There were not enough Asian American respondents in the sample to be broken out into a separate analysis. The Pew Research Center, data-driven as usual, analyzed Google trends data related to the new generation between 2014 and 2018 and found that by far "Generation Z" was outpacing other names in searches. Both of these trends reflect the overall trend toward more Americans pursuing higher education. The Pew Research Center survey, conducted Dec. 12-18, 2022, of 11,004 U.S. adults finds only 38% say AI being used to do things like diagnose disease and recommend treatments would lead to better health outcomes for patients generally, while 33% say it would lead to worse outcomes and 27% say it wouldn't make much difference. The other group consists of teens who say they use these platforms but not as frequently that is, they use at least one of these five platforms but use them less often than almost constantly.. Its also important to note that parental concerns about their kids struggling with anxiety and depression were common long before the pandemic, too. YouTube is used daily by 54% if its users, with 36% saying they visit the site several times a day. Some 23% of teens now say they ever use Twitter, compared with 33% in 2014-15. Overall, Hispanic (47%) and Black teens (45%) are more likely than White teens (26%) to say they use at least one of these five online platforms almost constantly. Just released Pew Research (April 2) gave an on-line test to some 6,000 participants. In addition, teen boys are 21 points more likely to say they have access to gaming consoles than teen girls a pattern that has been reported in prior Center research.3. Smaller shares though still a majority of Snapchat or Instagram users report visiting these respective platforms daily (59% for both). A companion analysis Pew conducted in partnership with external researchers found that many non-violent offenders in Florida, Maryland and Michigan could have served significantly shorter prison terms with little or no public safety consequences. A new Pew Research Center survey of American teenagers ages 13 to 17 finds TikTok has rocketed in popularity since its North American debut several years ago and now is a top social media platform for teens among the platforms covered in this survey. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Fully 76% of teens that live in households that make at least $75,000 a year say they have or have access to a smartphone, a gaming console and a desktop or laptop computer, compared with smaller shares of teens from households that make less than $30,000 or teens from households making $30,000 to $74,999 a year who say they have access to all three (60% and 69% of teens, respectively). For example, members of Gen Z are more likely than older generations to look to government to solve problems, rather than businesses and individuals. Many teens who say social media has had a positive effect say a major reason they feel this way is because it helps them stay connected with friends and family (40% of teens who say social media has a mostly positive effect say this). Reddit was the only other platform polled about that experienced statistically significant growth during this time period increasing from 11% in 2019 to 18% today. Younger generations also share a different view of the U.S. relative to other countries in the world. While the previous reports focused on year-over-year change, this report provides a broader look at the trend in particular regions and in 198 countries and territories. pew may have been founded by conservatives but that doesnt mean that it is still conservative, or even neutral. In the same survey, an even larger share of high school students (44%) said that at some point during the previous 12 months, they had felt sad or hopeless almost every day for two or more weeks in a row to the point where they had stopped doing some usual activities. When reflecting on the amount of time they spend on social media generally, a majority of U.S. teens (55%) say they spend about the right amount of time on these apps and sites, while about a third of teens (36%) say they spend too much time on social media. Here are thequestions usedfor this report, along with responses, anditsmethodology. Larger shares of Black and Hispanic teens say they are on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram almost constantly than White teens. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan American think tank based in Washington, D.C. We study a wide range oftopicsincluding politics and policy; news habits and media; the internet and technology; religion; race and ethnicity; international affairs; social, demographic and economic trends; science; research methodology and data science; and immigration and migration. That was greater than the share of parents who expressed high levels of concern over seven other dangers asked about. The Pew Research Center has published a new study which shows that 41% of Americans have been abused online. Overall, members of Gen Z look similar to Millennials in their political preferences, particularly when it comes to the upcoming 2020 election. Additionally, a vast majority of adults under the age of 65 say they use YouTube. Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Gender. Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. While 72% of U.S. teens say they have access to a smartphone, a computer and a gaming console at home, more affluent teens are particularly likely to have access to all three devices. The Pew Research Center does not take policy positions, and is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Millennial voters were only slightly more likely to approve of Trump (32%) while 42% of Gen X voters, 48% of Baby Boomers and 57% of those in the Silent Generation approved of the job hes doing as president. When it comes to the other platforms in the survey, 40% of adults say they ever use Instagram and about three-in-ten report using Pinterest or LinkedIn. Conversely, 46% of teens say it would be at least somewhat easy for them to give up social media, with a fifth saying it would be very easy. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. Past studies have found that. The results were summarized in an article titled, "Younger men play video games, but so do a diverse group of other Americans" and reported that, of adults who play video games "often" or "sometimes", 62% typically play . While teens access to smartphones has increased over roughly the past eight years, their access to other digital technologies, such as desktop or laptop computers or gaming consoles, has remained statistically unchanged. Facebook users are adjusting their digital behavior following the turmoil on the platform during the 2016 presidential election, according to a new survey. In contrast, the median net worth of families in lower tiers of wealth decreased by at least 20%. In 2019, 44% of Gen Zers ages 7 to 17 were living with a parent who had a bachelors degree or more education, compared with 33% of Millennials when they were the same age. In addition, higher shares of Black and Hispanic teens report using TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp compared with White teens.2. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Women are much more likely than men to have experienced high psychological distress (48% vs. 32%), as are people in lower-income households (53%) when compared with those in middle-income (38%) or upper-income (30%) households. Among White. Pew Research Center estimates that Christians will be a minority of Americans by 2070 if current trends continue. U.S. women have earned roughly 82% as much as men for the last 20 years, per recently published Pew Research Center analysis. There are no racial and ethnic differences in teens frequency of Facebook usage. Meanwhile, the share of teens who say they use Facebook, a dominant social media platform among teens in the Centers 2014-15 survey, has plummeted from 71% then to 32% today. Pew Research Center When the National Election Study began asking about trust in government in 1958, about three-quarters of Americans trusted the federal government to do the right thing almost always or most of the time. Teen girls are more likely than teen boys to express it would be difficult to give up social media (58% vs. 49%). Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S., with more than 48,000 people of all ages dying by suicide in 2021; millions more thought about, planned, or attempted suicide. Instead of looking ahead to a world of opportunities, Gen Z now peers into an uncertain future. Because Pew Research Center aims to inform policymakers and the public by holding a mirror to society, it is important to us to reflect our societys many voices, backgrounds and perspectives. While these questions did not ask specifically about the pandemic, a sixth question did, inquiring whether respondents had had physical reactions, such as sweating, trouble breathing, nausea, or a pounding heart when thinking about their experience with the coronavirus outbreak. Hispanic teens are more likely to be frequent users of Snapchat than White or Black teens: 23% of Hispanic teens say they use this social media platform almost constantly, while 12% of White teens and 11% of Black teens say the same. Using the data from this poll ,test the claim that the percent of drivers who enjoy driving their cars statistics asked by nikki 612 views 0 answers We generate a foundation of facts that enriches the public dialogue and supports sound decision-making. More than half of Facebook users in the U The Center measured Americans psychological distress by asking them a series of five questions on subjects including loneliness, anxiety and trouble sleeping in the past week. If you've got experience with user-centered design & research, According to, only 8 percent of CEOs are female. Read more. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. This generational pattern is evident among both Democrats and Republicans. In addition, roughly two-thirds (66%) of adults who have a disability or health condition that prevents them from participating fully in work, school, housework or other activities have experienced a high level of distress during the pandemic. In fact, a majority of 18- to 29-year-olds say they use Instagram (71%) or Snapchat (65%), while roughly half say the same for TikTok. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. There are already signs that the oldest Gen Zers have been particularly hard hit in the early weeks and months of the coronavirus crisis. In fact, a majority of 18- to 29-year-olds say they use Instagram (71%) or Snapchat (65%), while roughly half say the same for TikTok. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Parents of teen girls were more likely than parents of teen boys to be extremely or very worried on this front (32% vs. 24%). Differences in Facebook use by household income were found in previous Center surveys as well (however the differences by household income were more pronounced in the past). After those platforms come Facebook with 32% and smaller shares who use Twitter, Twitch, WhatsApp, Reddit and Tumblr.1. As always, their responses are incorporated into the general population figures throughout this report. A Pew Research Center survey conducted in 2011 and 2012 that examined the views of Muslims found that, in most regions, half or more said there was no conflict between religion and science, including 54% in Malaysia. "Pew Research Finds Jews & Hindus are More Educated & Richer", "Company Overview of The Pew Charitable Trusts", "Times Mirror Center for People and Press |", "Alan Murray Of 'The Wall Street Journal' Named Pew Research Center's President", "Michael Dimock Named President of Pew Research Center", "The Global Religious Landscape: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Major Religious Groups as of 2010", "Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures Project", "How Religious Restrictions Have Risen Around the World", "Modeling the Future of Religion in America", "Christianity in the U.S. is quickly shrinking and may no longer be the majority religion within just a few decades, research finds", Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey, List of household surveys in the United States, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Suffolk University Political Research Center, American Association for Public Opinion Research, European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research, World Association for Public Opinion Research,, Public opinion research companies in the United States, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 05:17. Pew Research attributes this to economic development, and religious and political attitudes. These changing educational patterns are tied to changes in immigration especially among Hispanics. [11][12], The center's research includes the following areas:[1][13], Researchers at the Pew Research Center annually comb through publicly available sources of information and publications. These gaps in teen computer and gaming console access are consistent with digital divides by household income the Center has observed in previous teen surveys. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main In a March 2020 Pew Research Center survey, half of the oldest Gen Zers (ages 18 to 23) reported that they or someone in their household had lost a job or taken a cut in pay because of the outbreak. More than one-third of millennials say they are unaffiliated with any faith, study finds Roughly half of Gen Zers (50%) and Millennials (47%) think that society is not accepting enough of these individuals. In a survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from January to June 2021, 37% of students at public and private high schools said their mental health was not good most or all of the time during the pandemic. Still, pluralities of every generation except the Silent Generation say the U.S. is one of the best countries in the world along with some others. Millennials were found to . More than a third of high school students have reported mental health challenges during the pandemic. A roughly comparable share of Millennials (69%) lived with two married parents at a similar age, but the shares among Gen Xers and Boomers were significantly larger (72% and 86%). (Muslims in Singapore were not surveyed.) Similarly, the youngest Republicans stand out in their views on the role of government and the causes of climate change. Our experts combine the observational and storytelling skills of journalists with the analytical rigor of social scientists. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. In 2022, US women on average earned about 82 cents for every dollar a man earned, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers . Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Gender. Boys also report using YouTube at higher rates than girls, although the vast majority of teens use this platform regardless of gender. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. Due to a limited sample size, figures for those ages 25 to 29 cannot be reported on separately. Conversely, a majority of teens who see their social media usage as about right (58%) say that it would be at least somewhat easy for them to give it up. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. Gen Zers are slightly less likely than Millennials to be immigrants: 6% were born outside of the U.S., compared with 7% of Millennials at the same age. By comparison, Gen Xers and Boomers are about evenly divided: About as many say they would feel at least somewhat comfortable (49% and 50%, respectively) as say they would be uncomfortable. Teens who live in households making under $30,000 do not significantly differ from either group. By comparison, a somewhat smaller share of those ages 50 to 64 (73%) say they use social media sites, while fewer than half of those 65 and older (45%) report doing this. View staff demographics. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. There were not enough Asian American respondents in the sample to be broken out into a separate analysis. Mental health tops the list of worries that U.S. parents express about their kids well-being, according to a fall 2022 Pew Research Center survey of parents with children younger than 18. A bare majority (52%) are non-Hispanic white significantly smaller than the share of Millennials who were non-Hispanic white in 2002 (61%). In the U.S, the COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020 caused widespread lockdowns and disruptions in daily life while triggering a short but severe economic recession that resulted in widespread unemployment. Black and Hispanic teens are more likely than White teens to say they ever use TikTok, Instagram, Twitter or WhatsApp. Facebooks growth has leveled off over the last five years, but it remains one of the most widely used social media sites among adults in the United States: 69% of adults today say they ever use the site, equaling the share who said this two years prior. Aside from the unique set of circumstances in which Gen Z is approaching adulthood, what do we know about this new generation? The Pew Research Center projects that Christians in America will decline from 64% to "between a little more than half (54%) and just above one-third (35%) by 2070". In the South, 46% of Gen Zers are non-Hispanic white. When asked how they feel about the time they spend on social media, 53% of teens who almost constantly use at least one of the platforms say they are on social media too much, while about three-in-ten teens (28%) who use at least one of these platforms but less often say the same. And a new Pew Research Center survey shows the tendency is holding up as the economy tanks. Today, 32% of teens report ever using Facebook, down 39 points since 2014-15, when 71% said they ever used the platform. In 1991 a poll reported this percent . Among Democrats, half or more in all generations say this. When it comes to race relations, Gen Zers and Millennials are about equally likely to say that blacks are treated less fairly than whites in this country. In a span of 17 years, Pew found that many of the countries surveyed showed a double-digit. They are less likely to drop out of high school and more likely to be enrolled in college. [6] Andrew Kohut became its director in 1993, and The Pew Charitable Trusts became its primary sponsor in 1996, when it was renamed the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. Missing Miami tabby cat found 1,400 miles from home. A look at older members of Generation Z suggests they are on a somewhat different educational trajectory than the generations that came before them. This was significantly higher than the shares of Millennials (40%), Gen Xers (36%) and Baby Boomers (25%) who said the same. Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Gender. Although todays teens do not use Facebook as extensively as teens in previous years, the platform still enjoys widespread usage among adults, as seen in other recent Center studies. For example, Black and Hispanic teens are roughly five times more likely than White teens to say they are on Instagram almost constantly. We know its different from previous generations in some important ways, but similar in many ways to the Millennial generation that came before it. Instead, they describe peoples emotional experiences during the week before being surveyed. Older teens are more likely than younger teens to say they use each of the online platforms asked about except for YouTube and WhatsApp. The gender gap in pay has remained relatively stable in the United States over the past 20 years or so. While around half of K-12 parents said the first year of the pandemic had a negative emotional impact on their kids, a larger share (61%) said it had a negative effect on their childrens education. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Gender, Quick Links: Press | Contact Us | Follow Us. Both groups express somewhat higher levels of comfort than other generations, though generational differences on this question are fairly modest. According to the report, laws and policies restricting religious freedom and government favoritism of religious groups are the two types of restrictions that have been the most prevalent.