mutant allies to victory. In Marvel Strike Force, Hydra Grenadier is a Hydra minion who harasses enemies with area attacks. Hydra controls four sectors which should help them to achieve their goal International Corporations, Government Assets, Global Criminal Groups, and Intelligence Gathering. After the rework, Thor hits even harder and he can also generate Charges which allows him to execute a monstrous AoE attack for free. Venoms ultimate delivers medium damage to primary and adjacent targets, applies Heal Block on each target and spread all negative effect from primary to adjacent targets. When we know that he always starts the turn with Evade and that he counters every attack that really means something. At the same time, it fills the Speed Bar of all allies by 5% for each enemy ( on the maximum level of the skill additional 5% of Speed Bar is filled for all Skill allies). Silver Surfer is a natural addition to this squad since there is no 5th X-Factor member and since Silver Surfer has synergy with Cosmic Hero allies (Longshot, Shatterstar). His passive ability grants him an extra 20% critical chance. Statures ultimate attacks primary and adjacent targets causing heavy damage and generates 2 Ability Energy for all Pym Tech allies. If Cloak is in the same team it additionally, places 1 Vulnerability up to a maximum of 5 on all enemies and causing additional 280% damage on each target while applying 3 random negative effects from this list: Blind, Defense Down, Disrupted, Offense Down, and Slow. His special skill is Taunt but Juggernaut also gains Defense Up, Immunity, and Regeneration upon casting special(Immunity is a new skill which makes the Hero immune from any debuffs). agents with 300% of their normal damage. Also, A.I.M. His healing potential is significantly increased in Alliance War defense if he is in the same team as the rest of the Mercenary team. The only problem with Taskmaster is because he needs Killmonger in his team meaning that if you choose him instead of Korath (which is obviously a better option) as the fifth member of the Mercenary team you will not be able to assemble a full Wakandan team. With the introduction of Cyclops, this team is even stronger but unfortunately, Cyclops has synergy with Wolverine which means that you will have to replace Storm who is definitely more useful than Wolverine. Whenever an Undead Asgardian dies, the most injured non-summoned Asgardian is healed for the big portion of Undead Asgardians Health. Colleen Wing is the Heroes for Hire Brawler, who deflects powerful attacks and counters with her lightning-fast katana. Toad may not seem that powerful since his skills inflict average damage but in the Brotherhood team with Blob he will be under the Offense Up almost all the time and he will assist on every second allys turn which will increase the overall teams damage output amazingly. This team can be your secondary team for Ultimus 7 or you can use it for Cosmic Nodes in other Raids. cutting kaizen foam for sockets / how to reactivate silica gel in microwave / how to reactivate silica gel in microwave Phyla-Vells price is 45 shards and she will be available through the Vote for Loki Special Event. Multiple Man has a very interesting kit he swarms the battlefield with his Dupes. Obviously, as a Support minion, Ravager Sticher can help the team the most if he is equipped with Healer ISO-8 class but if it is needed that he places Bleed with every attack he could benefit from the Skirmisher class as well. His second skill is Taunt which can also heal him for 7000 HP + 15% of his maximum Health and clear negative effects if he is under 50% Health. This damage is increased for every Supernatural ally in a team. Silver Samurais ultimate attacks the primary target causing up to 200% Piercing and placing Stun with +1000% increased Focus (it will always Stun). Additionally, the damage of entire Infinity Watch teams is permanently increased by up to 30%. This team is currently the best team for this segment of the game and it can be beaten only by some Ultron combinations and X-Men of similar power. As for ISO-8 class, Invisible Woman and her team will benefit the most from Healer class, although she could be equipped with Skirmisher class as well since she retaliates a lot. The passive ability grants on spawn up to 3 Regeneration for 2 turns on Dagger and all Mystic Hero allies. With the introduction of Kestrel and Silver Surfer, it is no longer necessary to have Ultrons buffs and Minn-Ervas healing. The team we presented is the most potent team made of Brawlers (Captain Marvel, Deadpool, and Daredevil are practically immune to Blind and other status effects while Ghost Rider has the highest damage potential) but some members of this team are usually used in other team combinations. It is sufficient to say that this team can slice through Ultimus 6 like through butter. Giving him a Radier ISO-8 class could also be smart since his ultimate hit all targets several times which means that he would place Vulnerability on all enemies after using ultimate. Aside from that his passive also increases Resistance, Health, and damage to all Kree minion allies. Drax has Taunt at the start meaning that Ultron will be safe from Ability Block and early nuke. Villain, Global, Mutant, Brawler, Marvel 80th. At the top of that, Elsa Bloodstone who is otherwise average Hero at best becomes a killing machine in this team. Rescue will be a decent addition to your Power Armor team in Alliance War but other than that she will not have many uses. Misty Knight is a Controller Leader of Heroes for Hire who is using her cybernetic arm to lower the defenses of single targets and to prevent them from playing. Mantis is a Cosmic Healer who can manipulate the minds of her opponents and who is specialized for Raids. Falcons price is 45 shards obtainable in Technocraft Orbs, EXO-7 Orbs, and The Nexus 7-3 Campaign mission. Her basic skill causes immense damage against the primary target and places Deflect to the most injured non-summoned ally. She could use the Skirmisher class but that shouldnt be the priority. allies, flip positive effects on the primary target, remove all positive effects from the rest of the opposite team and apply Slow to all Tech enemies. If in his team are enough Heroes who can place Vulnerability he could be equipped with Striker class as well. team with Nick Fury and Agent Coulson. Her special skill attacks the primary target for up to 600% damage and places Ability Block and Defense Down for 2 turns. When Stature drops below 50% Health, she clears Taunt from herself and if Ant-Man is ally places it on him along with up to 2 Evades, up to a maximum of 4. As a Support character, Shuri definitely needs a HEaler ISO-8 class. Medbay (Health Buffs) She should be equipped with either Striker or Raider ISO-8 class depending on your needs. Thor is an Avenger Blaster who strikes hard with his hammer and lightning. Proxima Midnight should be obtained and maximized immediately even other members of the Black Order are unavailable at the moment. An Inhuman agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., yo-Yo speeds to her allies defense before returning where she started. Armory (Offensive Buffs) 4. Also, it has a chance to grant Evade to them when their Health drops below 50% and it grants permanently increased Focus to them and permanently increased Dodge rate to Yo-Yo. He should be equipped either with Raider or Striker class depending on your needs. Operative is an essential part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. This attack cannot be resisted in the Alliance War. Even Skirmisher Class can be used if you wanna exploit his assist to remove buffs from enemies. Play MARVEL Strike Force on your PC at 60fps! Squirrel Girl is an average Hero who will boost up the power of some Heroes that were avoided earlier or used in other custom teams. Kree Empire is governed by a technologically advanced alien race with militaristic aspirations. Ravager Bruiser is pretty cheap for a protector. While in Binary Form, passive ability grants her increased damage, armor, focus and resistance. Strange gained a totally new role in the game. If Ghost has 3 or more Pym Tech allies in Dark Dimension when an enemy gains a positive effect, passive grants him a 75% chance to steal that effect and to apply it on random Pym Tech ally. Dagger and Cloak are dependent on each other. As a legendary character, Invisible Womans price is 310 shards obtainable through her special Legendary event where you will need 5 Sinister Six heroes. team. Villain, CIty, Tech, Blaster, Mercenary, Minion. His second skill heals all allies for a medium amount of Health and grants him Defense Up. His second skill attacks the primary target and all adjacent targets causing moderate damage. When we talk about ISO-8 class, in my opinion, the only viable solution for Adam Warlock is Skirmisher class because you want him to place his Ability Blocks and Stuns always. Ironhearts ultimate attacks all enemies causing moderate damage and applying Defense Down on each target. Her first skill causes average damage, applies Bleed, and clears 1 positive effect from the primary target. Even her basic ability is special since she is the only character currently who can place Slow for the duration of 3 turns. In my opinion, the Iso-8 class for her is Raider because she has 2 AOE attacks and increased Critical damage. Those 2 heroes grant so much damage and utility that you practically dont need healing at all (for Ultimus VII level 5 at least) especially since they heal themselves in every turn. This character can be summoned by Nobu. Stroms ultimate is devastating if she is charged. In Marvel Strike Force, A.I.M. He can use all his abilities at the start of the battle (he will most likely play first because of amazing Speed) which allows him to initiate the battle by clearing Immunity and Charged and all enemies making them vulnerable to all abilities of his allies. He is one of the most expensive heroes with the price of 180 shards which can be obtained only in Ultimus Orbs that are available through gathering shards of HEroes who are already on 7 stars. To further increase his Critical Chance, Iron Man needs to be equipped with Raider ISO-8 class. Hela can also be combined with other Heroes who can place useful debuffs at the start of combat (for example Vision plays before her and when he place Ability Block on the target, Hela will spread that debuff on the entire enemy team which can be crucial for the battle outcome). Black Bolts toughens and Ebony Maws ability to place barrier after each kill is good enough so you can slide through all Ultimus 7 Level 5 missions without any healing at all (except on the last node). A.I.M. She gains Charge whenever she or Fantastic Four ally is under the attack up to a maximum of 5. Mercenary Soldier in this team can remove positive effects from targets similar to Hawkeyes special ability and Punishers already devastating damage potential is further increased. Juggernaut is an unstoppable tank who taunts his foes and charges for devastating damage, Villain, Global, Mystic, Protector, Brotherhood. Kree allies also receive a random positive effect after the death of each enemy. S.H.I.E.L.D. Mantis is a hero who will not change the balance of the game in Arena or Blitz but her presence in the raids will be extremely important to anyone who uses Guardians. War Machine is a typical blaster whose only purpose is to hurt anyone who opposes him. Shuri is a legendary Hero for a reason. After Revive, Adam is granted Deathproof + Regeneration + Defense Up and he instantly cleanses all debuffs from himself and the rest of the Infinity Watch team. He should be equipped with either Striker or Raider ISO-8 class depending on X-Men or Brawler team class deployment. Her special skill grants Offense Up for 2 turns before it attacks primary and adjacent targets causing up to 200% Piercing, placing up to 2 Bleeds, and reducing Speed Bar by 20%. Besides all that, Colleen and all Hero for Hire allies permanently gain up to 30% Piercing damage and as long as Colleen has Deflect on self she will retaliate with 100% certainty against any attack against her with increased Block Amount by up to 20%. After that, it flips the Counter on the enemy and causes up to 250% Piercing to primary and adjacent targets placing Offense Down on each target in the process. To increase his survivability even further you can equip him with either Fortifier or Healer ISO-8 class. Taskmaster himself is very powerful and he will assist every Mercenary Villain member action until the end of combat or until he dies, making this team more dangerous than any Ms. Marvel/Brawler combination because Taskmaster will under the effect of Offense Up almost the entire battle. All targets affected with Bleed receive additional attack that causes minimal piercing damage. Something is definitely happening with our beloved game since Developers have chosen to give us the power in a true meaning of the word (almost for free).
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