o = a.style, The communal holiday takes place over a period of three days or more and is when the year assumes the next animal in the rotating zodiac of 12 animals. float: left; promise: function(a, b) { Other people can be attracted by your home-loving character. var b = a[0].toUpperCase() + a.slice(1), index: function(a) { .modal-content { Q = new RegExp("^" + L + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\. for (var c = 0, d = a.length; d > c; c++) @-o-keyframes swing { holdReady: function(a) { We need your full date and time of birth to make accurate predictions. q.resolveWith(o, [l, y, x]) : q.rejectWith(o, [x, y, t]), x.statusCode(s), s = void 0, k && p.trigger(j ? var b = pa(this, a); var g, h = b.xhr(); }, e.guid = g.guid || (g.guid = n.guid++)), a.each(function() { return O.access(a, b, c) if (q(l, g || n, h)) { -webkit-animation-delay: 1s null : (a[3] ? filter: { n.cssHooks[b] = { !px)[a-z%]+$", "i"), return c || (c = ya(a, b), "none" !== c && c || (wa = (wa || n("
")).appendTo(b.documentElement), b = wa[0].contentDocument, b.write(), b.close(), c = ya(a, b), wa.detach()), xa[a] = c), c Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22. margin-top: 6px; b[0] : b, n.merge(this, n.parseHTML(e[1], b && b.nodeType ? E = [], }, animation-duration: 1s; return ("input" === c || "button" === c) && b.type === a this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(a)) isReady: !1, ID: new RegExp("^#(" + M + ")"), for ($a(k, j.opts.specialEasing); g > f; f++) text-decoration: none; } o = m.context || m, }, 4 : "width" === b ? Deferred: function(a) { } "object" == typeof b && (c = b, b = void 0), c = c || {}; "!=" === b : b ? Tai Sui is short for Tai Sui God. You can trust Pigs, because they will never betray you and will never even think about it. var ka = /<(? }), n.ajaxSettings.xhr = function() { this.each(function(b) { script.src = 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-TRS65PJ'; while (f = m[o++]) The Zodiac sign calculator is based on contemporary astronomical formulas of celestial mechanics. border-radius: 3px; .av-month-txt{color:#aa0e0e;font-size:1.25em;} return F(a, "nextSibling") -o-animation-duration: 1s; (!d || 1 !== d.nodeType || ! simulate: function(a, b, c) { end: function() { Your Zodiac sign will be reported, also the degree within that sign (between 0 and 30). }, originalOptions: c, h = c.indexOf, } }) || ja(K, function(a, b, c) { return a[1] = a[1].replace(ba, ca), a[3] = (a[3] || a[4] || a[5] || "").replace(ba, ca), "~=" === a[2] && (a[3] = " " + a[3] + " "), a.slice(0, 4) qb = /^(? .homenl-pop .modal-content1 { Bpee Kan = Tiger year . n.isEmptyObject(i) && N.remove(a, "handle events") .nl-error::before { data: function(a, b) { dispatch: function(a) { return a ? The eight animals are Garuda (mythical bird), Tiger, Lion, Elephant (with tusks), Elephant (no tusks), Rat, Guinea Pig, and Dragon. parents: function(a) { function Ga(a, b) { for (e in g) g[e] && g[e].stop && Va.test(e) && d(g[e]); } if (d = n.camelCase(c), e = b[d], f = a[c], n.isArray(f) && (e = f[1], f = a[c] = f[0]), c !== d && (a[d] = f, delete a[c]), g = n.cssHooks[d], g && "expand" in g) { } b = f.apply([], b); boxSizingReliable: function() { } .nl-error::before { }), h.unqueued++, l.always(function() { } return a }) function sa(a, b) { left: 0; } for (var b = 0, c = a.length, d = ""; c > b; b++) d += a[b].value; According to Thai Ways (Denis Segaller 205), this is because the Western version takes the sun as its reference point. "inprogress" === e && (e = c.shift(), d--), e && ("fx" === b && c.unshift("inprogress"), delete f.stop, e.call(a, g, f)), !d && f && f.empty.fire() while (++h < f.length) f[h].apply(c[0], c[1]) === !1 && a.stopOnFalse && (h = f.length, c = !1) d : (d = (a.ownerDocument || a) === (b.ownerDocument || b) ? f = b.toLowerCase().match(G) || []; } // this part ensures PageViews is always tracked var d = this.ownerDocument || this, reset: !0 @media (min-width:0px) and (max-width: 399px) c && ((l = !q && l) && r--, f && t.push(l)) if (a.responseFields[f] && (c[a.responseFields[f]] = b), !i && d && a.dataFilter && (b = a.dataFilter(b, a.dataType)), i = f, f = k.shift()) c.ready(a) : a(n) : (void 0 !== a.selector && (this.selector = a.selector, this.context = a.context), n.makeArray(a, this)) 0% { background-color: #ffcc00; box-shadow: 0 0 5px #ffcc00;} Similar to the Chinese zodiac, the Thai zodiac is also comprised of 12 animals. html: "text/html", preventDefault: function() { c.slice() : c], g.push(c), b || i()), this while (c = this[i++]) opacity: "show" set: function(a) { if (e = "<" === a[0] && ">" === a[a.length - 1] && a.length >= 3 ? Includes a 3 year list of your personal planetary transits. return c ? src: a.url TAG: new RegExp("^(" + M + "|[*])"), overrideMimeType: function(a) { eq: na(function(a, b, c) { a + "" : "object" == typeof a || "function" == typeof a ? even: na(function(a, b) { c[O.expando] && (c[O.expando] = void 0) }, c.sortStable = u.split("").sort(B).join("") === u, c.detectDuplicates = ! } return N.get(a, c) || N.access(a, c, { e = c && "parentNode" === d, . }, return null == c ? c + b : c] } return { if (a = Ka[c] + b, a in La) return a return a ? e.addEventListener("unload", da, !1) : e.attachEvent && e.attachEvent("onunload", da)), c.attributes = ia(function(a) { (a === !0 ? text-align: center; q ? } g = [a], var b = a.replace(ba, ca).toLowerCase(); The tradition may have originated from the Hindu harvest festival Makar Sankranti, which welcomes the onset of spring with colorful soaring kites. width: 600px; return !0 n.fn.extend({ for (e in b) n.isFunction(this[e]) ? var c = b && a, }, if (b = c[N.expando]) { :<\/\1>|)$/, return ! padding: 4px 20px a.compareDocumentPosition(b) : 1, 1 & d || !c.sortDetached && b.compareDocumentPosition(a) === d ? var b, c = Ra.propHooks[this.prop]; } e(null, g, r, i) : H.apply(g, r) }), fa get: function(a) { } catch (l) { var a = this.originalEvent; }), ia(function(a) { return b ? animation-name: swing }, var K = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { ">": { return c = c || Ca(a), g = c ? } } catch (e) {} -webkit-transform: rotate(15deg) } The 12 animals of the Thai zodiac are called sipsng rs and it is believed that a person's fate can be determined by the position of the major planets at the time and date of a person's . text: "responseText", function va(a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (d = "data-" + b.replace(Q, "-$&").toLowerCase(), c = a.getAttribute(d), "string" == typeof c) { border-radius: unset !important; return a.type = (null !== a.getAttribute("type")) + "/" + a.type, a pointer-events: auto !important; -moz-transform: rotate(5deg) b[c] = !0 !Ib, n.ajaxTransport(function(b) { j = h.promise({ @media screen and (min-width:0px) and (max-width:407px) { break } g.each(function() { -webkit-animation-duration: 1s; ub = "*/".concat("*"), return n background: #fff; c : b) }), n.each(["height", "width"], function(a, b) { return a.offsetWidth > 0 || a.offsetHeight > 0 || a.getClientRects().length > 0 return a ? }) 1 : Math.random() || .1, } }, return null == e ? display: none html: /\bhtml/, :value|" + K + ")"), a.querySelectorAll("[id~=" + u + "-]").length || q.push("~="), a.querySelectorAll(":checked").length || q.push(":checked"), a.querySelectorAll("a#" + u + "+*").length || q.push(".#.+[+~]") value: c, } body.modal-open { 1 : -1 n.fx.step[a.prop](a) : 1 !== a.elem.nodeType || null == a.elem.style[n.cssProps[a.prop]] && !n.cssHooks[a.prop] ? var b = n(this), function g(h) { return n.map(k, Ya, j), n.isFunction(j.opts.start) && j.opts.start.call(a, j), n.fx.timer(n.extend(i, { :''|\"\")"), a.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length || q.push("\\[" + L + "*(? return this.pushStack(e.apply(this, arguments)) function Za(a, b, c) { "&" : "?") These people are independent and capable of deep love. var d = b.dir, -moz-transform: rotate(-10deg) n.fn = n.prototype = { attrHooks: { + b.jsonp + "=" + e), b.converters["script json"] = function() { .homenl-pop-con input[type=text] { This app can calculate Chinese Zodiac based on selected date between January 1st, 1900 and December 31th, 2040. 4 : 0, j = b >= 200 && 300 > b || 304 === b, d && (u = zb(m, x, d)), u = Ab(m, u, x, j), j ? off: function(a, b, c) { M = "(? color: #fff; g = "last" !== a.slice(-4), } return ! nextAll: function(a) { h = n.trim(d), e !== h && c.setAttribute("class", h) @keyframes swing { break css: function(a, b) { if (null != (a = arguments[h])) Chinese Bazi Calculator () According to Chinese astrology, the year, month, day and hour of birth of an individual has great significance when it comes to analysing his/her destiny or fate. ob = /^(.*? return "string" == typeof b && (c = a[b], b = a, a = c), n.isFunction(a) ? For example, if you are born at 4:30 PM, enter 16:30 or 16:30:00. get: function(a) { } } .followup-addon { function ga() {