Stark saved you, he said firmly. I finally got organized and have all my fics on a page now if you wanna check it out! Tony knew he was dying. Ive known since February., Wait a minute she says thoughtfully. every breath in was painful and the more he took the faster they became. Pretty sure MJ is onto you.. byeva7673. The rest of the team needed no further instructions, running to get suited up and on their way. "Dad. Are we really discussing this? Captain America and Black Widow asked at the same time. "There is one other thing. Im coming Peter. Whats some good Peter whump stories youve read recently? "Hello, Tony. 2. fuck im so tired I think Coach Wilson is ready to get started.. On, he commands, lightly snapping the elastic band against Peters cheek between each word for emphasis. Sorry., Tony rolls his eyes and moves the mask back up over Peters face. OK LAST ONE FIANLLY I CAN DLEEP +1Peter was permanently deaf. Thats the fic. done. As he straightens back up to standing, he sees black spots in his vision for a second. Luckily, his comm still works. Friday contact Karen, Tony ordered tersely. We were playing superheroes and we needed to pack the supplies to take with us cus we had to go fight the bad guys in space., Shed been stockpiling stuff for the last couple days in the treehouse, Peter goes on, so she was just tossing everything down for me to put in the bag. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Not to mention his spidey sense is going haywire. Gotta go!, Teenagers, Tony muttered under his breath. 16. He shoves his hand into the gauntlet. Please just help Peter." Flash's mouth hung open. We provide avengers peter bleeding at school fan fiction books for you to select. 2. Youve got like, food poisoning or something., Peter shakes his head. More like made me fall off a skyscraper, Peter told him as he hopped off the roof and began swinging towards his destination again. Tony Stark calls him that, like, all the time.. -. "Shuri, could you go into his locker, get his phone, call Stark." When its finally out, his throat feels raw. Tony adopts Peter after May is suddenly killed in a hit and run. I'm not a kid. He glanced behind himself, spotting another water tower (why did Manhattan apartments have so many?) Maybe you can do one of your leaps and look over the stalks, Ned suggests, gazing up at the top of the corn surrounding them. He showed up in his suit and flew you out and onto the jet and I just I couldnt even figure out how to get out of the stupid maze! "What's for dinner mom?" So instead of leaving it to the heroes, which he was hardly, he gritted his teeth and hung on for dear life. Peter was really confused for a second before he realized that she meant his hearing aids. Pain in his stomach and chest; throbbing, stabbing pain. Its nothing majorjust irritating, but its making his brain feel fuzzy, which is likely a contributing factor to why theyve been weaving their way through this stupid maze for the past hour. ), You Leave Me Breathless by fifteenminutesoffame. "I'm writing you up." 32 Stories. Talking. After the Avenger's rescue him, Tony has trouble being there for Peter-- even if he's doing the best he can, his absence convinces Peter that he is no longer wanted. all he could think about was how he was probably going to die. He jumped onto the ceiling and silently crawled out of the open . 2.Peter didn't intend of commuting suicide when he woke up this morning. He muttered something under his breath. The signal cuts off then. Hey, chill, Cap. Peter told him, reaching out for the chunk of rock. Ah, Stark, youre late to the game! Sam Wilson called out as he shot by overhead. You know, its been ages since anyone sorted through the supply closet, he says casually, jerking his head towards a nearby door. Hang in there. Don't call him. Just feel weird, Ned wrinkles his brow at him. Peter wipes a hand across his face and sees shes telling the truth. Oh, okay, Karen, whatever you say., I have informed Mister Stark of your condition and location. Peter wants to say that he is, hes trying, but his brain and his mouth arent cooperating. Peter nearly fell off of that plane too many times. Everyone raised their hand simultaneously, all except for Peter, whose eyes were on the paper undisputed. "Rude! Typical.. Tony is standing next to his bed, his face calm, but eyes full of concern. Go help him!. "What did you say?" Tony reluctantly introduces Peter to them but doesn't tell them he's Spider-man. Ive got eyes on Cap, he announced to the general comm. Stephen Strange was confused. Well, hes got the mother of all concussions and a few cuts and scrapes, but hell be fine., Good, Peter breathed. I'm here to inform the school that the two of us should no longer be considered contacts for this boy here. A Shot of Poison, To Calm the Nerves by @wordscorrupt. Do you know any good fics where Peter is disoriented from either being hurt or sick? Okay, I got you. Ned grabs Peter by the elbows and helps lower him down to sit on a relatively dry part of the ground. Peter forces himself to open his eyes. he could hear the faint fighting outside the rubble and small voices yelling. Peter says way too cheerfully for someone who was shot last night. Also Flash is an ass. "Will he be okay?" That turns out to be a horrific process involving Peter being asked to cough repeatedly as the doctor pulls the catheter from his airway. In spite of that, he mutters, Yeah, maybe.. A Latina cop in a leather jacket pulls the gun out of the webbing on the other side of the alley. Hey, put me back on the Avengers comm, wouldya? As soon as he heard the audio switch from the background to the foreground, he spoke up again. When the vet came into view, Tony didnt bother slowing down. Is it in here or not?. His head feels like its splitting in two and every muscle in his body aches as though hes just fought off the Vulture again. (See the end of the work for more notes.). The loud rushing noise in his ears began to fade. poisoning is a trope i can definitely get behind, Five Times Tony Benches Peter on a Mission + One Time Peter Benches Tony. Weird how?. Consequences By: Sweet Little Darling. So when he stood up for himself, you took that as the it's alright to try and murder him!?" Who is an actual doctor by the way., A migraine hits unexpectedly, and Peter doesnt want to worry his aunt. Pepper let out a choked sob when she saw her son, laid out like this. What? His head is already healing, miraculously." "Peter! Yeah, I dont know either, kid, Tony grumbles. Make Way For Tomorrow by @the-great-escapism - Basically, recently-turned-homeless Peter Parker wins a science competition by entering a version of the web fluid he created for Spider-Man, but gets spooked and hightails it out of there before Tony can speak with him properly. Have you never seen the second Harry Potter movie? A little while later, the two cops come busting in. Playing news report now. The video on the screen before them began playing. You can call me Peter if you want Mr. Sr. Police-Man Jake Peralta." He blasted off into the sky, Rhodey right behind him, as the rest of the Avengers sprinted to the Quin Jet. And the 1 Time Tony didnt. Rather than point out the question he was supposed to awnser, Ned though it'd be better to see Ms. Egdirbmu crash and burn. Terry, can you help me make him a splint?" Instead his first day ends with his roommate bleeding out into the snow right in front of him. "You're right Detective Peralta. Tony hops into his suit and heads out to rescue Peter. Peter can immediately tell something is wrong, his senses dialed up so wildly that he cant focus on anything, barely feeling like hes moving forward on the sidewalk as he tries to reach the Tower. Gonna pass out. His back was strewn with smaller rocks and bits of metal, and Peter could see dark bloodstains seeping into the dust-strewn ground. Peter frowns. Is anyone She cut off for a moment, seemingly busy. Look, kid, Thanks, Mr. Stark! Peter said, doing a backflip off the van and reaching up to snag a building with his web-shooters. And then to make matter worse, Bucky had been triggered and forgotten who anyone was. Oh! The most infuriating part was that for once, he didn't have the answers. In My Shawarma? I think you dont have a choice, Peter thought. onto peter. Because the next moment those hands were pressing down a little harder, a solid weight on his shoulder and chest.Grounding him.Youre not.. 20. Whats wrong with him? she asks. He sneaks a glance towards her, only to see her eyes widen - his senses screaming at him a second too late as he hears someone call out, Watch out!. "Help," just as his body went slack, the principal came around the corner. Peter shows up at the compound in a bad state. Peter made a beeline for the nearest black vehicle and dropped down in front of the medic outside of it. *waves cheerily*This is my first stand alone MCU fic and Im so excited to share it with you at last. She checks him overshines a light in his eyes, draws some blood, and makes careful note of his vitalsbefore deciding hes okay to extubate. Not Peter. no see thats the thing im- tonys line had gone dead. Tony watches helplessly as Wanda peers into the carefully-buried past of Peter Parker, one that Tony himself hasn't even delved that deep into out of respect for his protg. Its like the opposite of sensory overloadeverything has been dialed back to negative two. Big deal! ", Peter Parker dies after Thanos successfully snaps. Stomach hurts, Peter mutters through clenched teeth. his clothes were ripped and something was definitely now piercing his bellys skin. Or Spangles gets it., Peter obeyed, putting his hands in the air and readying to shoot with his web-shooters. Peter couldnt be dead, could he? He did it all to get to you.. Or, Tony Stark talks a drugged-up Spider-Man through a kidnapping escape. Believe me, I almost shit my pants, but youre safe now. On the board, he scribbles: I never got my donut. Peter had assumed it was some little science project that was supposed to improve his web-shooter fluid or something, but Mr. Stark had sent him an address in lower Manhattan with instructions to come in his suit. his burning side hurt, and the scratches on his face stung as his tears slid down them. So I do believe I understand. No, not that. He takes a few short, painful breaths. (This one is actually pretty lighthearted and adorable, and the whump is on Peter lmao). 21. mainly an excuse to write both fluff and angst (mostly angst very little fluff) with some fun sarcastic humor thrown in. His hand fumbles around on the bed for the marker and he immediately scribbles on the whiteboard: Whats wrong with Ned? Super well-done whump, especially in how Peters brain fuzziness is portrayed, and with a big focus on the recovery aspect. too bad they decided to have a party when Peter needed a glass of water. She raised her eyebrows. I like this one was all she said, and the others couldnt help but agree. Which, yknow, was fine for the stuffed animals and the walkie-talkies and the plastic lightsabershe gingerly touches the ice to his nosejust not for a sixteen-ounce can of refried pintos., Morgan lets out an exasperated exhale. Peter Parker and Peppermint Dont Mix by @spider-man-stan, In which Peter gives Tony and the gang a rather festive health scare on Christmas Eve, A Poison That Never Ached byfriendlyneighborhoodash. Huh. My office, now! whats up kid? When he arrives, he discovers that the danger isnt exactly what he was expecting, and Peter learns that certain recreational pastimes dont have quite the same effect on him that they do on most people. A sudden thought occurs to Peter and he starts to reach for the mask, but is instantly stopped by the other twos glares.
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