The Functionalist View of Stratification: 1. 30.Outline and explain two criticisms of Marxist views of society. functionalist perspective on crime. social class identity. This involves society as a whole, as Durkheim argued, but, instead, the reproduction of the culture of the dominant classes. Achieving solidarity in advanced industrial society is difficult. Evaluate the contribution of functionalist views to our understanding of the family. 1. Functionalist theory about what needs societies have is far from perfect. Outline and briefly explain two criticisms of the 'The Functionalist Perspective' on the family (10) Outline three ways in which the family might perform ideological functions (6) Using one example, explain what is meant the phrase 'the family is a unit of consumption' (4) Define the term Patriarchy (2) Outline and . The term social inequality describes a condition where members of a society have different amounts of wealth, property, or power. The primary concepts within Functionalism are collective conscience, value consensus, social order, education, family, crime and deviance and the media. Outline and . However, there are two assumptions I would question. By arguing that certain institutions are necessary such as the family, religion and stratification systems they are actually justifying the existence of the social order as it is, also by focussing on the positive functions. 33 marks - 25 minutes. I really enjoyed the experience and meeting students and teachers there. family give primary socialisation through shared N/Vs and what's morally right and wrong talcott parsons (1961), an american functionalist which expanded upon durkheim's writings in the 1950's and 1960's, expressed his view on the education system can be related to contemporary britain as being useful to provide a trained labour force as, this is useful to contemporary britain due to it being a advanced industrial economy, which Explain and Evaluate Functionalist, Marxist and Interactionist theories of Society. It as if people are just pretending to obey social norms, but when you dig deeper and look at things more qualitatively, behind closed doors, this isnt necessarily the case, and everyone is doing their own thing. Outline and explain two criticisms of Interactionist approaches to understanding society (10) One criticism of the Interactionist approach to understanding society is that as an approach to understanding society it fails to recognise the impact of social institutions and the power relationships between individuals and these institutions. There was also very little role differentiation and no complex division of labour. In order to do this he argued that we needed to use objective, social scientific methods to find out the general laws that govern societies.. To find out more you should refer to the section on Durkheims scientific methods and his study of suicide in the Positivism, sociology and social research post. ways individuals may be socialised into a . Outline and explain two reasons why interpretivist research is likely to have greater ethical problems than positivist research. There are two types of 10 mark question that you will be asked in your exam. 1 Outline and explain twoadvantages of using questionnaires in sociological research. Explore a 10 mark outline and explain. (10 marks) . Outline two..(4 marks) Outline three. Functionalism is based on consensus whereas Marxism is based on the notion of conflict. outline and explain two functionalist concepts 10 marks It follows that societies needed some kind of mechanism for reproducing new members. 7.Outline and explain : two: criticisms that may be made of the functionalist view of the role of the education system. This is extremely difficult to do because it is impossible to isolate the effects of an institution on other things. The integration and regulation of individuals is a good thing. [6 marks] Outline and explain two ways in which changes to gender roles have affected diversity of family structures. George Peter Murdock in the 1940s argued that the family exists in every society while Davis and Moore (1960s) argued that there is some form of stratification system in every society. There is such a thing as a social structure that exists independently from individuals. In Class Assessment Outline and explain the functionalist perspective of crime (6 marks) Literacy S04 SO7 . Alternatively email is: Thank you Kate Music bit: Raindrop by Declan DP Licensing Agreement 2.0 Music promoted by Audio Library Find out more. Want to see a perfect 10? [10 marks] 8.Using material from : . Strength. (10 marks) Each part of a society exists because it has a vital function to perform in maintaining the existence or stability . TOPIC 1. Read Item C below and answer the question that follows Item C Many people see childhood as a natural stage of life that is determined . Concepts of Functionalism - History Learning Site These perspectives offer sociologists theoretical paradigms for explaining how society influences people, and vice versa. Two marks for a satisfactory explanation and/or definition of 'culture', such as: shared norms and/or values. One question 'Outline and explain (10 marks). The problem is that people no longer lead the same lives, they are different to each other, and modern societies need to find a way of achieving solidarity based on difference rather than solidarity based on similarity. Outline and explain two functions of religion ( 10 marks) For functionalists society is based on value consensus, religion is a subsystem which contributes to social integration. Durkheim is one of the founding fathers of Sociology. In Class Assessment Outline and explain the functionalist perspective of crime (6 marks) Literacy S04 SO7 . Item b the process of globalisation has made the - Course Hero OK cheers, Ill keep in mind next time I update! (10 marks) Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate sociological contributions to our understanding of crime prevention and control. Outline and explain two arguments in favour of the view that sociological perspectives or research should have an influence on . . First, it is a society made up of interrelated parts. Functionalism refers to a theory that states mental states including desires and beliefs constitute behavioral outputs, sensory inputs and other mental states. 10 Marks Level Descriptors 810 Answers in this band will show very good knowledge and understanding of two . If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Parsons identifies three similarities; System, System Needs and Functions. The term social inequality describes a condition where members of a society have different amounts of wealth, property, or power. There will be two applications of relevant material, eg Durkheim & Specialist Skills, Parsons & Meritocracy, Davis and Moore & Role Allocation. Outline and explain two ways in which the ethnocentric curriculum may operate in education. However is useful as there is overlap with Marxist ideas. Outline and explain any two mechanisms of social control. Secondly, every individual is given an equal opportunity to achieve their full potential without being discriminated against on grounds of social class, ethnicity or gender. As a result, the ability of religion to provide the same moral codes to all individuals declines. Applying material from Item B, and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of the relationship between globalisation and crime. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Outline and explain(10 marks) T&M. HanoutApp est disponible sur Google Play et App Store : Copyright 2019 - Site web cr par Analyse . An outline of the reasons why marriage may appear to be less important in modern industrial societies while more important in traditional ones, such as the economic importance of arranged marriage in some societies, may gain up to 10 marks, but this will be undeveloped. Main principles of structural functionalism: a. From the \'AQA A-level Sociology Book Two\' Outline and explain two functionalist concepts (10 marks) Evaluate the claim that functionalism understates both the extent of conflict in society and the ability of social actors to create society through interaction. Religion helps to create social order and maintains the value consensus. Continue with Recommended Cookies, ReviseSociologySociology Revision Resources for SaleExams, Essays and Short Answer QuestionsIntroFamilies and HouseholdsEducationResearch MethodsSociological TheoriesBeliefs in SocietyMediaGlobalisation and Global DevelopmentCrime and DevianceKey ConceptsAboutPrivacy PolicyHome. Durkheim believed that individuals had a biological tendency to be naturally selfish and look out for themselves and that it was up to society to regulate these naturally selfish desires ultimately for the benefit of all. 1. Durkheim highlights religion acts as a collective conscience (shared set of norms and values that make social cooperation and social integration possible). outline and explain two functionalist perspectives in sociology (10 marks) parsons - school is society in miniature, organic analogy, all is happy and shiny durkheim - value consensus, anomie, social solidariy, norms and values, secondary socialisation in education etc, nuclear family Has an identifiable boundary e.g nations. FEMINISTS --> say focus too much on positive functions and ignore negative ways people are socialised PARSON --> opresses women through nucleur family as women are expected to be the expressive housewife --> showing women should be dependent of men e.g. 2. The Functionalist Theory of Society for A Level Sociology - Revision Notes. 2 paragraphs worth 5 marks each . Functionalist View of the Family Functionalist View of the Family 4 Look at the following list of functions ascribe them either to the nuclear family (functionalist) or the extended family of the past. Functionalism & Functionalist Perspective and Theory - ThoughtCo mental health retreat ontario, canada; generate echo using convolution; AO1 & A02 - The New Right Support the traditional . Hey everyone, little bit about me. 2. For example. (10 marks) The domestic division of labour refers to the roles that men and women play in relation to housework, childcare and paid work.1. FUNCTIONALISM, STRAIN & SUBCULTURAL THEORY. He wanted to ensure that modern societies were harmonious and orderly, He wanted to create a science of society so that we could generate clear knowledge about how to bring about social order. . Coggle requires JavaScript to display documents. Functionalism origins from the works of Emile Durkheim, who was curious in how social order is achievable and how society remains stable. (20marks) Analyse two reasons for changes in the family structure in industrial societies (10 marks) Outline and explain two functions that the family may perform for capitalism. outline and explain two functionalist concepts 10 marks One social policy that has reinforced the functions of the family is Planning space Policy 1 Policy 2. ways global culture affects the culture of people in the UK. Parsons argued that initially economic and technological changes lead to societies evolving, but increasingly values become the driving force behind social progress. (20 marks) Theory and methods. Here is 10/10 student answer from Q6 Outline and explain two problems of the functionalist perspective to study society today. This means that you only focus on outlining the concept in question and then explaining the views of the sociological perspective. AO1 & A02 - The New Right Support the traditional . (10 marks) - value-freedom. Exam technique - 'Outline and explain two advantages of using official statistics in sociological research (10 marks). Adapt to the environment and the production of goods and services, Decide what goals society as a whole should aim to achieve. Durkheim views education as a miniature society and prepares children for the adult world, whereas Marxists would take the view that education creates conflict, children learn their obedience to capitalism. Outline and explain two possible reasons for the growth of new religious movements. First, it is a society made up of interrelated parts. (10 marks) Applying material from Item A, analyse two ways in which changes in patterns of work may have influenced gender identities in the last 60 years or so. Outline and explain two reasons why interpretivist research is likely to have greater ethical problems than positivist research. outline and explain two functionalist concepts 10 marks Parsons viewed social change as a process of social evolution from simple hunter-gatherer societies to more complex forms of advanced industrial society. household or family size [10 marks] Q5. . Feminists for example argue that the traditional nuclear family, which is seen as necessary by Parsons, oppresses women, as they are expected to fulfil the housewife role, which ultimately makes women dependent on men for an income, and ends up benefitting men who benefit from womens emotional and domestic labour. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Parsons believed that societies had certain functional prerequisites. so this video might be a better starting point than all of the material above. The primary concepts within Functionalism are collective conscience, value consensus, social order, education, family, crime and deviance and the media. Three Major Perspectives in Sociology - CliffsNotes Outline and explain . Answered by Sarita P. Outline two cultural factors . Explain and Evaluate Functionalist, Marxist and Interactionist theories of Society. (30 marks) Theory and Methods. A, Av. two . This is probably overkill to get you the 10 marks. Examine key functionalist concepts. One-to-one online tuition can be a great way to brush up on your Sociology knowledge. Outline and explain two functionalist concepts. Societies are complex systems of interrelated and interdependent parts, and each part of a society significantly influences the others. . CRIME AND DEVIANCE. Outline and explain two advantages of choosing overt participant observation as a source of data compared with covert participant observation. In advanced industrial society, these needs are met through specialised sub systems. The Functionalist Perspective on The Family, The Functionalist Perspective on Education, Modernisation Theory (kind of Functionalism applied to Global Development), This History Learning Site post has a very basic overview of Functionalism, This video from the School of Life provides a useful non-A Level version of Durkheims thought A level Sociology really oversimplifies Durkheim to the point of mis-teaching him (sorry folks!) Concepts of Symbolic Interactionism - We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Learn how your comment data is processed. DOCX the unconscious curriculum Point 1: Sociologists should work in establishing the truth about people's behaviour whilst upholding a moral neutral and a value-free perspective. 12 and explain two ways in which science is not as open as it claims. Some degree of social inequality is found in every society. A* Sociology: 10/10 Problems of the functionalist perspective 2018