detailed information regarding how the characters interact with the main characters, as
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.5.5: Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. Minli's restlessness is her central conflicted character trait. There are numerous other minor characters in the book: You can help us out by revising, improving and updating Personification is a literary device that give human traits to nonhuman objects. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. They learn the new concept of a frame story and explore how the embedded stories enrich and amplify and reflect the main story. We walked down the hall and into the classroom. You may wish to use these tales for additional literature or composition study. Even though you can determine the scene in your head, Grace Lin adds sharp details making the scene more vivid. It is about Jade Dragon, who used to be beloved by the people of the earth because she controlled the rain that made crops grow. Already a member? She notices that he is wearing a piece of golden dragon jewelry, and she follows him. Summarize this character Subjects: English Language Arts, Reading, Vocabulary Grades: Not Grade Specific Types: Minli's mother, Ma, instead despises the stories that Ba tells, feeling that they are simply "nonsense." Where the Mountain Meets the Moon By Grace Lin Chapters 1-4 Before you read the chapters: The protagonist in most novels features the main character or "good guy". She encounters an assorted cast of characters and magical creatures along the way, including a dragon who accompanies her on her quest for the ultimate answer.This is a wonderous novel with an epic journey and memorable characters in the tradition of The Wizard of Oz. There are several forest and rivers and a peach grove. As she debates what to do, she looks down at the Book of Fortune on the Old Mans lap and sees that he has added in the paper she received from the king. Teachers may opt to lower the security if they want to allow sharing. View all Lesson Plans available from BookRags. Knead the dough a few times so that the vanilla extract can distribute evenly. Explain what you mean by each value and show how it is illustrated in one of the embedded folk tales. Think back on some of your favorite characters from past novels you have Ba tells the first such story. Last Updated on May 6, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. Activity 2. Plus, there is barely enough rice to feed the people there, causing Minli to develop a wish for good fortune. The objective of her quest is to find the Old Man of the Moon who possesses the power to change a persons fortune. It is at this point she asks the Old Man in the Moon Dragons question. Click here for a PDF outlining an optional second activity. She obeys and almost immediately, Dragon can fly. She returns to Dragon and, following the Old Mans instructions, helps him pull a big, heavy bump off the top of his head. Within the portal, all users can view and copy all storyboards. She does so, and immediately Dragon can fly. Eager for adventure, Minli sets out alone seeking advice from the Old Man of the Moon. Minli is restless and never content with her lot in life. The twins explain that their village's name is due to raining seeds that fall from the moon every night, allowing flowering trees to bloom there. While these tales are original to Lin, many characters, settings, and themes are taken from traditional Chinese folklore. (The first column of Teacher Resource: Plot Outline provides a summary for the suggested answers. She spent all her time wondering why she did not have more money and better food and prettier clothes. The art is absolutely beautiful. It turns out the goldfish can talk when people want to hear it. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. Characters included in the character map are: Minli Ma Ba Goldfish Man Dragon Buffalo Boy King Da-A-Fu A-Gong & Amah Green Tiger Rabbit Old Man of the Moon Copy Activity* Sift (A) into a mixing bowl. When her parents find out, Ma is angry. Written by people who wish to remainanonymous. Minli's brave, clever, kind, and earnest character is utterly endearing. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous Where the Mountain Meets the Moon tells of a classic journey with a young duo, Minli and Dragon, working to find their way to the mountain that leads to the moon. Magistrate Tiger/Green Tiger. He scoops some plain rice out of his bowl for the fish to eat. Many of the characters and scenes match the book's characters. Draw a Dragon (that could come to life) He allows Minli to eat with him in his castle, and she tells him her story. By a bare mountain, where the Jade River runs through, lies a poor, mud-covered village known as the Village of Fruitless Mountain, where the protagonist, Minli lives. She supported herself designing for a party company, two years contributing to the worlds landfills as she puts it, until her first book was published. "[6], Andrew Medlar from Booklist said: "Lin creates a strong, memorable heroine & mystical land [] children will embrace this [] story"[6], A companion, titled Starry River of the Sky, was published on February 11, 2014. Image Based Life > Uncategorized > where the mountain meets the moon character traits Keeping a Reading Journal. With beautiful language, Lin creates a strong, memorable heroine and a mystical land. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. Think About Your Own Answers (with a reading guide) Every night, Minlis father tells her stories about the Jade Dragon that keeps the mountain bare, the greedy and mean Magistrate Tiger, and the Old Man of the Moon who holds everyones destiny. They travel all through the night, searching. Powerful Stories About Martin Luther King Jr. What is the setting of "Games at Twilight" by Anita Desai? Suggested techniques: If students are interested in folktales in general, the. Minli is restless and never content with her lot in life. With nothing else to occupy them in the evenings, Minlis father spins tales of the Old Man in the Moon and the Jade Dragon. Near a mountain region. Resources for Socratic seminars for elementary school students can be found online. Finally, see if students can come up with a vivid verb to replace was: sat, clung, perched, etc. This outline can serve as a reference for the teacher for the entire lesson.). Also, she is full of bitterness and resentment due to their poverty. Have students explain how they grew or changed because of this experience. Thus she spent much of her childhood trying to ignore her Asian heritage in order to fit in better with her peers. Both Minli and Dragon have unique character traits and well-thought character development. If there are two dates, the date of publication and appearance The new book was published on October 4, 2016. After contemplating her choices, Minli chooses to ask Dragon's question for him: Why can he not fly? When Dragon and Minli reunite, each is surprised to learn that the other has found a borrowed line. Select colors and a pose appropriate to story and character traits. GradeSaver, 25 April 2017 Web. (Something that takes great physical or mental effort to do successfully) Show students photos of types of challenges (see Preparation and Resources) and discuss the types of challenges shown. While some may say there are too many pages, I think the amount of pages doesn't matter anyways, although I like the amount, and reading more pages is a great challenge. This Study Guide consists of approximately 29pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - With her lively and impulsive spirit, Minli emerges a stalwart female role model who learns the importance of family, friendship and faith during her amazing journey. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Minli feels guilty when her father gives up some of his food for her fish. I cannot say enough good things about this book. Relive your favorite parts, test your memory and pretend to be on the journey yourself! Give students a clean copy of Worksheet 2 and tell them that their classmates will be reading their work. Ba smiles and says that Minlis return is the best fortune of all. Ma and Ba camp in the forest, and Ba tells the story of a greedy magistrate who tried to steal the secret of happiness from a poor but otherwise perfect family. All of the villagers, along with Minli's family, are also very poor, as farming is difficult in the hard and dry land due to Fruitless Mountain being the broken and lonely heart of the immortal Jade Dragon, a dragon that once brought rain to the Earth. This strikes Minli because The Old Man is what she thought, only a character from her father's stories. While folktales often include recognizable character types, and certainly we can identify some stock traits here (clever, wise, whiny, kind and poor, greedy, etc.) When they reach their destination, Minli and Dragon are devastated to discover they cannot climb it. As you read, take notes on the characters by answering the questions. Eventually she decides to run off on a quest to change her family's fortune. As she works, Minli wishes she could change her familys fortune. When he arrives, he is amazed to be greeted as an old friend. Meanwhile, Minli sleeps for the night in the forest, only to wake up to find a trapped dragon, which she saves. No one else can view anything. Tell students about Grace Lin, using information from the Background section. At the top of the bridge, Minli finds the Old Man of the Moon sitting in the center of a large room full of small clay figures. Minli watches him go, feeling puzzled that he is so happy. How can students use Where the Mountain Meets the Moon as a mentor text to write a personal narrative with vivid language? At the end of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon and in her essays, Lin shares photos and drawings and discusses how she came to use and adapt elements of Chinese culture in her stories. Every day, the family works in. Much to the displeasure of Ma, Minli spends her precious money on a goldfish. Explain to students that they have been working mostly with the story of Minli and her quest, and that now they are going to look at the other stories that are woven into the main story. The elder of the family gave up the secret readily. Have students read with the method and at the pace you find best for your class. date the date you are citing the material. When her parents find out she is gone, they try to look for her, but are stopped by the goldfish seller, who tells them to trust Minli. Now the woman can see that she had fortune all along, but that she lost it when she lost her daughter. Minli is a strong-willed, young Chinese girl who lives in the Village of Fruitless Mountain. online is the same, and will be the first date in the citation. The dragon explains that he does not know how to fly and wants to learn, so Minli invites him to come with her to see the Old Man of the Moon, the only person who might be able to tell him how. It turns out he is not a beggar at all, but the king in disguise. Then, my mind suddenly shouted, How about that book from the library? I bolted to get the book and started to read. He warns her that he only has time to answer one question. Inspired by these stories, Minli sets off on an extraordinary journey to find the Old Man of the Moon to ask him how she can change her familys fortune. Stop believing stories and stop wasting your time. Ask students: Suppose Grace Lin had just written Their village was dirty and their work was hard. How is this paragraph different? After you claim a section youll have 24 hours to send in a draft. Part 2. Reunited with her son, Jade Dragon transforms Fruitless Mountain into Fruitful Mountain, allowing it to grow again. Outside the city, Dragon also obtains a red string of destiny that is used to tie people destined to meet and marry together, which he believes is the borrowed line. Make two copies for each pair of students to use in analyzing the embedded stories. These characters are the parents of the heroine. While Lin tells the tale of the courageous Minli, she also imbeds other story vignettes that weave together and connect in complicated ways. While her mother worries and complains about their lot, her father brightens their evenings with storytelling. size). She's dutiful, empathetic, curious, and resourceful. Order our Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Lesson Plans, teaching or studying Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. All rights reserved. Curious, she follows it and finds a red dragon crying a river of tears. Her mother, Ma, complains that these stories are foolish and harmful. Give them time to legibly recopy (and edit!) Character Analysis. This book, a celebration of the importance of imagination and story, introduces upper elementary students to Chinese culture and tradition. The single line of text upon it is usually unreadable, but sometimes during historically important moments, the words are intelligibleand they always say something different. (Teachers do not have to assign all the stories.). It will take more than a goldfish to bring fortune to our house, she says. A set of twins from the village manage to trick the Green Tiger down an abandoned well and the next day take Minli and Dragon to Never-Ending Mountain, which turns out to be only a day's journey from the village. StoryboardThat is a trademark of Clever Prototypes, LLC, and Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. In the story that the girl told the Great Green Tiger she stated that another tiger had taken her brother to be his slave for life. The child of immigrants from Taiwan, Grace Lin was born in the United States in 1974 and grew up in New York State. Worksheet 2. (authors note) (Fantasy. The "rock" turns out to be the coveted Dragon's Pearl, which brings enormous wealth to her village. This first activity introduces the book and requires students to read it and keep a journal. In the evenings, her father regales her with old folktales of the Jade Dragon and the Old Man of the Moon, who knows the answers to all of life's questions. Because of what seemed like a personal sacrifice in favor of helping a friend, Minli and her family receive all they ever hoped for and more. Even so, Minli is a happy and vibrant child who eagerly listens as her father, whom she calls Ba, tells stories every night. Minli realizes what is truly important in life and is thankful for her family. It is not too scary. Da-Fu and A-Fu lead Minli to Never-Ending Mountain, where the Old Man of the Moon is said to live. At that point, the string turns into a bridge Minli uses to walk up to the moon and visit the Old Man. Together they fly home to Minli's village. She thinks it will be made from 2020 to 2025. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a fantasy - adventure children's novel inspired by Chinese folklore. An editor I loved the way it was told through a lot of fairy tales. Fruitless Mountain Village. The Old Man instructs Minli to remove a rock on Dragons head it has been keeping Dragon from flight. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon characters in a Character Map Minli Wishes to find Old Man of the Moon in order to change her family's fortune.Has Where the Mountain Meets the Moon characters in a Character Map Minli Wishes to find Old Man of the Moon in order to change her family's fortune.Has Recursos Precios Crear un Guin Grfico In August 2015, Lin revealed that the film rights for the book had been bought. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. The second date is today's Inspired by her fathers stories and dedicated to her family, Minli decides to leave and seek a more prosperous future for them all. I think it is good for many different ages, from 7-year-olds to 12-year-olds. Dragon realizes that this must be the borrowed line, so he tells them about Minli. Emphasize that Minlis story is a fantasy; in the real world, it is dangerous for children to run away from home, and naturally it is impossible for them to scale a ladder to the moon. *, Can u describe the character 'talking goldfish'. As an optional activity, they may make a bulletin board or wall display that shows the embedded stories within the frame of the main narrative. Unable to believe her luck, Minli accepts the paper from him. Each figure tied to the next with the fine red thread of fate. In addition, any storyboard can be made sharable, where a private link to the storyboard can be shared externally. Minlis determination to help her family, as well as the grief her parents feel at her absence, is compelling and thoroughly human. The main character, Minli, is a young Chinese girl scraping by with her poor parents in the village at the base of Fruitless Mountain. Man of the Moon The angry magistrate tore a page from the Old Man of the Moon's book, which was the paper with the secret of happiness. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. This talking creature helps the heroine and her friend along their way early in the story. The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child. Determined to change her familys fortune, Minli sets out to find the Old Man of the Moon, urged on by a talking goldfish who gives her clues to complete her journey. Where The Mountain Meets The Moon Character Analysis Minli Minli is the protagonist and hero in Where the Mountain Meets the Moon.