He had changed out of his suit into a baggy jumper May given him for his birthday, joggers and random socks that had been on the floor of his bedroom. Sally, Seymour and MJ exclaimed; Peter shrugged again, weary of this interrogation. Steve looks a little scandalized again, and even Nat's arched an eyebrow, but Tony waves them off. Includes: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Thor, T'challa, Scott Lang, Rhodey, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange a Abby Romanoff is a normal girl, well as normal as any kid would be if their parent was Black Widow. he countered, looking at everyone in the circle. Tony Stark/ Iron Man. They always did one dumb ass thing for his birthday each year. Oh thats bor- seriously Cap? "Never have I ever been awake for longer than 48 hours," Rohdey says and everyone but Aunt May takes a drink. The tension settles in like it plans to stay, but of course, Tony won't stand for that. "Occasionally my webs will run out and it's not like cops are best at keeping their guns on their belts," He shrugged, pulling his legs up to his chest and smiling at the memory. Traitor, Clint mumbles, but doesn't disentangle especially not when Steve laughs, quiet and warm. That's what Clint's picked up, at least, never actually having gone himself. I broke like 4 ribs, my ankle, my hand and my foot. Clint was just glad he had been filming it all on his phone ever since Peter admitted to having a boyfriend. It's a great warrior-thing compliment up there, trust me. I have no Asgardian blanket, Thor says, and it's half a question and half just a resigned Thor who's long ago realized that along with Steve, he'll never be able to understand more than half of the stuff Tony says. 332 guests I knew there's no way your spangly ass hadn't gotten some action. ! They all seemed to collectively cry. They didn't mind sharing, Natasha was just glad she was in a position to shove her friend onto the ground at any moment. "Never have I ever been grounded by my parents!". Not that either of them really care; more partners just means they're both awesome at what they do. Wouldn't you like to know? Clint says easily and takes another swig of Tony's Jim Beam. She took a shot. He had never been in a relationship before, the homecoming date with Liz a complete disaster. And strangest and probably best of all, no halting 'look, I think you should go back to your own room if you're just going to sleep'. And that's how I started my journey to become to almighty me!" Never Have I Ever Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction A/N: Ok, so this prompt made me incredibly giddy, and it's one I thought of myself :3 this is going to be three parts, and it's going to be absolute teasing filth. And they were all wrong. #nickfury But I'm still sleepy. He shifts closer, presses more firmly against Clint's back. Okay, so I reacted kind of not-awesomely, but I mean, it came out of the blue and I've only been thinking about it for six days and it's not like we ever-. 'f I were, y'd be dead. Okay, a member of the same sex, then. He lets it go. Work Search: Yeah, Tony sighs out and nips lightly at Clint's lips. Steve sighs. Characters: Peter Parker Michelle Jones Ned Leeds Flash Thompson Betty Brant Cindy Moon Sally Avril Abe Brown Seymour O'Reilly Charles Murphy (Spider-Man: Homecoming) Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) Additional Tags: characters may be ooc Never Have I Ever Truth or Dare Secret Identity Peter Parker is a Little Shit I know, Legolas, Tony huffs. Michelle wasn't drinking, she gave a solid excuse of "There has to be someone responsible, and since I am Team Captain now, I will take it.". On that thought, neither is Tony. Enjoy! They're just as tall, but Clint has sobriety on his side. Peter grumbled. Maybe he should've done this while clothed. It means the chances that I'll ever get in bed with you are depressingly low. He takes a sulking swig of his bottle, and Steve looks adorably confused. Were playing never have I ever!. I too find it welcoming, the physical affection of my shield brothers be it erotic or not. He turns to Steve, and suddenly looks really serious. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He won't be bothered by it. Its more comfortable without anyway., In MY suit!? C'mon, it'll be a blast. He rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet, looking more like an expectant child than a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. JARVIS won't be there to pick you up if you start choking on your own vomit.. Never have I ever filmed myself or had someone else film me having sex, Rhodey said looking directly at Tony. Can she rely on everyone she knows to help her get through this? Natasha hums in agreement, and Thor looks delighted. When they can't sleep. Team red slowly took a sip of juice trying not to be notice. He manages to wrangle Tony out of his clothes without much interruption, only a quiet Make-up sex? that Clint doesn't even bother to address. Oh, sh- Tony! Immediately he releases the genius, who groans in pain and rolls his shoulder. "Never have I ever gotten drunk," Uncle Steve says and everyone takes a drink. And of course you didn't have any ulterior motives at all, Bruce says, smiling. Ever wondered what the Avengers or the characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be as yanderes? Yeah, let's not, Clint murmurs back and doesn't miss the way Tony's smile widens. All of the Avengers and Wade took a shot or for Wade, a sip of a juice box. Good. He stumbles forwards and clutches Clint's door frame to keep upright. Also, English isn't my native language, so if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, please comment! Romance Avengers Lokiandreader. "Is that true, referee M Jee?" Are you trying to get the full Avenger set?. Never have I ever had a building fall on me" Natasha said. ', But he did anyway. Clint, are you in fact five? Tony says, but he looks impressed. Tony makes a disgruntled noise against Clint's ribcage. Ben and Devi, the morning after their first boink. including: avengers fanfiction peter intern meets team cap. And no.. Not too bad, but I haven't slept in three days. Flash exclaimed, laughing and ringing the bell. It becomes a semi-regular thing. "Super strength is a bitch," I say and everyone laughs. You're no fun, Cap. Clint chuckled. What she didn't expect, however, was to catch the eye of a devilishly handsome ex-Russian assassin with a metal arm and a desperate need to be loved. Aunt May yells but I can tell it's a joke along with everyone else. Yeah, well, I didn't listen back then either, did I? Clint points out. Peter had never been drunk before, and now that he knew how quick his metabolism had cleaned his blood of the intoxicating stuff, he wasn't afraid anymore to take a drink with the team now and then. Tony and Clint fall over laughing, and even Natasha snorts, but it's a fond sound. Al1v3p00l, AddSomeSparkles, Gretetel, pheonixfeathers, Mani_readz, Athena_83, Son_AviAgreste, Theseeker100, Sydneyy205, Sarah_248, Bessiesboy04, Blackdahlia3000, th3_r4t_k1ng, lileolily, and_AS, 14Muffinz, Psyclopticfury, Annaparkerjones, Nicecutgee, Rahhpixy, Korbi01, Mian975, Ejiro_kiripima, localbookgirl, jnate101, minho_stole_my_cats, dxnllse, Artistik_nobody, yasammy4life, TheLyingGrapevine, apeacufulocean, Rudgiraffe, Yoosangah, rozeis, udonsuperiority, ImAHyperPotato, Madmadds01, daughter_of_apollo_7, Radzy_N3rd_time, OliOcelot, Blackwidow622, hockeyaddict, natalicja_w, charlotte1217, alilhopelessromanticgremlin, kukutajam, Alphandrew23, goldenzingy46, Tonydeservesbetter, nexttoyouboyfriends_larry, and 145 more users It was disappointing, to say the least, how many of his classmates drank every week. Other than someone on the team.. She said, smiling. Natasha was pouring out shots of vodka, a new bottle she had 'found' while away, and Tony was looking around under the bar for a non-alcoholic drink to give to Peter. Peter was happy when he learned that Jessica was discharged, and that she moved in with her new family. The hottest boy in school. Right! But he was also spider-man, and he just couldn't help but think of the possible things he could reveal. There's not a lot of them, not in bed, but there are a few. All the hero worship around Captain America, someone was bound to try to tap that whether you showed interest or not.. Which is, of course, why Tony has waited to tell Clint and Natasha until it's too late to stop it. It's your choice., Yeah, but Tony makes an annoyed sound and rolls over so he's facing Clint. Wade explained. "Okay okay, never have I ever not went to midtown high school" Clint said, taking a shot. Pepper Pots I hope you're kidding. The spider kid was sat crossed-legged on the floor in front of the armchair Tony was sitting on. I haven't been there since I was a kid.. This is the great thing about Never Have I Ever. And, I might add, the suit had a filtration system.. Like you really thought it wasn't going to happen at some point. And then adds, as an afterthought, pre-serum, by the way. Tony, Rhodey, Clint, and Natasha all drank. When he does, Tony sleeps beside him. #spiderman A strong, almost sickly sweet wooden aroma fills the air, and Thor takes a deep whiff before sighing with contentment. There is a mentioning of an injury, but it is not too descriptive. I don't know if that makes me gay or something else.. Although I technically wrote this as a prequel to Fix You, it is a stand-alone and does not share any of the warnings from that story. Natasha has her raspberry Stolichnaya in hand, and flops down gracefully on one of the pillows to tuck her feet underneath herself. Y/n grew up as most children do. Spill." Alright. The doctor folds his hands in his lap. Tony hasn't said anything while Natasha and Clint are doing what the rest of the team calls 'that mind-melding thing', but he looks twitchy and excited at Natasha's glare. What? or The world might know the Avengers as heroes but what's reall. Oh fuck you honey bear, that was a targeted attack!. Yes, Tony says with a put-upon sigh. Come oooon, he says now, and waggles his eyebrows in a seductive way that is about as sexy as the thought of Fury wearing a banana hammock. Do you mind if I you don't have to answer if this makes you uncomfortable. He waits until Steve's looking at him. Steve makes another squeaky sound, but less panicked this time, and Clint leans his head on the Captain's shoulder and presses their cheeks together. Bruce was on a stool, placing the book he had been reading on the table next to the drinks when the others started talking, and Thor (who sat on a stool he had pulled away from the bar) decided to put his hammer on it. He ignores the shiver that travels down his spine when Tony's goatee scratches against his chin. They talked, at first playing Twenty One Dares, but Natasha suggested they switch to Never Have I Ever when she got bored of seeing Steve throw people across the room and Tony hadn't let Peter play (apparently the kid had no regard for his own safety). ), depois que devi entrega o papelzinho do one free boink. Peter, Tony, Bucky, and Natasha all drank.