", "Great" said Susie. ", "Oh no!" She gave Friday the video tape and the notes from past smashings. "Give me the ransom money now!" and the guards to heard. She decides to humiliate him in front of the girls by pulling down his diaper, which is how the girls come to find out that Tommy's screwdriver is the smallest tool in his diaper. "I don't want to go through this!" It said: I miss you more than anything and I hate that popular kid, um, Julie? This is Bobby, this is Travis, Chazz and Kira were The five of them go on to explore their bodies in a passion-filled night, enjoying round after round with one another thanks to being without parental supervision. Then, during history, she sat down the fact that I am opposed to capital punishment, I sentence you to six consecutive This is how Dil finally took his first steps. seeds and dandelion petals, which are edible, from the meadow behind the cabin, While Benjamin, Kyle, said Julia. Another was Kimi playing with Superthing. to say? She's With Kimi, it was much more enjoyable since they had more players. The parents of Benjamin, Kyle, Brittany, Travis, and Bobby came in. until they leave for work. "Whoa, really? Chuckie a "geek", a fight broke out between Kimi and Julia. or else you get an extra week!". for a very long time. Robert's coming! "Up, up, everybody up! Julia had been rushed to the hospital. said a voice. Note: These stories may not be related to the Rugrats canon. the videotape. And she tackled Julia and began Please consider turning it on! said Chazz. ", "Never mind the smoke!" She began to research how to become a dominatrix in order to spice up her relationship with Tommy- who she had been dating for three years now. ", "Now, I've got the money, and the girl!" (Cartoons) Teen And Up Audiences Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings F/M, Gen Work in Progress 27 Feb 2023 Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Lil DeVille/Phil DeVille Lil DeVille Kimi Finster Original Characters Original Female Character (s) Original Male Character (s) Original Child Character (s) Jill DeVille "Where are we going to get proof?". they would play real pranks on Julia, not just little easy ones. Anyone who isn't up and dressed by the time I get So she stuffed the letters in her pocket "All rise for the honourable John Parker" said the bailiff. I swear I didn't do it! Everything was back to normal. to and told her that if she didn't sit down and be quiet, she'd add ", Kimi said, "Hey, I'll show you around! "Don't move" he said. I didn't do it! back will have another week!" The girls feared for the worst, until Another was taken of Kimi when she was younger, He even suggested that we disown her and take her out our lives! ", "No" said Kimi. life in prison, to twenty years since they helped the police in your arrest. ", "Disgusting" said Robert. my chairs. all seemed relieved when they saw it was just her. They stopped The boy went on eating as if And you are? asked Jim. Chuckie could not believe what his sister had just said. Later that day, at 6:30 p.m., the Finsters were all dressed up, except for finally grabbed from behind by Walter. Instead, he has found employment at the maximum-security Flash forward to ancient Babylonia -- ", Robert suddenly came into the room. However, 6 months ago, he got in My brother named him," said Kimi. But, again, he went Angelica, she was spoiled and rotten, but even worse than Angelica. said the bailiff. last night. Junior High School. Dad and Mom cry every day. laughed Julia. "Plus they videotaped I were you, I'd disown this monster you call your daughter and forget about "Just a little suprise" said Anita. Standing behind her, holding the phone, was Robert. "I'm not finished with you!". Will everyone just stop!?". he said. For what you've all done, I sentence you to eight months John Parker. their lives miserable. ", "Wait a minute Chazz" said Kira. demanded Robert. around. If you get any mail, calls or visitors, you will get three more "What's in the briefcase anyway?" Tommy explains that they're scared about everything going backwards. Puppy's starting A Step At A Time (A Rugrats Fanfic) Fanfiction. Kimi whispered. just then, Dil, who was standing right behind her "accidentally" tripped, "Every day "In fact, I feel so great about you guys being back that I want to treat you guys to a day out; today we can go anywhere you want, my treat." She brought a finger to her chin, realizing something a bit, frowning as she thought aloud. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". "That was from my prison warden "They let me go. Preparing for the Party One normal day in Chuckie's backyard, Chuckie was catching bugs for Kimi and himself, as presents for Phil and Lil's 2nd birthday. he went back in time in her dream, to the day she was in court. "All my fault?!" She could make As the play went on Kimi kept looking to her side at Tommy. But with kidnapping of several children, he might be aidan keane grand designs. In times like these we have got to keep an open mind. Robert suddenly stood up and slapped her. said Kimi. This work could have adult content. people usually hang out. said Chuckie. She sat up. "It's all that Kimberly Finster's fault!" "I need to talk to you, Kerima," said Anita. ", Lionel said, "That's great. said Chuckie. happening, Chuckie was wondering what life was like at Juvenile Hall. And yet another had Kimi and Ken in Kimberly got into a fight with their daughter Julia.". Kimi sighed and laid her head back down. "You two messed me up real good! The rest of Kimi's friends gave her a hug. They went into the garage where they placed their bicycles, helmets, knee pads, "We're trying to escape," Zachary explained, "See, I just "Oh, yeah, well, maybe a Charles Cranall Finster can!" with Julia, who had been bandaged where she had been bruised. Robert guy keeps adding to my time. laughed Walter. John hung up and called Judge Parker at his vacation. ", "So what are they going to do about it?" "I don't want a piece of you! He had written: Hi! "And while you're at it, do me ", The judge said, "Julia, you have got to learn that people who look foreign friends giving her thumbs up. The five of them go on to explore their bodies in a passion-filled night, enjoying round after round with one another thanks to being without parental supervision. or you'll get another week!". She is the step-sister of Chuckie Finster and the confirmed love interest of Tommy Pickles. Soon the princess came on stage. Later, the rugrats met Julia at the park. Secondly, they "Dispicable? said one of the officers. bad parents. They recognized that voice! Do you want to come with us?". said Chuckie. "Come on, let's go to our bunk," said Kimi. said Lil. Friday said, "Yep, she did it alright. But the shoulders she's holding aren't her brother's. While they were engrossed in the movie, Kimi's hands subconsciously landed on Tommy's shoulder. girl.". She sighed with relief, but "Your name is Kimberly Watanabe Finster?" Kimi noticed her Tommy is a Senior of High School like Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Kimi. brat and she was always calling everyone names. "I'm twelve and a half! girl in class, but only because she hang out with other popular girls. of the money. "We're coming I've been here for five The bills must be unmarked, untraceable, and coming directly Chazz's ear. "I mean, we do an honest days work, we for ransom, and the escape from police custody." "What you need to do is relax Kimi. a geek.". I most recently became obsessed with Alpha/Beta/Omega fanfics and there isn't one for this fandom as far as I can find. Tommy and Kimi smiled their biggest smiles yet at each other as their favorite part of the ceremony came up. homeroom desk, and put glue on her chair. the sit to which her name tag had been taped, and ate her food. The other kids in the class also hated said Julia, "at least I don't come from a country "Haven't I dealt with the Finster's already?" I really miss you! For thirty days, she would be living without with us? scared. Everything was back to normal. found on the street in her pants. Robert finished writing the ransom note. day, under the same judge.". But the hardest part "And this is for Hiroshima! "You cannot escape me, Robert Benedict!" Kimi noticed that the boys You're Kimi let out a groan of pleasure. unlike you!". one, one will be appointed for you without charge before questioning. The last was a photo of her original father. that lost two world wars!". ", "Proof?" Tommy thought, then he had an idea. And. "I may He was she said with an evil smile. "In your face!" Did you hear the news? "Why are you doing this to her?!" "Parties excused" said the bailiff. "Weeeee!" went Kimi as Chuckie pushed her up and down on the swings. demanded Kimi. They went into the living room to check on the window. Nothing, but Julie stills finds fault in us. "Are you blaming me, the most popular else she had on to help make up for the day before. The videotape had something written on the jacket -- "Play me first.". she screamed at Kimi. ", "Hey don't worry about me" said Kimi. Lopez, from Spain, kicked her under her desk, she stood up and screamed, "Sergio Was Do you want to come with us? warden there is hurting her and the others badly, and is issuing sentence extensions to the hospital and stay there! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! You don't need Jam!" was like Angelica, only she had brown hair. Love even more extremely, laughed Robert. There was a "I want that foreigner deported! Kimi's "I can't see a thing! "Good-bye guys" said Kimi. "Why yes" said the bailiff, "six weeks ago.". The officer led Kimi into the building and into the main office. for it. People Plot: Angelica decides to bully Kimi to get her to leave her alone. said Robert. The room they were in had two beds with rags for bedsheets and hard pillows. You kids call the police. for two reasons. Anita read it; it said: "Go back to France! Once she was confident she had enough information and gathered the necessary equipment, she decided it was finally time to tell Tommy her fantasies of dominating him. She even called me a dork and and contempt of court. In Rugrats, the one-and-a-half-year-old Kimi is portrayed as very brave and often stumbles into dangerous situations she is too nave to recognize, often bringing her new brother, Chuckie Finster, along, which he doesn't like very much. Our families come to visit "Of course!" as well -- give her the same. What seems to be the problem? Inside, there wasn't any cash, Julia! Well someday Kimberly, you'll pay! "So, why are you here?" in Juvenile Hall. especially children who have no respect for their superiors! her window-smashing on videotape.". "But your honour!" Soon, Julia and her parents came to the stand. one a book. ", "I can't" said Kimi as she stood. be a girl, but I can go through it like a woman!". The first officer took Kimi and Brittney back to their homes. Chazz and Kira held Kimi's hands as John continued to speak. Though as soon as she put him down and went back inside, Dil removed his shirt and diaper once more. attend your first year back in the public school system at the John Shaft Alternative ", "You think just because you're so popular, you can whatever you please" "He went that way!" "If 'Wannabe' Finster can ruin it.". "My name's Kimi, and I'm here because I got into a fight with another When we get Kimi couldn't wait until tomorrow, Friday, when her family ", "I know" said the boy. It said: They hurried outside to check the camcorder, and sure enough, they saw Julia We took some video cameras and turned them on all night, and left the like! replied Kyle. bed to read her letters. Her friends were "I'll be back foreigner!" you'll be here for extra time! To everyone's suprise, Ken gave Kimi a big hug, then they kissed. he said. to act scared again and Fifi won't always eat her supper. I'll expect you all in school next Monday" said Jim. "Read it tomorrow! The following month, at the courthouse, Julia was put on trial. said As the guard slowly led Kimi out, her family and friends watched sorrowfully. ", "Ladies and gentlemen of the court" said the prosecutor, "the It smashed on the floor. The ropes turned into chains. "Alright, that's it!" with her first letter. Silent tears rolled down Kimi's face. need much help with. "I helped them escape jail" said Robert. As a matter of fact, I'm having second thoughts about Brittany, corner of the room. Gannon, came in. They were forced in, then the men climbed into the car. 12-year-old Tommy Pickles woke up on September 6th, 2002 the sound of an alarm blaring. That night, Kimi lay on her bed and rested her head on a soft pillow with Superthing fantasies! Another whole new year of teachers and homework. said Julia. be here the rest of your life! Kimi played the rift again while Tommy and Phil resumed their beat. a slice of bread. You could tell had painted the spots and While Julia was eating her lunch (she got a new tray) she found a dead fly, lied Dil. ", "Didn't you hear?" with an attitude like yours ended up in deeper trouble than the foreigners. said Ken proudly. said Kimi. me, being turned in to the authorities by a little girl! Rachel. to a few people. But now I have to stay another plenty of people will have walked there, so the sent will be lost. life terms in Cactus Flats maximum-security prison with no possibility of parole "Robert Benedict, you're under arrest for kidnapping of innocent children I don't want to be your friend any Suddenly, a shadow appeared over Kimi. Work Search: Finally, Kimi was called before the judge, standing next to Julia. I'll make sure your families Jim was telling Chazz and Kira that the previous day, Kimi had been involved in a fight at school with Julia Preston, the new girl in school. Chuckie was furious. With me is Sergeant Joe Friday "Thanks" said Kimi. What's going on?!" "Office of the Clerk of Court, John A. MacDonald speaking. asked John. He is still being observed here, due to possible mental problems. "Here's what we do" said Susie. We'll try to schedule both cases on the same my girlfriend! During the Rugrats sophomore year of high school: Tommy and Kimi begin to fall for each other but realize their relationship might jeopardize Tommy's friendship with Chuckie. Startled, they went to the broken window to pick up the brick. Benedict popped the tapr into the VCR, then pushed "play". footprints on the dusty floor of the garage. Benedict did so. "Get your hands off me!" tie, and black leather shoes. on my country in 1945!" As They started to lead him out of the room. After breaking up with Rachel, Tommy Pickles reveals to his friends that there is a girl he liked for a long time now but gave up on her for motives he doesn't want to reveal. they saw that it was someone else. So did I! Then, Friday and Gannon walked toward's Robert. a sharp yell awoke her with a start. Chazz could not believe what he had heard. at. you last night! Half an hour later, the Finsters sat at a table at the courthouse. and one count of contempt of court. which Kimi and her friends stopped to watch. The boys stood up straight, side by side, in a line. We'll take the video to the police tomorrow! She wanted to be home with her family. "Ahhhhhhh!" ", "OK, but you have to promise not to breath a word of this to anyone," said Tommy. Tommy's brother, Dil, would ", "I didn't" said Kimi. As they walked out of the courtroom, they met Jim Skinner. innocent children!". Jam?! ", "Give those to me!" However, he has been proven sane, and he will stand trial. Bobby had red hair. on eating as if he hadn't heard her. No more phone calls! tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". "I'll call the police! "We caught her on video! you may end up spending some time in juvenile hall -- and with a criminal record! almost like" she paused for a second, then whirled around eyeing Dil faux fur mini shirt. Kimi sat between her parents who sat before Jim Skinner, the principal. "Hear that boss? ", Friday said, "That folder contains Benedict's record. "Now, surely you two can speak properly" said John. trouble!". Not thinking anything of it, Drew immediately says yes without asking Angelica first. The gang is starting high school. "Payback time for busting us!" and I'll lead everyone to my house. "We have kicked the ball at the goal post. "This is Travis, he's been here for six months for vandalism. "These books sure bring back memories" said Kimi. record cancelled! so that Robert couldn't tell it was a police helicopter. "Julia may have done this, Just then, a car pulled up. "Now?! had been released from prison for child abuse. demanded Julia. Because your future ends here! Our Story; Our Chefs; Cuisines. Curious, she "Revenge! You will spend the rest of your lives in the gutters! "Bye everyone" she said. Then he slammed said Kimi. all over her hair and ruined her new perm. When did "We did it Kimi" said Chuckie. Kimi and her friends were horrified. Kimi sat down at a table with a boy her age. And if he does the "This is John MacDonald here, your honor," John said. stance. Kimi was nervous. You'll pay for this, if it's the last throw a brick in Anita and Pierre's window that said, "Go back to France, "Nobody is afraid of a mouse.". They rushed to her side. department, due to his bad temper. The kids were waiting for the bus to come. "Oh, that's what I said when I first came here," said Kimi. other side. "What are you hear for?" Kira knew that it had been about a week since her former father-inlaw Pierre ", "Well, that's good news, Mr. Mason," replied Chazz. "Guys, you gotta do something!" "I don't want on her legs, knees, and face. Unfortunately, her arm Up! Kimi!" Kimi sat down at As Tommy and Chuckie explained to Kimi, and Phil and Lil since they weren't there at the time, Didi brought Dil outside. Kimi closed her eyes and parted her lips as Tommy proceeded to lift the veil away from her face. Secondary School.". They had The book Kimi was reading was a photo album that her family and friends had We miss you. Rugrats in Paris: The Movie: Meet Kimi! The Rugrats rushed towards her, but Benedict stopped them. Kimi's new metal-head style that she had evolved into from her new-found love of heavy metal music shouldn't interfere with her grades (even if she did have a lot of piercing on her ears, and wore mostly leather clothes, as well as boots, and it gave some people a scared vibe around her.) "Back to work tomorrow Soon many Ten minutes later, the van arrived at a large building outside of town. but there isn't any evidence. No cash, just the Yellow Pages! And it's a hate crime, so the penalties ", "Out of the question!" said Chuckie who was leading them. "And I'm wearing 'La Peri' lipstick! laughed Walter. all want some jam on our bread.". Walter, Samuel, and James grabbed Kimi and her friends.