The place was in a zone protected by the government and the access was penalized under fine. For some of you that are new to stories like this, it may seem impossible but to others, this story seems like it could be real and someone should do something about hunting down more clues and evidence so we all can know for ourselves. assist other users like its helped me. The Smithsonian Institute denies having knowledge of the existence of this underground city. 18 Strange Skeletons Found in Wisconsin Nine-foot Skeletons with Huge Heads and Strange Facial Features Shocked Scientists When They Were Uncovered 107 Year Ago Scientists are remaining stubbornly silent about a lost race of giants found in burial mounds near Lake Delavan, Wisconsin, in May 1912. The last camera they found on the exploration was what Kinkaid and his partner, Professor SA Jordan, a ceremonial crypt, believed to be at the end of the great hall where they found the mummies. From over 500 to 280 million years, the park preserves many different environments and organisms of the geologic past. With Dr. Daniel S. Bovee, of Los Angeles -- who with his father helped open up New, Hill said that in another cavern was found the ritual hall of the ancient people, together with devices and markings similar to those now used by the Masonic order. Machetto, who was their chief, counseled them to leave the underworld, but there was no way out. Kinkaid, the explorer who found the great underground . Above a shelf that could not be seen from the river was the entrance to the cave. It is worth mentioning that Kinkaid was a recognized archaeologist and had the financial support of theSmithsonian Institution. "The skeleton of this giant was discovered in November 2017 in a cave in Krabi, Thailand," reads the tweet. smells like a cover up to me. The article mentions the discovery of a huge subterranean citadel by an explorer named GE Kinkaid, who accidentally found it while rafting on the Colorado River. I have a feeling that you as the reader can investigate this story for a very long time. Eve with todays advaced craes, we are able to. He started his trip in Green River Utah on the Colorado River through whats known as the, In 1907, there were no man-made structures like the Lake Powell Dam. The first image of an alleged giant's remains can be found here as "Photoshop Submission for 'Size Matters 4' Contest, Design 8854061."The caption under the entry reads, "Whitmath57, an . Thank you for magnificent information I was looking for this information for my mission. Taking into consideration everything found thus far, it is possible that this worship most resembles the ancient people of Tibet. I believe they were far smarter than we are today and I also believe they were the ones who created the pyramids which would make perfect sense. He was sitting cross-legged and with a lotus or lily flower in each hand. Among the discoveries no bones of animals have been found, no skins, no clothing, no bedding. This idol had a certain resemblance to Buddha, although the scientists of the time did not finish assuring that it represented that religious cult. We are in our adolescence as a civilization. Necklaces,. Lie some more? It says the giants were killing man and telling human women the secrets of the earth that god didnt want us to know. If it isnt true, everyones life would go on and nothing would change. Each story would completely vanish from the papers just like the Giant Skeletons. There is no mention of looking into the Smithsonian archives? I am going to quote the Arizona Gazette News Paper and a couple of links where more information can be found. Some forty-two miles up the river from the El Tovar Crystal canyon, I saw on the east wall, stains in the sedimentary formation about 2,000 feet above the riverbed. 8 YEARS OF RESEARCH STILL ISNT ENOUGH TO CRACK THE MYSTERY OF THE GRAND CANYON DISCOVERY? Is this what we need to learn now? Even briefly recounted, his history sounds fabulous, almost grotesque. None of the mummies found were less than 2.74 meters and all were wrapped in dark linen. According to their descriptions, the entrance to this mysterious city was at the end of a tunnel that extended for something more than 1,600 meters underground. For me, the simplest reason this is always suppressed and denied, is due to ego and so many so-called scientists being invested in Darwinism and Evolution. Just a thought. who are wishing in favor of blogging. LEARN THE TRUTH! On Facebook, the image has been captioned: "The skeleton of this. This site is for entertainment & educational purposes only. Paleontologists from the neighboring Petrified Forest National Park were part of a team that collected the Permian-aged skeleton in the backcountry of Canyonlands National Park. The latest news of the progress of the explorations of what is now regarded by scientists as not only the oldest archeological discovery in the United States but one of the most valuable in the world, which was mentioned some time ago in the Gazette, was brought to the city yesterday by G.E. Why wasnt this in our school History Books? Researchers said the footprints show two separate animals passing on the slope of a sand dune. The central axis of the underground city made it a gigantic camera from which radiated passages similar to the radii of a wheel. Kinkaid was impressed that the cavern was almost inaccessible. He started his trip in Green River Utah on the Colorado River through whats known as the Utahs Canyonlands. The discoverers found a string of beads around . The whole underground installation gives one of shaky nerves the creeps. Lets get into more of the story. 23000 years old. If their theories are borne out by the translation of the tablets engraved with hieroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were, and whence they came, will be solved. This was an unprecedented find in the Grand Canyon, which soon repeated in the press. Credit: KBTV / Kasetsart University Faculty Of Liberal Arts and Science The broad range of views expressed herein are varied, sometimes contradictory, and represent the viewpoint of each contributor respectively - and not necessarily those of Stonewell-Global or its partners, content curators, writers, and other affiliates. About 57 feet from the entrance, the first side-passages branch off to the right and left, along which, on both sides, are a number of rooms about the size of ordinary living rooms of today, though some are 30 by 40 feet square. He was sitting cross-legged and with a lotus or lily flower in each hand. The 1909 Arizona Gazette Grand Canyon hoax entered the pantheon of fringe history claims mostly due to the advocacy of David Hatcher Childress, whose report about the early twentieth century account of a fictitious lost civilization in the Grand Canyon went viral on the early internet in the late 1990s. Which is why god flooded the earth. I tend to believe that if something doesnt seem right, then it probably isnt. The dog is always by his side to take care of his mother until she is healthy, her love is very much. Thanks for the feedback. A civilization that only left us some structures as a testimony of its existence. Surrounding this idol are smaller images, some very beautiful in form; others crooked-necked and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably, of good and evil. The tweet has garnered over 100 likes as of press time. None of the mummies found were less than 2.74 meters and all were wrapped in dark linen. Do you perchance have a website/mailing list/podcast or some way to keep apprised of your research? I would like to plant a seed in and see if it grows. PREHISTORIC MEN SEVEN FEET TALL WHO ONCE LIVED IN WHAT IS MARYLAND. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall inside the entrance, I got interested, I got my gun and I went in. The tablets contained ancient inscriptions written on clay tablets that fit together like a puzzle and later confirmed to be written in old zoroastrian symbols. Rowland and a team of colleagues documented the discovery in a paper published Wednesday in the journal PLOS One. The architecture found suggested that the builders of that subterranean city possessed advanced engineering skills. The side passages near the entrance run at a sharp angle from the main hall, but toward the rear, they gradually reach a right angle in direction. Have a great day. The entrance was about 450 meters under the wall of the steep canyon. This was an unprecedented find in the Grand Canyon, which soon repeated in the press. I was told years ago when I was visiting Boston, and met an old East Indian man who asked me if I was Indian, I said no, Im Mexican, he said you do know years ago, long time ago, our brightest scientists, astronomers and scholars, were persecuted in India and left, they found Mexico. The Grand Canyon holds the truth about the Black man and his far reaching influence on this planet Earth and yes beyond. The Bright Angel Trail tracks document the use of this gait very early in the history of vertebrate animals. Sign up to get adventurous offers and the latest news on Treasure Hunting! The place was in a zone protected by the government and the access was penalized under fine. Greek poet Homer wrote in 400 B.C. Our light would not penetrate the gloom, and until stronger ones are available we will not know what the chamber contains. The truth is far stranger and more fantastic than the fiction weve all been lead to believe. HNY everyone! So, its nothing new under the sun, white power in its finest form. An Underground City Full Of Giant Skeletons Discovered In The Grand Canyon by James Rink | May 24, 2020 | Uncategorized These relics are from a atlantian outpost which settled the area of the grand canyon during the time of Atlantis.- James Rink On these are tiers of mummies, each one occupying a separate hewn shelf. His trip consisted of several places, but one location may have changed the way we think about the Grand Canyon and our government organizations that research history. For many years, human remains were put on display in museums here and elsewhere, but that changed. All this is carved out of hard rock resembling marble. The entrance was about 450 meters under the wall of the steep canyon. A gray metal is also found in this cavern, which puzzles the scientists, for its identity has not been established. 2023 Cable News Network. Perhaps a rare mixture of cultures that scarcely occurs in archaeological finds, so this discovery would be of unprecedented importance. It was an amazing discovery in the Grand Canyon and the press soon echoed. After all my years, Im starting to learn if there was a significant discovery in America, some type of cover-up is present. We previously had no information about that.. The article mentions the discovery of a huge subterranean citadel by an explorer named GE Kinkaid, who accidentally found it while rafting on the Colorado River. Imagination can revel in conjectures and ungodly daydreams back through the ages that have elapsed till the mind reels dizzily in space.. MOUNTAINS DO NOT EXIST! Required fields are marked *. ( Nicubunu/CC BY SA 3.0 ) I decided to take on this story and I spent over 8 years researching anything I could find. In 1976, a male skeleton of a young adult age was found in the home of photography Emery Kolb who lived on the Rim. From what is mentioned in the article, the climb up or down the Grand Canyon walls could pose a serious threat. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the fictionist. . Kinkaid was impressed that the cavern was almost inaccessible. It also confirms the ancient legend of the Nagas. Discovery Company. That is the tradition. I would say the biggest reason would be because it would change history as we know it. 2. Perhaps a rare mixture of cultures that scarcely occurs in archaeological finds, so this discovery would be of unprecedented importance. Two large-scale installations by Taiwan creators featuring the skeletons of a giant and a snake and a long tail boat are among the key attractions at the inaugural Thailand Biennale in Krabi,. All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved. Thank you so much for the sharing of your research. GO! One of these I stood up and photographed by flashlight. A conspiracy is toxic if you sink too much into it. On a bench running around the workroom was some charcoal and other material probably used in the process. Perhaps a rare mixture of cultures that scarcely occurs in archaeological finds, so this discovery would be of unprecedented importance. Now pay close attention to the dates that Ive mentioned above because I think it is crucial to the story that I am about to mention. (AP)-- A retired Ohio doctor has discovered relics of an ancient civilization, whose men were 8 or 9 feet tall in the Colorado desert near the, Not until this year, however, did Dr. Russell go into the situation thoroughly, Hill told the luncheon. Things that dont make sense to me once again. If this story is true, then I would say we have a lot to lose. Whe it was, Your email address will not be published. THE LOST CITY OF Z The entrance was about 450 meters under the wall of the steep canyon. The word spread throughout these nations and []. The emergence of Life on Earth May Have Taken Place 300,000 Million Years Earlier, 41,500-Year-Old Artifact is Worlds Oldest Ornate Jewelry. They also had a bunch of hippie artist go out & try to recreate drawings found all over the world so America could have a top position in history. Debbie Hodges, probably because the same reason they arent teaching all of history now & throwing away all our history books! Lets say that this story has no real meaning and its nothing but a story, something to spice up a good hunt, its still an interesting thought. Then the search drifted into Halloween costumes, etc. Just fake news. This idol had a certain resemblance to Buddha, although the scientists of the time did not finish assuring that it represented that religious cult. Now excuse me as I go down the rabbit hole of the possibility of Egyptians camping out in America. In the early 20th century, chance led us to the gates of the undergroundcityof giants best known in those days. Published In 1907, there were no man-made structures like the Lake Powell Dam. History, government cover-ups, and something new to see and learn. It was strange, during my research, I would find small breadcrumbs on the web from a University in Arizona, some small info on the Lake Powell dam construction, and non-relevant information to this discovery in the Grand Canyon. Research by paleontologists confirmed that a series of recently discovered fossil tracks in Grand Canyon National Park are the oldest of their recorded in the region. Too many questions to ask and figure out. ARCHEOLOGICAL FINDS OF ANCIENT MAN IN ARIZONA, UNITED STATES. A mystery exists deep within the Grand Canyon: one billion years' worth of rocks have vanished. The first being the giant human skeletons found all over North America when first being explored by Europeans. The article mentions the discovery of a huge subterranean citadel by an explorer named GE Kinkaid, who accidentally found it while rafting on the Colorado River. s ss s. Grand Canyons Underground City Containing Giant Skeletons Found. Amazing discoveries require great efforts or Not necessarily hidden for the protection of historical sites but to hide history because it will rewrite the history we all were taught. UNDERGROUND EGYPTIAN CITY HIDDEN IN THE GRAND CANYON PART 2. One skull was 11 inches wide and 22 inches from base to crown. Great article and thank you for taking up this extremely important investigation. The Grand Canyon was the birthplace of a culture in which, according to an article published in the Gazeta de Arizona in April 5, 1909, people of cyclopean proportions existed. The central axis of the underground city made it a gigantic camera from which radiated passages similar to the radii of a wheel. You are descended from those people. I hope to give a contribution & The horns were about 5 centimeters (2 in) in length, pointed, and . Hermon and took for themselves human women as mates. The Hopi Indians believe it is the gateway to the afterlife. W.H.R. They could have been spacecrafts. An Underground City Full Of Giant Skeletons Discovered In The Grand Canyon In the early 20th century, chance led us to the gate of the underground town of the most prominent giants of that period. You will learn about trace fossils, the organisms that made them, and their paleoenvironments through time. On all the urns, or walls over doorways, and tablets of stone which were found by the image are the mysterious hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian Institute hopes yet to discover. The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, narrowing to nine feet toward the farther end. The passages are chiseled or hewn as straight as could be laid out by an engineer. Some say snakes, but other boo-hoo this idea and think it may contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients. Native American have ancient oral histories of fighting pale skinned Giants, many,many times larger than any man, with eye and hair color variations. More than 30 meters from the entrance is a room with a cross-shaped plant several tens of meters long and where an idol was found that could have been the main god of his religious system. It would be a crisis of faith for many. An eight foot tall Native American skeleton was said to be found in Towanda, Pennsylvania in 1822. Ill tell the story, its up to you to decide how you feel about it. What these people lived on is a problem, though it is presumed that they came south in the winter and farmed in the valleys, going back north in the summer. DO NOT TO EVER BE AFRAID! The gloom is like a weight on ones shoulders, and our flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker. History offends the naive unfortunately . This was a groundbreaking discovery in the Grand Canyon, which the media quickly covered. A civilization that only left us some structures as a testimony of its existence. Above a shelf that could not be seen from the river was the entrance to the cave. Nor are there any official versions or references to this enigmatic subterranean city. I grew up near Green River Wyoming and went fishing with my folks as a kid on the Green River where I found a man who had commited suicide. Kinkaid said. SEARCH FOR {MELTOLOGY}! What an eye opening book! The information was just gone. Heeren, an Egyptologist, believed in the Indian origin of the Egyptians. None of the mummies found were less than 2.74 meters and all were wrapped in dark linen. useful and it has helped me out loads. Kinkaid said. It is worthy of note that all the mummies examined so far have proved to be male, no children or females being buried here. Could there be an underground Egyptian city in the Grand Canyon? Kinkaid said. The cast of the face is oriental, and the carving of this cavern. One of the biggest things that I found strange was that a known newspaper like the Arizona Gazette published an article about a great and wonderful underground Egyptian city hidden in the Grand Canyon and then nothing! A civilization that only left us some structures as a testimony of its existence.