My Endocrinologist was, and continues to be, open about the elevated risk for thyroid cancer due to the multiple. Most of the time, doctors tell patients treated with LT4 that any side effects will be temporary and almost ineluctable, and are usually dealt with through dose reduction. The authors expanded on their findings further: "However, the impression we get from our experience in epidemiological studies monitoring[12] is that this drug should be prescribed more cautiously. Article published in Wakeup-World.Com. Finally, they pointed out that T4, which is a synthetic form of thyroid hormone, might be avoided if T3 or the desiccated pig-derived form known as Armour Thyroid was used to control the oxidative-stress producing hydroperoxides. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol 2002, 133:475481. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. PLoSone 2011, 11:e27547. See more of Keri Topouzian, D.O. In the U.S., the overall five-year survival rate for patients diagnosed with lung cancer is 25%, which is a 21% improvement over the . weight loss, anorexia) was made many years ago together with an over production of both T4 and T3. Results indicate that treatment with levothyroxine was linked with significantly increased mortality (hazard ratio = 1.19). Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At Risk for Lung Cancer Posted on: Monday, August 12th 2013 at 7:15 am Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder A new study has. Untreated hypothyroidism increases morbidity and mortality. Is Drug-Based Medicine a Form of Human Sacrifice? SayerJiis founder, a reviewer at theInternational Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine,Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of theNational Health Federation, SteeringCommittee Memberof the Global Non-GMO Foundation. In 2011 I switched docs and was put on Armour as he told me Synthroid and the like are poison and they do not work. As a never smoker I truly wish I smoked so I could just say that's why I got this. Increased sensitivity to cold. [1] Hercbergs AH, Ashur-Fabian O, Garfield D: Thyroid hormone and cancer: clinical studies of hypothyroidism in oncology. Furthermore, the geometric expansion of hypothyroidism cases in the past decade only thinly conceals an agenda to promote the synthetic form of T4 known as levothyroxine sodium (trade name Synthroid), since with each new disease case the patient is converted into a lifelong customer. Heart problems. I have so many women friends and family members who have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and their doctors put them all on Synthyroid. Eventually, the decline in thyroid hormone production can result in any of the following: Fatigue and sluggishness. [6] Venditti P, Di Stefano L, Di Meo S: Oxidative stress in cold induced hyperthyroid state. I very much appreciate the information you shared. This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2013, Some features are currently member only features. [5]Wawrzynska L, Sakowicz A, Rudzinski P, Langfort R, Kurzyna M: The conversion to triiodothyronine in the lung: comparison of activity of type I iodotironine 5 deiodinase in lung cancer with peripheral lung tissues. It is very tormenting (for me anyhow) to not know why I got this disease. Capmatinib (Tabrecta) is the first FDA-approved MET-targeting medication for treating metastatic NSCLC. I think there is always a lot of confusion with cause and cure. 'A new Italian study published in the journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology titled, "Levothyroxine and lung cancer in females: the importance of oxidative stress," has raised a concerning possibility: levothyroxine (T4), one of the world's most commonly prescribed forms of hormone replacement, may be raising the risk of lung cancer in millions of men and women being treated for low thyroid function (hypothyroidism). Biomedicine today is awash in controversy associated with the overdiagnosis and overtreatment of asymptomatic populations. I read somewhere about the work done many years ago which was mistakenly read and accepted 28 y/o F Low levels across the board for TSH, T3, and T4, Acid reflux drug linked to more than doubled risk of stomach cancer study, - further-reading - thyroid-diagnosis-and-treatment. 2013 May ;98(5):1982-90. Could be another marmalade how would we know? [8] This means that the amount of LT4 reaching the lungs following an external supplementation cannot to be transformed into LT3 as in the other tissues, and make lungs very vulnerable to possible toxic effects of LT4. Now, I will bring it to the attention of my Endocrinologist. En 3 minutos recibirs en tu email COMPLETAMENTE GRATIS todo lo que necesitas para aumentar las ventas de tu empresa. PMID 11836274. However, the study looked at the incrase of ALL lung cancers, not SCLC, so that data does not correlate with this study. I am going to go for a walk with my dog :)). [7] Kinoshita S, Sone S, Yamashita T, Tsubura E, Ogura T: Effects of experimental hyperand hypothyroidism on natural defense activities against Lewis lung carcinoma and its spontaneous pulmonary metastases in C57BL/6 mice. 2002 Feb ;25(2):106-9. An Italian study published in the journalReproductive Biology and Endocrinology,titled Levothyroxine and lung cancer in females: the importance of oxidative stress, has raised a concerning possibility: levothyroxine (T4), one of the worlds most commonly prescribed forms of hormone replacement, may be raising the risk of lung cancer in millions of men and women being treated for low thyroid function (hypothyroidism). (They noted that this age range corresponds to more than 80% of the consumers of the drug and to about 99% of all malignant cancers). This is a horrible disease that ravages the body. Biomedicine today is awash in controversy associated with the overdiagnosis and overtreatment of asymptomatic populations. If people do not wish to find out all they can about their disease that is fine too. They only reappear when I need to fine tune the medication. There are several books out there written about the topic. Thus, I am monitored carefully. Clin Cancer Res 2011, 30:77. They found no significant correlation between T4 sales and breast, colorectal and gastriccancers, but did find a significant correlation for lung cancer (p < 0.05) corrected forsmoking and age. Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At Risk for Lung Cancer In 2020 alone, there were more than 2.2 million new cases and 1.8 million deaths from lung cancer globally. 'A new Italian study published in the journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology titled, "Levothyroxine and lung cancer in females: the importance of oxidative stress," has raised a concerning possibility: levothyroxine (T4), one of the world's most commonly prescribed forms of hormone replacement, may be raising the risk of lung cancer in millions of men and women being treated for low . The great open sky of imagination: for those who u Fermented Foods: Top 8 Reasons to Eat Them. I have posted the link now. Overtreatment, of course, is the hallmark danger of overdiagnosis. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 2010, 17:432436. Oops I have just bought my first jar of marmalade in over ten years! "Serum TSH, T(4), and thyroid antibodies in the United States population (1988 to 1994): National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III)", International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Osteoporosis Is Scurvy of the Bone, Not Calcium Deficiency, 6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition, 7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally, Herbal Cream Clears 87.7% of HPV Cases Naturally, How WHOLE Turmeric Heals the Damaged Brain. The omnipresent environmental contaminant perchlorate, an ingredient in jet fuel, is also a primary cause of hypothyroidism, but is almost never tested for by the conventional endocrinologists in their patient evaluations. People read a study and think that someone like, perhaps me, is saying "it Causes lung cancer. Endocrinology 1985, 117:12011208. Tokushima J Exp Med 1991, 38:2535. Yet Another Frankenfood Pandoras Box: the Majorit How Medical Science Proves that Black Is White. As a person with Graves Disease, I underwent 6 cycles of radio-ablation using i 131 to 'fry' my thyroid gland as surgery was deemed too risky due to the vascularity and size of my gland. Hypothyroidism results from low levels of thyroid hormone with varied etiology and manifestations. [9] Otto T, Fandrey J: Thyroid hormone induces hypoxia-inducible factor 1 gene expression through thyroid hormone receptor /retinoid x receptor -dependent activation of hepatic leukemia factor. [9] Otto T, Fandrey J: Thyroid hormone induces hypoxia-inducible factor 1 gene expression through thyroid hormone receptor /retinoid x receptor -dependent activation of hepatic leukemia factor. Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type of lung cancer, accounting for about 81% of all cases. 2004 Jun;9(2):157-79. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2003, 59:140145. I have always found this condition a riddle. The omnipresent environmental contaminant perchlorate, an ingredient in jet fuel, is also a primary cause of hypothyroidism, but is almost never tested for by the conventional endocrinologists in their patient evaluations. Researchers are currently studying. ', Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At Risk for Lung Cancer. [4] Ratcliffe JG, Stack BH, Burt RW, Radcliffe WA, Spilg WG, Cuthbert J, Kennedy RS: Thyroid function in lung cancer. [8] This means that the amount of LT4 reaching the lungs following an external supplementation cannot to be transformed into LT3 as in the other tissues, and make lungs very vulnerable to possible toxic effects of LT4. is the fiec part of the evangelical alliance; townhomes in avalon park; 8 ft windmill parts; why is my cash and sweep vehicle negative; nordstrom rack return policy worn shoes The authors expanded on their findings further: However, the impression we get from our experience in epidemiological studies monitoring[12] is that this drug should be prescribed more cautiously. Garlic Beats Drug in Detoxifying Lead Safely From How Yoga and Acupuncture Enhance HealthNew Resear Health Nuts: Seeds And Nuts You Should Eat Every Day. I don't believe there are thousands of people on to high a dose of t4, so why does it feel they are hyper? Also this study finds no link with breast cancer, when others have found a link. She wrote about a product called Thyrtophin PMG. Here members can share stories, find important information and learn from the experiences of others like themselves. This is a news report of the research, so I can't learn the details of how the science was conducted. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2003, 59:140145. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional. (February 2002). What I am personally saying issince I personally have a disease that may kill me, I sure as heck have every right to find out ALL I can about it. I had doctor after doctor tell me it was in my head or I was menopausal. PLoSone 2011, 11:e27547. Ultimately, this latest Italian study is bringing to our attention one of what is likely a wide range of unintended, adverse health effects associated with the overdiagnosis and subsequent overtreatment of hypothyroidism, and the underlying failure of the conventional, largely drug-based paradigm to comprehend the causes and real solutions of disease and human suffering. If it's high, the test is done again, along with a blood test for the thyroid hormone T-4. PMID: 23539727, [16] Alan R Gaby. Iodine - and the lack of it - is implicated in breast cancer, after all. Modern Medicine, Part I: How Healing Illness Becam Is your body getting too acidic? [8] van Doorn J, Roelfsema F, van der Heide D: Concentration of thyroxine and 3,5,3'-triiodotyronine in several rat tissue in vivo: the effect of hypothyroidism. [7] They also elaborate on a mechanism of T4-induced lung tissue toxicity: "[I]n rats lung the deiodination of LT4 is the lowest compared to all the other tissues. New Cholesterol Drug Guaranteed to Prematurely Kil Beware the Walgreens travel vaccination scam. Sub-laboratory hypothyroidism and the empirical use of Armour thyroid.Altern Med Rev. Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. Is This the Real Reason You're Exhausted All the T Why An Alkaline Approach Can Successfully Treat Ca We're Losing the War on Cancer- Here's Why. [11] Wan J, Chai H, Yu Z, Ge W, Kang N, Xia W, Che Y: H1F-1 on angiogenic potential in human small cell carcinoma. Gestionar el consentimiento de las cookies. It does not necessarily imply one thing caused the other. Angiology 2000, 51:S65S68. That's all. Desiccated thyroid extract compared with levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism: a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. Hypothyroidism reduces respiratory drive and can cause obstructive sleep apnea or pleural effusion, while hyperthyroidism increases respiratory drive and can cause dyspnea on exertion. The relationship between levothyroxine use and cancer risk is largely underdetermined. View the data on GreenMedInfos Hypothyroidism Research page. hyperthyroidism. Finally, they pointed out that T4, which is a synthetic form of thyroid hormone, might be avoided if T3 or the desiccated pig-derived form known as Armour Thyroid was used to control the oxidative-stress producing hydroperoxides. I have so much to say about this I could write a book. Nah, I would give this much credence. ", That study is like a fishing expedition. They found no significant correlation between T4 sales and breast, colorectal and gastric cancers, but did find a significant correlation for lung cancer (p < 0.05) corrected for smoking and age. Why not simply call it selenium deficiency? video where the doc is talking about the study , i wlll link study and video below. Desiccated thyroid extract compared with levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism: a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. Thyroid dysfunction after immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment in a single-center Chinese cohort: a retrospective study Intuition and Trust: a Personal Journey Through Ancient Pathways, Meditation, Yoga, Grounding & Mindfulness, Levothyroxine and lung cancer in females: the importance of oxidative stress, 2013 announcement by a National Cancer Institute, T-score based definition of osteoporosis and osteopenia, 30-billion dollar a year market in statin drugs, Serum TSH, T(4), and thyroid antibodies in the United States population (1988 to 1994): National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). [1] Hercbergs AH, Ashur-Fabian O, Garfield D: Thyroid hormone and cancer: clinical studies of hypothyroidism in oncology. In my opinion, the science of the study doesn't support the conclusion. A new study has uncovered a link between the synthetic thyroid hormone (trade name Synthroid) used to treat millions diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lung cancer, bringing to the forefront the harmful role that overdiagnosis and overtreatment plays in nutritional deficiency and chemical exposure related 'diseases.'. THEIR SINS & INIQUITIES WILL I REMEMBER NO MORE - YESHUA (JESUS CHRIST) SHARING THE GOOD NEWS AND CALLING ALL TO REPENTANCE, NEWS bible September clark project class SCOTT Russia seeking record MYSTERY Sprinkle ENDEAVOR Survivors Time Conspiracy Torah Insider Dahboo APOCRYPHILE TRUTH people american FREEDOM revelation MatITYAHU, END TIME NEWS, A CALL FOR REPENTANCE, YESHUA THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN::CHRISTIANS FOR YESHUA (JESUS)::PLAGUES, ILLNESSES, DISEASES, FAMINES, END TIME NEWS, A CALL FOR REPENTANCE, YESHUA THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN, Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At Risk for Lung Cancer, PLEASE ACCESS THE LINK TO ALL INFORMATION, MILLIONS TREATED FOR HYPOTHYROIDISM AT RISK FOR LUNG CANCER, FREEDOM FIGHTER - MILLIONS AT RISK: FUNGAL INFECTIONS ACQUIRE DRUG RESISTANCE, TOP 8 NATURAL HYPOTHYROIDISM TREATMENTS THAT REALLY WORK, THE VATICAN'S SECRET MILLIONS: POPE FRANCIS'S FINANCE MINISTER ADMITS HOLY SEE SQUIRRELLED AWAY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OFF THE BOOKS, NY TIMES COLUMN SAYS PEDOPHILES DESERVE CIVIL RIGHTS AND SHOULD NOT BE TREATED AS CRIMINALS, CULTURE SHOCK TV - ANN COULTER WAS TREATED DISHONORABLY BY DELTA AIRLINES ATTENDANT. Post by D.ap Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:40 pm "A new study has uncovered a link between the synthetic thyroid hormone (trade name Synthroid) used to treat millions diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lung cancer, bringing to the forefront the harmful role that overdiagnosis and . If I can help someone, fine. I have posted the link, so you can see if it has any merit. Thyroid disease is a major public health concern worldwide. Nope. 'A new Italian study published in the journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology titled, "Levothyroxine and lung cancer in females: the importance of oxidative stress," has raised a concerning possibility: levothyroxine (T4), one of the world's most commonly prescribed forms of hormone replacement, may be raising the risk of lung cancer in millions of men and women being treated for low . Subclinical hypothyroidism is defined by an elevated serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level along with a normal free thyroxine (T4) level. The article also stresses that too many people are being given the diagnosis of either hypo or hyperthyroidism. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol 2002, 133:475481. Or, if fluoride, mercury, or any number of xenobiotic chemicals in the environment requiring selenium-dependent glutathione-mediated detoxification is causing the low thyroid, why call chemical poisoning hypothyroidism? There is also compelling research indicating that desiccated thyroid extract (Armour thyroid) results in superior clinical outcomes versus the synthetic hormone, especially as concerns improved body weight. I am having a lot of trouble making any sense of this study. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It's usually based on the results of blood tests. A couple of caveats to note in this study: The authors found a statistical correlation between the increase in sales of the thyroid medicine Synthroid, and an increase in lung cancer in Italy. [7] Kinoshita S, Sone S, Yamashita T, Tsubura E, Ogura T: Effects of experimental hyperand hypothyroidism on natural defense activities against Lewis lung carcinoma and its spontaneous pulmonary metastases in C57BL/6 mice. Those with the greatest risk of developing thyroid disorders are women who have a family history of the disease. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 2010, 17:432436. Epub 2013 Mar 28. I cried with joy when I found out there was something really wrong with me. It was the therapist that I went to that referred me to a specialist who ran the correct tests. The Dangers of Tylenol: Is it Time to for the FDA Chile: Psychiatrist Leads Crusade To Legalize Mari 13 Things Sure To Slow Down Your Metabolism. elevated TSH, without actually improving the overall physiological situation, nor the patient's subjective experience of well being.
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