(Sec. (Sec. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. 59:9-2(d) despite her subjective complaints of pain. 39:6A-8a (1972). We are convinced that none of plaintiff's subjective complaints regarding the right side of her body are supported by objective medical evidence; therefore, they cannot constitute a permanent loss of a bodily function that is substantial. (Sec. On March 30, 2010, U.S. EPA proposed to amend the 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart B rules governing case-by-case emission limits for major sources of hazardous air pollutants (HAP). Hammer, Deion Sanders. (Sec. Authorizes the Attorney General to assess the cost efficiency and utility of using modular, prefabricated, precast, and pre-engineered construction components and designs for housing nonviolent criminals. Subtitle B: Assaults Against Children - Increases penalties for simple assault. Although we could remand the matter to the motion judge to make the required findings, we have exercised our original jurisdiction to make our own independent determinations based on the record before us. As a threshold observation, we agree with the motion judge's conclusion that plaintiff was required to demonstrate not only that she sustained a disfigurement but that the disfigurement is both permanent and substantial. Cf. Requires that each Federal court order or consent decree seeking to remedy an Eighth Amendment violation be reopened at the behest of a defendant for recommended modification at a minimum of two-year intervals. Authorizes the Secretary to: (1) establish a peer review panel to conduct the initial review of all grant applications received and to make recommendations regarding grant funding and a design for program evaluation; and (2) conduct such investigations and inspections as necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Act. Directs each agency to comply with such request. A tale which stems from an assertion by the filmmakers that, in the '30s, Stalin endorsed the idea of sex-change operations for the purpose of providing more soldiers for the motherland. Specifically, the photographs show a thin diagonal scar extending from her right lower lip to her chin and a vertical scar extending from the corner of her right eye to her nose. Requires such officials and, when appropriate, the Secretary of State, in a case in which a traveler who is a victim is from a foreign nation, to assist the prosecuting and law enforcement officials of a State or political subdivision to the fullest extent possible in securing from abroad such evidence or other information as may be needed for the effective investigation and prosecution of the crime. 40609) Directs the Attorney General to: (1) compile data regarding domestic violence and intimidation (including stalking) as part of the National Incident-Based Reporting System; and (2) report annually to the Congress concerning stalking and domestic violence. Sets forth further provisions regarding training, participant evaluation, and stipends during training. Permits a victim to waive anonymity and confidentiality. 110305) Requires: (1) each licensee to report to the Secretary and the appropriate local authorities the theft or loss of a firearm from the licensee's inventory or collection within 48 hours after the theft or loss is discovered; (2) each licensee to respond immediately to, and in no event later than 24 hours after, the receipt of a request by the Secretary for information contained in required records that may be required to determine the disposition of one or more firearms in the course of a bona fide criminal investigation; (3) the Secretary to implement a system whereby the licensee can positively identify and establish that an individual requesting information via telephone is employed and authorized by the agency to request such information; and (4) the Secretary to notify the chief law enforcement officer in the appropriate State and local jurisdictions of the names and addresses of all persons in the State to whom a firearms license is issued. Reversed and remanded for trial in conformity with this opinion. We infer from the record that the motion judge reviewed the recent photographs of plaintiff's scars and considered the relevant legal principles we have discussed. at 420, 696 A.2d 625, provided the loss is substantial and the claimant has met the $1,000 medical expense requirement, see id. Requires the Attorney General to make grants to State, Indian tribal, and local correction authorities and public health authorities to assist in establishing and operating programs for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and followup care of tuberculosis among inmates. (Sec. Sets forth reporting requirements. As we noted in In re Will of Marinus, 201 N.J.Super. 220003) Prohibits, and sets penalties for, tampering with the decals. Both Dr. D'Agostini and Dr. Tillis noted that, despite plaintiff's tendinitis, her shoulder did have a full range of motion. Species (1995) Species is a creature feature that stars a shapeshifter alien hybrid that just so happens to be a beautiful, often nude, blond. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Chapter 10: Rural Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Enforcement - Authorizes the Attorney General to make grants to States, Indian tribal governments, local governments of rural States, and other public or private entities of rural States to: (1) implement, expand, and establish cooperative efforts and projects between law enforcement officers, prosecutors, victim advocacy groups, and other related parties to investigate and prosecute incidents of domestic violence and child abuse; (2) provide treatment and counseling to victims of domestic violence and child abuse; and (3) work in cooperation with the community to develop education and prevention strategies directed toward such issues. Authorizes the Federal Judicial Center to include in its educational and training programs information on issues related to gender bias in the courts. Bibliographic references Johns 2010 / The Hoxne Late Roman Treasure: Modern Slavery Act Statement; (Sec. (Sec. In fact, her psychiatrist noted that she has returned to driving and also riding as a passenger in vehicles.5 Further, although plaintiff claims that she cannot engage in regular sexual relations with her husband, neither she nor her psychiatrist assert that her alleged sexual dysfunction is the result of her post-traumatic stress disorder. Sets penalties for assault resulting in substantial bodily injury. Our mission is to empower every American with the tools to understand and impact Congress. (Sec. 30402) Family and Community Endeavor Schools Act - Authorizes the Secretary to award grants on a competitive basis to eligible local entities to pay for the Federal share of assisting eligible communities to develop and carry out programs under this Act. 320935) Amends the FRE to allow evidence of similar offenses in criminal or civil sexual assault and child molestation cases. WebThe third, the "Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994" was ultimately signed into law in October 1994. 50002) Directs the Comptroller General to study and assess the effectiveness and impact of such grants and report to the Congress by January 1, 1997. One interpretation is that the section 112(j) case-by-case MACT requirements do not apply to the previously affected sources since U.S. EPA had originally met its obligation to promulgate a MACT standard by the deadline set by Congress. Specifies that: (1) such compensation shall be the average cost of incarceration of a prisoner in the relevant State; and (2) the Attorney General shall give priority to the Federal incarceration of undocumented criminal aliens who have committed aggravated felonies. Title VIII: Applicability of Mandatory Minimum Penalties in Certain Cases - Amends the Federal criminal code to require the court to impose a sentencing for specified drug-related offenses pursuant to Sentencing Commission guidelines and without regard to any statutory minimum sentence, if the court finds, after the Government has been afforded the opportunity to make recommendation, that: (1) the defendant does not have more than one criminal history point and did not use violence or credible threats of violence or possess a firearm or other dangerous weapon (or induce another participant to do so) in connection with the offense; (2) the offense did to result in death or serious bodily injury to any person; (3) the defendant was not an organizer, leader, manager, or supervisor of others in the offense and was not engaged in a continuing criminal enterprise; and (4) the defendant has truthfully provided to the Government all information and evidence the defendant has concerning the offense (but the fact that the defendant has no relevant or useful other information to provide or that Government is already aware of the information shall not preclude a determination by the court that the defendant has complied with this requirement). Directs the Attorney General to determine whether a ground for exclusion exists with respect to such a nonimmigrant. (Sec. (Sec. 32094) Males certain findings and declarations regarding gun violence in schools. 59:9-2(d). Defendants counter that summary judgment was proper because plaintiff failed to meet the threshold requirements of N.J.S.A. (Sec. (Sec. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) circumstances in which there is more than one offender or more than one victim; (2) payment schedules; (3) setoffs; (4) the effect on other sources of compensation; (4) conditions of probation or supervised release; (5) proof of claim; (6) modification of orders; and (7) reference of issues arising in connection with a proposed restitution order to a magistrate or special master. Clay Ceramics Manufacturing (Clay Ceramics MACT) vacated on June 18, 2007. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) review by governors; (2) sanctions for noncompliance; (3) allocation and distribution of funds; (4) utilization of the private sector; and (5) public hearings. Brooks, supra, 150 N.J. at 406, 696 A.2d 619. We hold, however, that, in addition, under the Tort Claims Act, a disfigurement must be substantial to satisfy its verbal threshold requirement, N.J.S.A. (Sec. Specifies that, in the case of a defendant for whom the statutorily required minimum sentence is five years, sentencing guidelines shall call for a range in which the lowest term of imprisonment is at least 24 months. (Sec. 200108) Requires the Director to establish programs of training for Police Corps participants, which may be carried out at up to three training centers established for such purpose and administered by the Director, or by contracting with existing State training facilities. D'Agostini, plaintiff's treating orthopedic surgeon, noted as early as three months after the accident that plaintiff had regained full knee motion and had excellent lateral stability. On May 15, 1995, he opined in his final report that [she] should have excellent elbow and knee function. On April 26, 1997, Dr. Alan Tillis, a second treating orthopedist, concurred in part, observing that [plaintiff] probably has healed the lacerations to the left side of her body fairly well. Plaintiff's deposition, taken September 27, 1996, also reflects that she had no discomfort in her left elbow or left leg and that her left fibula had healed. 40504) Amends the Federal criminal code to provide for restitution for victims of sexual abuse offenses. at 536, 666 A.2d 146. Consequently, the judge erred in concluding as a matter of law that plaintiff did not suffer a permanent disfigurement that is substantial. 320915) Expresses the sense of the Senate that law enforcement personnel should not be reduced. Subtitle D: Family and Community Endeavor Schools Grant Program - Community Schools Youth Services and Supervision Grant Program Act of 1994 - Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to allocate specified sums to community-based organizations in States and in Indian country to provide children in the eligible community with services and activities that include supervised sports and extracurricular and academic programs offered after school and on weekends and holidays during the school year and as daily full-day programs or as part-day programs during the summer months. 210402) Directs the Attorney General to acquire data about the use of excessive force by law enforcement officers and to publish an annual summary of such data. (Sec. Dr. Robert J. Modifies FRE 412 to make inadmissible in a civil or criminal proceeding involving alleged sexual misconduct evidence offered to prove: (1) that any alleged victim engaged in other sexual behavior; and (2) any alleged victim's sexual predisposition. 60026) Revises provisions regarding the appointment of counsel in capital cases. U.S. EPAs proposed amendments would affect all major sources of HAP that were previously subject to the following MACT standards that were vacated in their entirety by the D.C. (Sec. (Sec. Requires that such methods ensure certain punishment for young offenders and promote reduced recidivism, crime prevention, and victim assistance. Chapter 8: Confidentiality for Abused Persons - Directs the U.S. Title V: Drug Courts - Amends the Omnibus Act to authorize the Attorney General to make grants to States, State courts, local courts, local governments, and Indian tribal governments, for programs that involve: (1) continuing judicial supervision over non violent offenders with substance abuse problems; and (2) the integrated administration of other sanctions and services which shall include mandatory periodic testing for the use of controlled substances or other addictive substances during any period of supervised release or probation for each participant, substance abuse treatment for each participant, supervised release involving the possibility of prosecution, confinement, or incarceration based on noncompliance with program requirements or failure to show satisfactory progress, and programmatic, offender management, and aftercare services such as a relapse prevention, health care, education, vocational training, job placement, housing placement, and child care or other family support services for each participant who requires such services. (Sec. (Sec. 59:9-2(d). (Sec. 59:9-2(d). 2008. (Sec. Requires the Judicial Conference of the United States to evaluate and report to the Congress its views on whether and how the FRE should be amended to guarantee that the confidentiality of communications between sexual assault victims and their therapists or trained counselors will be adequately protected in Federal court proceedings. Title XXX: Protection of Privacy of Information in State Motor Vehicle Records - Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994 - Prohibits the release or use by any State motor vehicle department (or any officer, employee, or contractor thereof) of personal information about an individual obtained by the department in connection with a motor vehicle record, with exceptions. to bait violent anti-democratic conspiracy theories or to engage in anti-semitism. 20416) Amends the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act to increase the period for exhaustion of administrative remedies to up to 180 days (currently, 90 days) and to require exhaustion where such remedies are fair and effective (currently, where such remedies are in substantial compliance with specified minimum acceptable standards). (Sec. If youve visited a bill page on GovTrack.us recently, you may have noticed a new study guide tab located just below the bill title. Establishes penalties for persons required to register who knowingly fail to register and keep such registration current. (Sec. Chapter 3: Miscellaneous Provisions - Authorizes appropriations for: (1) the community economic partnership investment funds program; and (2) the emerging CDCs program. Requires participants who do not follow through on their commitment to pay back all the scholarship money plus ten percent interest. In November 1994, Dr. D'Agostini observed plaintiff had excellent motion and gait, while Dr. Tillis noted in April 1996 that plaintiff walked with a moderately antalgic gait.3 X-rays were negative as reflecting any objective basis for plaintiff's right-sided complaints. Sets the Federal share at 50 percent Authorizes appropriations. 280005) Directs the President to designate three Vice Chairs of the Sentencing Commission. (Sec. 140005) Requires the court, whenever a juvenile has been found guilty of committing an act after his 13th birthday which, if committed by an adult, would be a felony crime of violence or one of specified drug-related offenses, to transmit to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Identification Division, information concerning the adjudications. (Sec. 130003) Authorizes the Attorney General to grant a nonimmigrant visa to an alien (and, as appropriate, specified relatives of the alien) who possess critical information about a criminal organization whose presence in the United States is essential to the success of an investigation or prosecution of an individual involved in such organization, or who the Secretary of State and the Attorney General jointly determine is in possession of critical information concerning a terrorist organization, subject to specified requirements. 39:6A-8a, a scar must be objectively significantly disfiguring. Puso, supra, 272 N.J.Super. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. That case recognized an objective standard for determining whether a scar is a permanent significant disfigurement under New Jersey's original no-fault statute, N.J.S.A. Building on Falcone, in Puso v. Kenyon, 272 N.J.Super. Subtitle D: Equal Justice for Women in the Courts Act - Equal justice for Women in the Courts Act of 1994 - Chapter 1: Education and Training for Judges and Court Personnel in State Courts - Authorizes the State Justice Institute (SJI) to make grants for model programs to be used by States in training judges and court personnel in State laws, and by Indian tribes in training tribal judges and court personnel in tribal laws, governing rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, and other crimes of violence motivated by the victim's gender.
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