So now we must account for those 150,000 generations by raising 400 quadrillion to the 150,000 power: That's a ten followed by 2,640,000 zeroes, which would fill 11 volumes the size of my book. According to WolframAlpha, the total area of oceans in the world is 3.409108 square kilometers, or 340,900,000 km2 (131.6 million square miles, for those benighted souls who still cling to user-hostile British measures). Me neither. The odds against 26 blacks in a row are about 66 million to one against; however, previous results have absolutely no effect on subsequent ones. One night, perhaps, the same dream, grown hazy by morning. What would we come up with ourselves starting with first principles, making some reasonable assumptions and putting them all together? Remember the sperm-meeting-egg argument for the creation of you, since each gamete is unique? A fertile woman has 100,000 viable eggs on average. The odds of you existing have been calculated by Dr. Ali Binazir. If the first shot fall into the black hole, it remains only the red, and not green or blue. The probability that you came about is the same as that turtle sticking its head out of the water -- into the middle of that life preserver. Then, I hope and believe, that He has written my name on the palm of His hand, so whenever He looks at His hand, He thinks of me. (Just dont blow up your car trying to have the exhaust be blue smoke like I saw on that viral video, or set any forests on fire, lets keep it safe, kids.). I gotta say, the two numbers are pretty darn close, for such a farfetched notion from two completely different sources: old-time Buddhist scholars and present-day scientists. The even better news is that the first one on Tue June 16, which is the Special Session on Joy, is free Continue reading "Brain Yoga: New Sessions" To get the final answer, technically we need to multiply that by the 1045,000 , 2000 and 20,000 up there, but those numbers are so shrimpy in comparison that it almost doesnt matter. He calculated that an average human could expect to experience such an occurrence once every 35 days. In other words, as this infographic figures it,. Author and blogger Dr. Ali Binazir did the calculations last spring and decided that the chances of anyone existing are one in 102,685,000. So the combined probability is already around 1 in 40 million long but not insurmountable odds. Copyright 2000 - 2023 The Epoch Times Association Inc. All Rights Reserved. Even with the lowest statistic of 1 in 400 trillion, you would have a better chance of winning over $100 million dollar lottery 9 times over your life again than you would have being born. For a more thorough discussion of this topic, visit the Tao of Dating and Awaken Your Genius blogs. The chances of that turning into another meeting is about 1 in 10. That number is not just larger than all of the particles in the universe its larger than all the particles in the universe if each particle were itself a universe. And whats even more profound is that 10^2,685,00 is not even remotely comparable with eternity. In it, she mentioned that scientists calculate the probability of your existing as you, today, at about one in 400 trillion (41014). But when we take it back throughout all the unbroken generations of life, then to the formation of the earth, then the development of the galaxy, then the universe being created from the Big Bang, your odds have now been reduced to 1 in 10 followed by 2,685,000 zeroes. I'm Heidi, I'm a writer, a mama and a sober recovery teacher/mentor. And lets say the fly decides to bring the ENTIRE MOON back to the Earth, one grain of sand at a time. So the probability of your parents' chance meeting resulting in kids is about one in 2000. Dr Ali Binazir, Contributor Author, Happiness Engineer & Personal Growth consultant creating tools for greater wellness & flourishing Jun 16, 2011, 03:58 PM EDT | Updated Aug 16, 2011 This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. -- from "Love at First Sight", Wislawa Szymborska, The End and The Beginning, 1993. It has over 40,000 names organized into different categories, including Unisex, Boys Names, and Girls Names. This button displays the currently selected search type. Are they gross exaggerations? To say that we are contingent beings is a vast understatement. A fertile woman has 100,000 viable eggs on average. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. What would we come up with ourselves starting with first principles, making some reasonable assumptions and putting them all together? "That's a pretty big number," I thought to myself. So, it seems fair to say that there are an infinite number of possibilities of any event happening not matter how remote the chance. Heres how the National Center for Science Education puts it: Any event with a probability greater than 0, no matter how low, will be likely to happen if given enough opportunity, and sure to happen if opportunity is unlimited., Michele Caballero Siamitras Kassube on Pixabay. One in 400 trillion vs one in 700 trillion? On one try.. As you aptly point out, many persons losts lots of money at the roulette because they quests mathematically accurate. The probability of this happening is 635,013,559,600 to one against. But its not even remotely comparable with 10^2,685,000. We're about to deal with eggs and sperm, which come in large numbers. A miracle is an event so unlikely as to be almost impossible. Borels Law says such a number means something is impossible, and yet, its not. The question is, how long will it take for the fly to bring the entire moon back to the earth? The number of atoms making up the earth is about 1050. Now imagine that each time the fly comes back from the moon it brings with it a speck of moon dust the size of a grain of sand (lets say 1 mg). We might not all like the cards we were dealt in life, but it is our choice to play what weve been given or to go on blaming our lot which is wanting more power, but giving up any power we already have. So the combined probability is already around one in 40 million -- long but not insurmountable odds. The Tao of Dating: The Smart Woman's Guide to Being Absolutely Irresistible. Lets say the fly takes a brief respite of one million years between trips. He goes further back to look at the probability of all your ancestors successfully mating, and of all the right sperm meeting all the right eggs to make each one of those ancestors. it is impossible)., The astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle illustrated this with his Junkyard Tornado Theory: The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way is comparable to the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junkyard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.. Now lets say the chances of them actually talking to one another is one in 10. This basically ZERO CHANCE of BEING BORN shows me that WE ALL DESERVE having an EQUAL PLACE on Earth! Or are we some mysterious combination of impossible and inevitable? One number that is tossed about a lot is that the odds against your being born are one in 400 trillion. Were all winners in life without doing anything! To that, we could add the probability that the one sperm and the one egg met one another because she wasnt in the mood, but lets not split hairs here. I gotta say, the two numbers are pretty darn close, for such a far-fetched notion from two completely different sources: old-time Buddhist scholars and present-day scientists., *Illustration of human profile and numbers via Shutterstock, You're one in 400 trillion, or pretty much a miracle. And the chances of that lasting long enough to result in offspring is one in two. Why? By that definition, Ive just proven that you are a miracle. Probability of boy meeting girl: one in 20,000. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. June 24, 2022 . But on all probability it would. So the combined probability is already around 1 in 40 million long but not insurmountable odds. For perspective on the size of those numbers, there are only 10x 80 elementary particles in the observable universe.). So, round-trip time works out to be about 14 yearsfor the fly to go to the moon and back. enough to delve into higher mathematics discover there are many tripwires ahead of them. Say that over the course of all human existence, the likelihood of any one human offspring to survive childhood and live to reproductive age and have at least one kid is 50:50 -- one in two. So, the combined probability is already only about 1 in 40 million. First, let's talk about the probability of your parents meeting. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. There are only slightly more than 500 billionaires in America, making your odds of becoming one roughly one in 578,508. Probability of every one of your ancestors reproducing successfully: one in 10. It would be your cousin Jethro, and you never really liked him anyway. The following analysis, paraphrased at some points, is taken directly from Mr. Binazir's article: The probability of father meeting mother is 1 in 20,000. They look like this , or this, and have to be avoided at all costs. Step 3. Rich E Cunningham from Ontario, Canada on May 14, 2020: Interesting article, guess we are lucky to be here! Worldwide, there are 2,043 billionaires among 7.4 billion people. No one else has had a soul like mine, no one will have a soul like it. To complete the analysis: (102,640,000) (1045,000) (40,000,000) = 4 x 102,685,007 102,685,000. That number is not just larger than all of the particles in the universe -- it's larger than all the particles in the universe if each particle were itself a universe. Scientists have calculated the odds of a human being born as at least 1 in 400 trillion. They each roll the dice and they all come up with the exact same numberfor example, 550,343,279,001., A miracle is an event so unlikely as to be almost impossible. The odds of you being born as you are about 1 in 400 trillion, or more. He was a funny guy. Ty Webb, Caddyshack, which is wanting more power, but giving up any power we already have. Well, the right sperm also had to meet the right egg to create your grandparents. But let's think about this some more. And the chances of that turning into another meeting is about one in 10 also. Remember the sperm-meeting-egg argument for the creation of you, since each gamete is unique? They each roll the diceand they all come up the exact same numbersay, 550,343,279,001. This is a vastly greater improbability than one in 1050. Harvard alumnus and creativity consultant Dr. Ali Binazir tried to calculate the mind-boggling odds of one being born into existence on earth, and came up with interesting results. Probability of same boy knocking up same girl: one in 2000. But, the odds of every bridge deal are exactly the same. Borels Law is about the probability of events occurring. In a recent talk at TEDx San Francisco, Mel Robbins, a riotously funny self-help author, mentioned that scientists estimate the probability of your being born at about one in 400 trillion. So the combined probability is already around one in 40 million -- long but not insurmountable odds. It's the probability of 2.5 million people getting together -- about the population of San Diego -- each to play a game of dice with trillion-sided dice. (This is also known as "consulting" -- especially if you show it all in a PowerPoint deck.). Imagine there was one life preserver thrown somewhere in some ocean, with exactly one turtle in all of these oceans, swimming underwater somewhere. Probability of right sperm meeting right egg: one in 400 quadrillion. According to WolframAlpha, the total area of oceans in the world is 341 million km (131.6 million square miles). The scientists and Buddhists seem to agree. Probability of every one of your ancestors reproducing successfully: 1 in 1045,000. Previously, I had heard the Buddhist version of the probability of "this precious incarnation." Now things start getting interesting. Id gladly take those odds over trying to become a millionaire in any other country. That means in every step of your lineage, the probability of the right sperm meeting the right egg such that the exact right ancestor would be created that would end up creating you is one in 400 quadrillion. Then what would be the chance of your particular lineage to have remained unbroken for 150,000 generations? And the chances of that turning into another meeting is about one in 10 also. The good news is that the fee is only $10 per class 10-20x cheaper than therapy, and probably more effective. They say that it is impossible for human life to exist without divine intervention. Or could they be underestimates of the true number? mitchell henry obituary; housing authority rome, ga; tom brady personality traits; can you drive from glacier national park to banff; why did they replace bertha in fred Its the probability of 2 million people getting together about the population of San Diego each to play a game of dice with trillion-sided dice. Essentially, what Borel said was that any event with a honking big (a technical term used by mathematicians) level of improbability would never happen. Let's say a third of those (4 trillion) are relevant to our calculation, since the sperm created after your mom hits menopause don't count. The odds of being murdered are relatively low when compared to other possible causes of death. What Does Jesus Mean When He Says We Must Be Salted with Fire. (This is also known as "consulting" -- especially if you show it all in a PowerPoint deck.). May 20, 2021; linda hunt commercials; nail salon in publix plaza near me . Let's confine the pool of possible people they could meet to 1/10th of the world's population 20 years go (1/10th of 4 billion = 400 million) so it considers not just the population of the US but that of the places they could have visited. Take a second and think about that, and put a smile on your face, you fucking miracle you. How fast does a laden fly fly? This is true no matter how far back in your family's history you may wish to go. Youre not just one in a million, youre one in a 102,685,000. They each roll the dice and they all come up with the exact same number for example, 550,343,279,001. Dr. Ali Binazir. Namely, that every one of your ancestors lived to reproductive age, going back about 150,000 generations to the origin of man. Remember the sperm-meeting-egg argument for the creation of you, since each gamete is unique? Turtle sticking his head out of that life preserver is simply the area inside the life preserver divided by the total area of all oceans, or about 1 in 700 trillion. If you assume there are 3 billion women and 3 billion men alive today, that means 3 x 10^14 eggs and 3.6 x 10^22 sperm are currently on the planet, for a total of 1.1 x 10^37 possible pairings. I have one baby so far, but Im still fertile, according to science. On my birthday, I had a strangely pertinent thought: what's the probability of being born? Part of HuffPost Wellness. Consider some of the contingencies and requirements for your existence as set forth by Mr. Binazir. The right sperm also had to meet the right egg to create your grandparents; otherwise theyd be different people and so would their children, who would then have had children who were similar to you but not quite you. Its not cheesy to be grateful to be alive, if you look at the facts, it should be normal. This is also true of their parents, and so on till the beginning of time. Tip #3 of 20: You are already a goddess, so feel free to act like one. The RecovHer Freedom Breakthrough Course- Work With Me. He breaks the chances you were born down like this: The probability of your parents meeting is one in 20,000. Hello there! I was toying with this other idea, about an owl who falls in love with a cat and brings it mice every day. It turns out that when taking into account the astonishing number of possibilities of parents meeting, grandparents meeting before them, and so on going back generations, and then adding the vast number of sperm and ova in possible combinations over decades of the marital act in all those generations, the odds of me existing just as I do are about 1 in 102,685,000. Theologically, of course, we are no accident; we do not exist by happenstance. Is that an African fly or a European one? And worry and fear? A donut with no hole, is a Danish. You get the volume of planet Earth. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. According to WolframAlpha, the total area of oceans in the world is 341 million km (131.6 million square miles). Then he looked at the chances of them talking, of meeting again, of forming a long-term relationship, of having kids together, and of the right egg and the right sperm combining to make you. If Borels Law is the immutable truth and the creationists are wrong, you cant exist. But Im not mathy. Sean said that we have already won the cosmic lottery simply by being born because the odds of that happening alone is one in a gazillion times. Yes, it is clear the 'opportunity' of born is complete chance and luck. They each roll the dice and they all come up with. Thats 150,000 generations. They each roll the dice -- and they all come up the exact same number -- say, 550,343,279,001. First, let us figure out the probability of one turtle sticking its head out of the one life preserver we toss out somewhere in the ocean. You can start the series by clicking HERE. You are a representative of an unbroken lineage of life going back 4 billion years. Which ones bigger? If they met one new person of the opposite sex every day from age 15 to 40, that would be about 10,000 people. The number of atoms in the known universe is estimated at 1080. I would call that a personal relationship with God. So the probability of your parents chance meeting resulting in kids is about 1 in 2000. One in 400 trillion vs one in 700 trillion? Mirabile visu (Wondrous to behold)! That is, instead of making one big hand-waving gesture and pronouncing, The answer is five hundred bazillion squintillion, we make a series of sequentially-reasoned, smaller hand-waving gestures so as to make it all seem scientific. The perfect deal in bridge is that each player receives all the cards in one suit. One in 400 trillion vs one in 700 trillion? If you need to flag this entry as abusive. This is the probability of you being born at the time you were born to your particular parents, with your particular genetic make-up. His reasoning being that each person experiences an event of some sort every second. Visions in Lent: Family Life As a Seen in a Rock Tumbler. Well surely reply you within 48 hours. If even once the wrong sperm met the wrong egg, you would not be sitting here noodling online reading fascinating articles like this one. What are the odds of that? He used a thought experiment to illustrate this that became known popularly as the infinite monkey theorem; this states that if an infinite number of monkeys pound the keys of an infinite number of typewriters they will eventually write the complete works of Shakespeare. Dr. Ali Binazir Has 10 Years + Experience As A Author. He assumes each person is alert and awake for eight hours a day (this allows for downtime watching reality TV shows when the human brain is entirely inactive). was alerted to a fascinating article by Ali Binazir, who sets forth mathematically the probably that each of us exists. Let's say a third of those (4 trillion) are relevant to our calculation, since the sperm created after your mom hits menopause don't count. As a comparison, the approximate number of atoms in the known universe is 10. Thats a pretty big number, I thought to myself. A man will produce about 12 trillion sperm over the course of his reproductive lifetime. If one square kilometer is a million square meters, then the probability of Mr Turtle sticking his head out of that life preserver is simply the area inside the life preserver divided by the total area of all oceans, or. To be more specific, its probably 1 in 102,640,000. Fortunes were lost as players bet huge amounts on red in the erroneous belief that the law of probabilities dictated the ball would not drop on black again. Each sperm and each egg is genetically unique because of the process of meiosis; you are the result of the fusion of one particular egg with one particular sperm. Step 2. The following analysis, paraphrased at some points, is taken directly from Mr. Binazirs article: The probability of father meeting mother is 1 in 20,000. decision by design review farnam street; dr ali binazir odds of being born; post mortem fingerprint equipment. In it, she mentioned that scientists calculate the probability of your existing as you, today, at about one in 400 trillion (410 14). Lets say its a fly that moves at about 4 mph. So to the second question: how accurate is this number? So let's say the probability of your parents meeting, ever, is 10,000 divided by 200 million, or one in 20,000. I met a couple of interesting people at a casual meet-up and the topic of the day was a good life. Whoa. Now go forth and feel and act like the miracle that you are., Buddhists have talked of the preciousness of this incarnation. Now go forth and feel and act like the miracle that you are. If I had 400 trillion pennies, I could probably build a decent-sized penny fortress with it. Miebakagh Fiberesima from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA. A fertile woman has 100,000 viable eggs on average. And I note that it is an unladen fly that moves at about 4 mph. If even once the wrong sperm met the wrong egg, you would not be sitting here noodling online reading fascinating articles like this one. Step 4. Tara MacIsaac is an Epoch Times reporter based in Toronto. Our babys name creator can help you find a baby at 12 weeks old and unique name for your child. Step 4. By that definition, Ive just shown that you are a miracle, he wrote. So to the second question: how accurate is this number? Namely, that every one of your ancestors lived to reproductive age going all the way back not just to the first Homo sapiens, first Homo erectus and Homo habilis, but all the way back to the first single-celled organism. According to author Mel Robbins, scientists have estimated that our odds of being born are about 1 in 400 trillion. A man will produce about 12 trillion sperm over the course of his reproductive lifetime. That's a pretty straightforward calculation. To say that someone or something is contingent is to say that the existence of same is not inevitable but rather can only come about based on a number of previous things being true in a chain of being or causality. It is like finding out how many angels can stand on a pin-head! So the probability of that one sperm with half your name on it hitting that one egg with the other half of your name on it is one in 400 quadrillion. If this writer can grasp the concept then any one of those infinite monkeys can. Click the image to enlarge it and check their numbers: Of course, there are poets who argue exactly the opposite: that each of us is fated to exist, that there is a plan, and that all of us are expected. Thank you, Monsignor. Its almost too big to process, just know that the odds that you exist at all are basically zero. They each roll the dice and they all come up the exact same number say, 550,343,279,001. Learn more here: Dr. Ali Binazirs Article on Probability of Being Born. And the chances of that turning into another meeting is about one in 10 also. Love, H, Writer, Mama, Spiritual Warrior @RecovHer, Sharing is Caring! Well then, that would be one in 2 , which is about one in 10 -- a number so staggeringly large that my head hurts just writing it down. This alone should boost any lingering low self-esteem quite a bit. But now, as long as I'm musing about insane probabilities, I thought I'd delve a little into the odds of us even being born and what that took! But, doesnt that seem a bit low? They agree to within a factor of two! That probability is low but the presence of super-novae throughout the cosmos is not. Probability of every one of your ancestors reproducing successfully: one in 10. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Because the existence of you here now on planet earth presupposes another supremely unlikely and utterly undeniable chain of events. Thats a ridiculously huge number. So I got curious: Are either of these estimates correct? Now let's say the chances of them actually talking to one another is one in 10. Same to all of us. This includes personalizing content and advertising. I would not exist if my parents had not existed and then met. Let's say a life preserver's hole is about 80cm in diameter, which would make the area inside about 0.5 square meter. The learned professor was actually pulling everyones legs, but Littlewoods Law has been conscripted as proof of a number of strange theories. He looked at the odds of your parents meeting, given how many men and women there are on Earth and how many people of the opposite sex your mother and father would have met in their first 25 years of life.
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