Water snake pupils are round, not vertical and cat-like like the pupils of cottonmouths.J. Kim Kardashian Doja Cat Iggy Azalea Anya Taylor-Joy Jamie Lee Curtis Natalie Portman Henry Cavill Millie Bobby Brown Tom Hiddleston Keanu Reeves. Like a cats eye, poisonous snakes have thin, black, vertical pupils surrounded by a yellow-green eyeball while non-venomous snakes have rounded pupils. What are some of the ways to treat a venomous snake bite? Are Garden Snakes Poisonous Cat Eyed Snake! Dont Miss: Are Croton Plants Toxic To Cats, You May Like: How To Stop My Cat From Peeing On Clothes. Thorn-like teeth which are curved backward help move the prey item in the direction of the stomach. Are there venomous snakes with round pupils? Snakes use color to blend in with their environments or to deter predators. In the case of a venomous snake, itll have a skinny neck and a fat head. Some species suffer from habitat destruction and hunting, while others have healthy populations. The tip of the tail may have two scale rows. While it is true that an observer can sometimes distinguish the bulge behind the eyes of snakes with venom glands, most snakes can flatten their heads or flare their necks. It rattles its tail. Only 15% of the total number are venomous and should be treated with caution and respect.