Jehovah's Witness, member of a millennialist denomination that developed within the larger 19th-century Adventist movement in the United States and has since spread worldwide. Does no one think my post interesting enough to reply? The group took on the name International Bible Students Association and by 1914 it . Not at all. The glorious reign of Christ that shall bring blessings to the world will immediately follow. It suggests that someone in the writing department (perhaps a younger Nethinim hopeful, waiting for the governing body to be opened to the great crowd) has perhaps given passing thought to the possibility of a 120 tie in with 1914 to 2034. 15 " Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep's covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. In what way will Christs anointed brothers be able to return the kindness shown them? 5 Barak and Deborah ended their song with the words: So let all your enemies perish, OJehovah, but let those who love you be like the sun rising in its glory. (Judg. Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring 'the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens.' 16:13,14) That coalition is called Gog of the land of Magog. When the nations launch their attack, they will have arrived at the symbolic place called Armageddon.Rev. It doesn't have to be either/or. They'll work their way up to it over the next couple decades, you'll see. Jehovah's Witnesses are more convinced than ever before that the end of the world is imminent. More important, imagine how profoundly happy you will be when Gods name and sovereignty have been fully vindicated! appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the 'slave' as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision. Should we use these accounts in Matthew and Luke to indicate an extended period of time of the presence of Jesus Christ? (Josh. Some Dubs believed the year 2000 would not arrive before Armageddon. what if jehovah's witnesses are right about armageddon? However, there appears to be an opening in these statements for some to do just that. Tweet. Or will ordinary Witnesses see through the date setting because of the flood of information on the Internet? (The Finished Mystery, 1917 edition, p. 258), 1917 "It is the Day of Vengeance, which began in the world war of 1914 and which will break like a furious morning storm in 1918." (a)According to 1Thessalonians 5:1-6, what unusual proclamation will world leaders make? A Numerologist can always add 30 or 40 years to the last date that failed because it was based on Numerology and go on like all is well. For practically the first time in their 120 year history Witnesses had no date to work work towards, no reasonable time frame in which to place their expectations. Megiddo was a city in ancient Israel. Jesus will hurl him and his demons into an abyss, where they will be locked away for a thousand years.Rev. Very soon they will be given that opportunity. (b)Why will our knowing Jehovah prove to be a blessing at Armageddon? Browse 873 jehovah's witnesses stock photos and images available, or search for watchtower or kingdom hall to find more great stock photos and pictures. Eventually the governing body will stomach the idea of promoting 2034 as the possible date for the end (120 years from 1914 - 'just as the days of Noah will the days of the son of man be.'). 3. Those events occurred over many decades. They could say 2051 as they were given the title of a prophet in 1931 thus 120 years of a witness to the world just a NOAH was a preacher of rightiousness??? 11 Replies All this activity is not an accident. Rather, he will destroy it in two main stages. Had not the society stated it in certain terms (unlike the 1975 date on which they were wishy washy)? But what happens when an elder's reasoning is confronted with . This is not the first time the Jehovah's Witnesses church has been accused of sexual abuse. ***15 Yes, Jehovah's people have had to revise expectations from time to time. 346-348 pars. 18 Gods anointed servants will soon be able to return the kindness shown them by those of the other sheep. (John 10:16) How so? Now, all they have to do is shift the start date to 1914 and they've got 2034 to look forward to. Seriously based on the 'overlap' generations definition Armageddon has been pushed back to 2154! You should live with fellow Jehovah's Witnesses only. (1John 2:3-5; 5:3) When we show that we know God, we have the honor of being known by him, which will be lifesaving at Armageddon! 2. Questions From Readers Second Peter 3:10 says: "Jehovah's day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a hissing noise, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be discovered.". If it were true, I wouldn't need to worry about Armageddon anyways, as I will surely be dead by then. With a prediction like that, would you mind us adding you to this list of hallowed prophesiers? The Society is adding a 120 years to the 1914 date to come up with the hinted date of 2034. Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do. Failed Watchtower date predictions and changed date doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses, including lesser known ones such as 1799, 1844, 1874, 1878, 1918, 1920 and the 1940's. . 9. He has prospered their work of preaching "this good news of the kingdom" in 194 different lands to date. We should have confidence in the channel God is using . The Bible tells us about a most unusual proclamation. If you would, reflect back with me upon the Witnesses article, from the Watchtower issue cited above. ^ par. 6 How will God defeat his enemies at Armageddon? Barak and the prophetess Deborah thanked Jehovah for their miraculous victory. The statement in the footnote appears to ignore the parallel account in Luke 17:26-28: Moreover, just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of man: 27 they were eating, they were drinking, men were marrying, women were being given in marriage, until that day when Noah entered into the ark, and the flood arrived and destroyed them all. That great historical event took place in the year 1914, conclusive proof concerning this having already appeared in the . The memory of 1975 is still too fresh for many, and they know their critics (us) will quickly sieze upon such mistakes. The OT junk about God bringing mass slaughter was just to make the Israelites feel good about themselves and their volcano god. 16:16; ftn.) Back in the 1960s there was, seemingly, a brief period of relaxation in authoritarianism among Jehovah's Witnesses. They proudly bear his name, and they have obeyed his command to flee from Babylon the Great. A replacement for Freddy is still awaited. 4. This way they can simply say that we "read to much" into the explanation given. Then there was that Watchtower a while back that many apostates interpreted as pointing to 2034 implicitly. 5. *** Watchtower 1964 October 1 p.601 Pay Attention to Prophecy ***. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.' Lots of threats - pandemic, China, Russia, terrorism and no real integrity in leadership are unnerving, however the JW's have a clear and tangible history of falsely prophesying Armageddon, actually 6 or 7 separate and distinct episodes in their brief ~140 year history - yes "God's Organization" is less than 200 yrs old as while Jesus walked . ;-). 1:2-4) A key is to persevere in heartfelt prayer. Pole. This works for the current GB as some of them will be . Tweet. How come they can't just say "we've done more research, we think we were mistaken. pp 14,15 explains the parallel with the days of Noah, in which Noah was given 120 years to. This means that 0.236% of Jehovah's Witnesses have died of Covid-19, over 4 times higher than the global rate in August 2021 of 0.051%. She has used her power and influence to exploit her flocks. A subsequent feature article by the same name followed (pp. Strictly speaking, it refers to the situation to which the kings of the entire inhabited earth are gathered in opposition to Jehovah. By Pudgy, August 12, 2021. armageddon. Yes, the survivors will be absolutely right when they proclaim, "Jehovah God, the Almighty, true and righteous are your judicial decisions."Rev. They gathered them together to . 1989 Jehovah?s prophetic word through Christ Jesus is: ?This generation [of 1914] will by no means pass away until all things occur.? The Witnesses, however, assign a most strange interpretation to the phrase. These ones. -2 Thess. Their strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust in Jehovah and his heavenly armies.Isa. . This apparently mirrored the mood of reform within the Catholic Church at the time. . A replacement for Freddy is still awaited. Eventually the governing body will stomach the idea of promoting 2034 as the possible date for the end (120 years from 1914 - 'just as the days of Noah will the days of the son of man be'). Note: The tribes of Dan and Ephraim are not included in this list because Dan was guilty of idolatry at Leviticus 24:11; Judges 18:1, 30; and 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Ephraim guilty of idolatry at Hosea 4:17 and Judges 17. The Watchtower recognizes the truth as belonging to Jehovah, and not to any creature. There were disputes among the governing body about how far they should push the 1975 thing. With these rich truths to light the way, Christians do not grope in this dark, jungle-like world as do the masses of people in Christendom and heathendom alike. (Watchtower, Jan. 1, 1989, p. 12 [bound volume changed "20th century" to "day"]), Jehovah's prophetic word through Christ Jesus is: 'This generation (of 1914) will by no means pass away until all things occur.' Probably just be worrying about whether my teeth will stay in while I'm eating my oatmeal. When I was still a JW some of us were wondering aloud who the "king of the north" is now. After 15 years of dwindling committment levels in first world countries (where the donations come from), I firmly believe the WT leadership is aware of the problem. And it is precisely because of societys great anxiety in tumultuous times that the Witnesses find such a fertile field for their hysterical, pseudo-prophetic speculations. They were guilty of false prophesying. Five years later, Poul and his wife stopped associating with the Witnesses, which in 1964 resulted in his being interrogated by their Elders and then ostracised from the . (Ps. Because of our eagerness, we have hoped for the new system earlier than Jehovah's timetable has called for it. latest Since his enthronement in 1914 and the 3.5 years it took for the examination to determine who could be called the FDS. Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring 'the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh, Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. Personally, having lived through the 1975 era as an adult, fully aware of the speculation and expectations associated with that time, along with the effect that it had on brothers around me, I am not excited to see the prospect of a similar event occurring as a result of the above statements. 8 That will be the foretold proclamation of peace and security. Why will world leaders say that? How so? Seriously based on the 'overlap' generations definition Armageddon has been pushed back to 2154! How about, we live productive, simple lives with good christian character, while being fully aware that this system is temporary and being willing and ready to do what we need to do when the time comes?? Its mission is to reveal documents, files, and publications that are kept secret from the vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses, particularly vulnerable persons and women. (The Time Is At Hand; 1889; 1908 ed. When the planet earth is destroyed, it will be a consequence of militant muslims or tectonic or planetary/solar mechanics and not because of any intervention from the "spirit realm.". 4. First, he will destroy Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. 9:26) (Aid to Bible Understanding, Brooklyn, NY: Watchtower Society, 1971, p. 642). Aussi ses jours se monteront-ils cent vint ans." Contact. . Never did they say, 'These are the words of Jehovah. latest It will serve as a signal announcing the great tribulation. PRIVACY POLICY I recall giving a PT about the last days (early 90s) and even using the argument that we were almost at the 80 year anniversary of 1914 and that generation didn't have many left. Second, the area around Megiddo is far too small to hold the kings of the entire inhabited earth and their armies and war machines. Only the best I'll accept, I learned well from the HUMBLE Governing Body, oh yeah! All his enemies will be destroyed. He will vent that rage by using demonic propagandaunclean inspired expressionsto cause a coalition of nations to turn on Jehovahs servants. If you truly want to be rid of them, you will need to answer the door and let them know. A plane carrying five Jehovah's Witness ministers crashed Saturday, killing all aboard, officials said. To suggest that this text has a primary prophetic focus in modern times reflects a gross distortion of this passage. ; p. 99), 1917 "And the mountains were not found. The contextual wording has it emphasis not in the length (period) of time people where involved in this behavior, but in that this behavior caused them to miss the sudden event. Then, at Armageddon, he will destroy the rest of Satans world, including its political, military, and commercial systems. Prior to 1975, it was widely taught among the Witnesses that that year would usher in the end. When such did not occur, thousands abandoned the movement. Matthew 24:21 NWT. Nothing is interpreted but the interpretation comes from God and is then published . Is it some brilliant, farsighted man, some human who is a master organizer? You will see a gradual emphasis of this until the mid-to-late 2020s when they will go completely nuts with it like they did in 1914, 1915, 1925, 1975. 12:2; Rev. jw Certainly, I am not going to assign any meaning to this at all except to take the clear warning not to be like the people in the days of Noah and Lot and miss the signs leading up to the event that faced them. The cover of that particular issue dramatically asked: "Are we . . {WT 6}. But we display our faith in God's Word and its sure promises by declaring its message to others. The misnamed Jehovahs Witnesses have a long, undistinguished history of setting dates. At Gods appointed time, those political powers will turn on symbolic Babylon. Then I read an interesting thing about the Adventists. Coming up on 2034 there will be a fall back plan developed. 9 Jehovah will not wipe out Satans entire world all at once, as he did in Noahs day. "for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.". expand all. 1:7-9) We know God when we know his likes, dislikes, and standards. 2034,that would make my husband 84yrs old.But i thought it was any day now.Same crap,keep the flock in line with death threats no matter how long it takes. Growth slowed substantially in the 1960s and the board of directors panicked. All rights reserved. 7-8. Copyright 2001-2015 Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum | JW.Org Community Information. He may use any number of ways. The December 15, 2003 Watchtower article is paralleling Noah's day to our present day. But there is one important difference between the two conflicts. Further, they totally ignore the Lords declaration that all the signs of Matthew 24:5-33 were to be fulfilled in the A.D. 70 event. beliefs, Is the Watchtower Predicting The End By 2034 Through Subtle Hints? Third, as we will see later in this article, the war of Armageddon will begin when the worlds kings attack Gods people, who are scattered throughout the earth. It's not like they haven't done this before. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years. So, can it now be reasoned that there is at least some indication that the presence of Jesus Christ can now be numbered at 120 years based upon the record of the history of Noah (or the days of Noah) in Genesis, making the end now to appear to come in 2034? But the powers-that-be in Brooklyn learned nothing from this mishap.Even today, this cult thrives on attempting to capitalize upon international events, suggesting that such are indicators of the impending Armageddon.. The Bible helps us to foresee some coming developments. Or those determined to fight a "war on terror". Never in these instances, however, did they presume to originate predictions 'in the name of Jehovah.' Why will the proclamation of peace and security be a dangerous lie? How foolish to take the view that expectations needing some adjustment should call into question the whole body of truth! In what ways will Christ be completely victorious? Yes, they have. (1Cor. In Matthew 24:5ff, Christ set forth a number of signs that would herald the impending destruction of Jerusalem. Welcome This website was founded by dedicated, baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. 16:16. Just google Armageddon 2034. (Watchtower 1925, p. 56), 1940 The Kingdom is here, the King is enthroned. Murderers! Two portions of scripture were relied upon heavily as prophetic proof-texts that Armageddon was imminent. (a)Why is Armageddon good news for mankind? I was quite taken with this theory at the time, but of course 1999 came and went. (Genesis 6:3) The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. Rather, he compared his presence to the much longer period of time that led up to the Flood. Out of zeal and enthusiasm for the vindication of Jehovah's name, Word and purposes, and the desire for the new system, some of his servants have at times been premature in their expectations. To read into this text societal conditions that apply exclusively to the modern era, as a sign of the end, is a colossal interpretative blunder. Let us consider each of these in turn. The core notion embraced by Jehovah's Witnesses is that Armageddon is imminent, and that the only way to be saved from a terrible end-times death is to abide by their tenets, which are dispensed . 18. The fact of the matter is, however, the Watchtower folks concede that Christs application was to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70. First, there is no literal mountain of Megiddo. That's the beauty of religion and superstition, it has no limits. Missing from such people were God's truths and the evidence that He was using and guiding them.'' I would seem that things are being revealed at the proper time to encourage the preaching work. No man?s opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. By putting this value in the parallel equation we get the same result, 2014! WT just did a publicity thing trumping up Isaac Newton in one of the mags this past autumn. 14:1-4; Ezek. (Rev. "It is easy for the established churched of Christendom and other people to criticize JWs because their publications have, at times, stated that certain things could take place on 'certain dates'.True, some expectations that appeared to be backed up by Bible chronology did not materializee at the anticipated time. "-just not so near as before?). alan mcgee gemma interview . After the destruction of all false religious organizations, Gods people will stand out like a lone tree that survived a fierce storm. marked the beginning of the end for that ungodly world. Jehovah's Witnesses ban comes into force in Russia after appeal fails. To receive everlasting life in the earthly we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it. The berating talks, guilt inducing WT studies, pressure from the CO & DOs, placement of MTS grads, none have really worked. The Jehovah's Witnesses are an outgrowth of the International Bible Students Association, which was founded in 1872 in Pittsburgh by Charles Taze Russell. 28 Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.. Charles Taze Russell formed the Jehovah's Witnesses. Maybe the fix for posts being cut off got applied to the topic titles as well. (Rev. Like clouds covering the land, he will attack Jehovahs people. Wherever they are on earth, Gods people will trust in him when the attack is launched (See paragraph13)*. For one thing, among Witnesses, the generation idea had a lot more credibility than the 1975 chronology. LOL. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that saluting flags, including that of the United States, is tantamount to worshipping a graven image. watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses teaches that Armageddon will start in the year 2034. At Armageddon, Gods people will not fight. After being given divine warning of things not yet beheld,' says the apostle Paul, '[Noah] showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household.' But is it not far preferable to make some mistakes because of overeagerness to see God's purposes accomplished than to be spiritually asleep as to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy? (2Chron. In 2014, a San Diego judge ordered Watchtower to award $13.5 million to a man who was abused by a church . Will the Witnesses have a turn-around just as they did in the early 1970s? 1975 came and went and the governing body had to deal with the fallout for the coming 5 years until things started to pick up again. Jehovah God is therefore the only Supreme Court of interpretation of His inspired word. To such remnant of faithful servants of Jehovah God Christ Jesus has entrusted all ?his goods?, or earthly interests of the Kingdom. Thieves! For example, he may use earthquakes, hail, and lightning. ever made a false prediction of Jesus? ^ par. *** Watchtower 1981 December 1 p.27 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter ***. 2:9-11; 1 Cor. 19:2) How will Jehovah destroy Babylon the Great? (Jas. Even so, we can endure with joy. This calculation is based in the year 1914 as the begining of the last days plus the. For further information, consult the article on this web site: A Study of Matthew Twenty-four. In my opinion, there are 2 ways they can go: 1 - Mainstream - drop shunning, make blood conscious matter, focus less on field service and more on community projects (sort of like the LDS), turn Bethel into the JW version of BYU, push getting a good education instead of vilifying college, etc. U.N. Whores! if this generation is meant an era then it is to be 200yrs so1914+200=2114. 19:16) This is what makes the congregation theocratic in structure, adhering to God-rule. No; Christ Jesus the King has not entrusted that office to them. (Isa. and the award for longest subject title for a thread goes to What about 1931+120? Since the generation that overlapped with the eagle-eyed anointed that saw the enthronement that also overlapped the end of the gentile times. World. Poul Bregninge's parents became Jehovah's Witnesses when he was 2 years old. In verse 5, the apostles concluding admonition is: from these turn away. The expression turn away renders the Greek term apotrepou, an imperative mood, present tense, middle voice form, together with the singular number/masculine gender. Jehovah is the one behind all of it. The best way to do that is to set a date. There you have two lines of evidence that support the same conclusion. Fred was half blind, and so am I from studying texts in Hebrew and Greek and writing java code. And all that without upsetting the majority of its members. This calculation is based in the year 1914 as the begining of the last days plus the. At 1Thessalonians 5:2, Jehovahs day refers to the great tribulation. (Rev. 12-18) Noteworthy is the sentence that says: "Rather than trying to decide whether a certain person, family or group of persons . (Ezek. (see earlier thread) That is not so easy to call. (The Messenger, Sept. 1940, p. 6), 1968 "True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end" to the world, even announcing a specific date. They were so specific about this prediction, that they narrowed . (reflexively) to become (come into being), used with great latitude (literal, figurative, intensive, etc. What events will lead up to it? 38:23) Yes, Armageddon is good news for those who know God, obey his Son, and endure to the end.Matt. My concern is that placing the emphasis of the discussion on the days of Noah might give some the false impression that the Bibles reference to the days of Noah would be similar, if not identical, to the History of Noah (Genesis 6:9) Because, immediately prior to the reference to the History of Noah we have the statement in Genesis 6:3: After that Jehovah said: My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. At that very moment the 'generation' that will see Armageddon is born Dec 31, 2034 at 11:59 and lives another 120 years thusly it is 'logical evidence' that Armageddon shall commence in 2154. last days. Despite our trials, how can we remain faithful as Armageddon draws near? Do Jehovah?s Witnesses claim that Jehovah God speaks through them? Notice that Jesus did not liken his presence to the relatively short period of time during which the Flood occurred in Noah's day. 11 Jehovah will destroy the great prostitute by means of the ten horns of a scarlet-colored wild beast. That figurative wild beast represents the United Nations. How thankful we should be for the provision God has made of this slave class, the modern spiritual remnant, as they faithfully dispense the revealed truths of Jehovah ! Prior to 1914, Jehovah's Witnesses believed that Armageddon would end in 1914, and this included the fall of false religion (including Christendom) and the end of all earthly governments followed by heavenly and earthly resurrections and the establishment of paradise on earth. Zoning, tax questions. But what will happen then? Here is our best guess at this point in timeblah blah blah." cecinissem casuri agitandarum radiaretis inhibere domuum in Hebrew Gematria equals 2191: c 3 e 5 c 3 i 9 n 40 i 9 s 90 s 90 e 5 m 30 0 c 3 a 1 s 90 u 200 r 80 i 9 0 a 1 g 7 i 9 t 100 a 1 n 40 d 4 a 1 r 80 u 200 m 30 0 r 80 a 1 d 4 i 9 a 1 r 80 e 5 t 100 i 9 s 90 0 i 9 n 40 h 8 i 9 b 2 e 5 in Hebrew Gematria equals 2191: c 3 e 5 c 3 i 9 n 40 i 9 s 90 s 90 e 5 m 30 0 c 3 . for God has on earth today a prophetlike organization , Jehovah's anointed witnesses on earth. 11:18) To help us understand these points more clearly, let us consider four questions: What is Armageddon? It appears to me that the context of these accounts is clearly focusing on an event (it occurred Luke 17:26) that overtook unwary people. 8 Footnote: Final Prophecy Cycle Timeline Images; . I think it will take another decade (of the older generation of JW's dying off in waves) before the "1914 generation" shit hits the proverbial fan. chicken sandwich recipe without mayonnaise; how much . 2. kls. Progressive Humanist Civilization or medieval superstitious totalitarianism? 20:17, 22,23) And he may use his angels to slay the wicked. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it . (Luke 21:36) We must also follow up our prayers by studying Gods Word daily and meditating on it, including its amazing prophecies concerning our times. How can we remain faithful as Armageddon draws near? The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men. Page 15, Paragraph 6 "In Noah's day, Jehovah declared: 'My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. 16 By their fruits YOU will recognize them Have Jehovah?s Witnesses and the ?Faithful and Discrete Slave? And, since Luke included both Noah and Lot in his discussion, we would now have to calculate the time that Lot was in Sodom and figure this into our calculations, and I have been unable to find any reference to that time period anywhere. How may Jehovah defeat his enemies at Armageddon? Most Jehovah's Witnesses - roughly two-thirds (65%) - are . 70 Replies THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION September2019, Share What are some of the main events that will lead up to Armageddon? . Was it not founded on the 'immovable' 1914 date? I am the new Prophet.I am annointed..DAMMIT.
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