What everyone else said and also because if Rhys left her alone than someone nastier would have played with her instead. It had raised plenty of eyebrows then. It increased the tension, played with our imaginations, surprised us when Rhys pulled her onto his lap, etc. The only way to convince herself it was worth it no matter what it might cost her later. I would never forgive Tamlin for that. I'm talking about the one where Feyre sits on Rhys' lap and they're "acting" lol. I wonder if it will be worse to fail now - when you are so close.. I get why Maas left the conversation about what Rhys needed Feyre to be in the Court of Nightmares out of the book. The anger, such anger, kept surging along the bond. I hated her so much for twisting the dagger into Feyre so much further than was necessary. Rhys speared a quick thought up to Lucien, whose pain and worry came blasting through the mental connection as soon as it was established. Sorry if this is sacrilege in this sub haha. There's a hearth that is large enough to warm the whole place. Taste her. I pushed again and it was useless, my body betraying me at every move. Do you have any scenes/quotes of Tamlins saltiness? And never once did our gaze break in those few seconds as I knew I loved her more than anything. He could not directly do anything because then Amarantha would see and probably find a way to punish him. You were planning this all along.. The paint smudges justified him as not trying to be lewd, and if you think of it from a outside perspective instead of a feyre one, it's probably better that she's out of the cell for those 5ish minutes before blacking out and rinse repeat instead of sitting and staring into darkness. She came up with the scene, and then found a way to fit it into the story, which is true for a lot of what goes on in the books (which is why some scenes are phenomenal and dynamic and captivating and other moments feel like awkward transitions). Youre just as bad as these human beasts. Enjoy it.. And so it was with one last lingering look to ensure I wasnt dreaming, to see she was indeed alive and would be okay, that I took a step back and disappeared for the night, allowing every manner of emotion from the last fifty years until now to consume me. Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and love the past several months. As with the last trial, I had no idea what Amarantha had in store for her, only that it would be cruel and sneaky and very likely a trick. Yeah this fits but I totally agree about your last statement! I wanted to make sure she understood completely what she was walking into tomorrow. And she was getting worse. Feyres eyes turn up to him, at first filled with an astonishing amount of hate. My mate. For what she gave, I said. Eris had a reputation for cruelty, and Morbegged me not to let it happen. I could still see her lovely face, her eyes wide and wild and full of tears as she pleaded with me. At least this way he could flaunt her about and make amarantha get bored of her by seeing her every night. My mate. In its place was the true cunning, unrelenting beast she really was. A small flickering light offering the faintest trace of hope. There was no way that the Tamlin I knew who felt so much love for Feyre could sit idly by and watch, could merely sit, A weight fell into the pit of my stomach and I broke my promise to stay with Feyres thoughts as my gaze turned towards Tamlin and the throne. Cintiq . My heart sank at the scene. A direction, goal, and invitation to see what else immortality might offer her. sorry love that spoiler really shook everyone. But as of today, all asks and notifications are being turned off and Im logging out with no plans to return in the near future. And it wasnt a concern for dear Jurian when he butchered my sister. For other tasks required doing as wellboth in Velaris and beyond it: in the Illyrian Mountains, in the Hewn City, in the vastness of the entire Night Court. Even now, with that bond again flowing between us like a river of starflecked night, the echo of its vanishing lingered. Instantly, she cried and began to shake, and Amarantha swooped in with her despicable gallantry. My mate. The Inner Circles story would never have meant half as much to me had it not been for you all and the magic you brought to life inside it. . My hands clenched with hatred. Shed broken the curse on us all. So I wrote that part of Chapter 41 from Rhys' POV and added a little bit to it. My mate. With Cassian, with her, with our families. Well have to do whatever we need to in order to distract them until he returns . He will not cry out. Whered you fly off to so early? She almost gave up. It was instinctive for my thumb to brush along the back of her hand, to try to offer what comfort I could. We had both fought for that love, bled for it. How could he sit there even now and offer her nothing? Hell approach the throne and give me reports on everything thats happened in the Hewn City since I was there last., Before you came to Velaris, I cringed as I remembered the last time Id been there. Feyre didnt specify when I had to free them - just that I had to. I think in part its because the wine made her forget everything so she wouldnt have to suffer the horrors of Under The Mountain, and I think he made her dance to really sell his despicable, horrid, High Lord of all things dark and deathly faade. At their wedding she hopes for someone to rescue her. happiness. Now the next. Also not unusualhed been visiting our war allies these months to solidify our relationships, build trade, and keep tabs on their post-wall intentions. The room stilled. One life for the sake of many. Id like a roadmap so I know when to start skimming. No, That's 48. The whole 49 years he was Under The Mountain, he had to make it really seem like he was the horrible creature that everyone outside of his court saw him as. Inspired by this masterpiece - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wbYhL22b1M\u0026t=74sBe kind! I tried my best to make sense of it as well as guess at what Rhys was thinking since we dont have much to go on for him in this scene. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And this inspired another Lucien alternate POV for ACOMAF, so we shall see how it works out (I just really love Lucien, he needs more love). She had given him everything and he had basically shoved her into Rhysands arms. Finally awake enough to be coherent, I lowered the shield of black adamant guarding my mind and cast a thought down the soulbridge between me and Rhys. Said shed been sullied by a bastard-born lesser faerie, and now hed sooner fuck a sow. Again I charged, talons rippling from my hands, my feet, blind with rage knowing she would likely stop me again, but I didnt care. This is the Second Trial from Chapter 40 of ACOTAR when Rhys realizes Feyre cant read and helps her save Luciens life. The emotion I felt flood her mind when I sent her the mental message letting her know to expect me shortly was comforting. I grabbed it, just as Amaranthas foot connected with the broken bones of Feyres crumpled body and she screamed in pain. She wants to be left alone to think over everything. No final words to her?. How many who barely knew her, had no reason to trust her, had given her aid at some point in the last three months so she could save him? I fell in love with this book, i fell in love with these two people, i fell in love with their relationship. Some other poor soul would struggle out instead only to die at what I knew waited in the pit below me, but their loss would be nothing compared to what losing her would feel like. At first, it was agonizing. She was the only person in the room who didnt know that she could kill Tamlin and it wouldnt matter, that his heart was made of stone. She had chosen a small piece of me and I clung to it, my only salvation in death. The third guard raised his hand. This is my first time making. Anything to ensure Feyre wouldnt die alone, would never have to feel such torment again. Feyre & Rhysand | A Court of Thorns and Roses | Nightcall TRPNBRGS 2.5K subscribers Subscribe 591K views 2 years ago I'm back! Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. Quick question! Hes not all perfection and happy-fun-times, he has a dark side too, both literally and figuratively. When my own work allowed it, I often joined him. I hated that I could only give her only an evenings notice in advance. We were perfect together. Feyre painted clusters of icicles drooping down the sides of the threshold. Full of whispers and shadows. She then spends the rest of the day and all through the night painting the cabin's interior. Upon entering, there is a main, wood-paneled room consisting of a kitchen to the right, a living area with a leather sofa covered in furs to the left, a small hall in the back that leads to two bedrooms, a shared bathing room, and nothing else. And Amarantha knew it. Please.. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. And I knew enough from what Azriel had gleaned from his spies that most of the other Courts believed Feyre was merely a fickle woman who couldnt make up her mind about what she wanted. So I don't know if I'm going to be coherent enough to say this. Stab each of these unfortunate souls in the heart. The female faerie chanted a prayer to the gods that erased the last traces of Feyres spirit, the spirit I loved to watch fight and sting. I turned from the window to Nuala, who was still fussing over the edges of her pie. Her future doesn't seem listless or empty anymore. I take zero credit for them. The next scene that broke my heart happens during the sexytimes between Feyre and Rhys. But I quickly shut off the link between our thoughts so that I could try to send another more important message. He hadn't dared heal more than the worst of the lacerations, knowing that Lucien would suffer at least twenty more lashes if he was suspected of disobeying Amarantha's order to leave the gashes untended. I didnt hear the words she spoke to Feyre. Only with your permission, we will name you in our post (so dont worry about these no-spoiler-furies). The girl who had saved my soul when I had nothing left to keep me dreaming. Id deal with my cousins scorn at being cut short after fifty years of waiting later. Friends - After a lot of thought and many long, hard days, I have decided its time for me to leave Tumblr. It could have been a demon out of hell itself and had Feyre loved him, even then my heart would have broken from having to watch her kill what she loved most in the world. It was all I could do to keep him from going to either court and slaughtering them all.. My mate. When the floor quaked and Feyre began to sink ever lower into the ground, I was nervous with anticipation and questions. Please. His voice was ragged, weak as he pleaded repeatedly while Feyre lifted the dagger trying to rationalize the death with thoughts of Tamlin and the faeries around her she would free. Proceed, Feyre, dear. He had wanted to deny what had been so plainly before him; Rhysand and Feyre were mates. I hated that this was the best solution we had been able to come up with. Cauldron boil me, seeing her crowned with a diadem that matched mine and dressed like a queen of the Night Court had been one thing, but to see her face the disdain of her own kind without flinching and plead for peace by my side had been more than right. Feyre and Rhys retire to the cabin on the Winter Solstice night to try to have a baby.[2]. But she didnt know. Celebrations, she liked to call them. Was it ideal? I didnt care if he was my enemy, a friend whod betrayed me. #acowar spoiler asks from now on. Tumblr has, quite simply, contributed to a lot of the extra stress Ive experienced the past several months, but it took going away on vacation to really make me register the exact extent of that negative influence and its worth (or lack thereof) on my mental health. The knife fell from Feyres hand with a soul-shattering crash. It was all I could do not to run and hold her when she looked at me then, so much pain in her eyes. Snow swirled and eddied in the garden, catching in the brown fibers of the burlap covering the shrubs. Stop, Feyre said, her voice hoarse and strained from some distance away. More only tells Feyre. Summary: Feyre and Rhys visit the Court of Nightmares, along with the rest of the dream squad + Nesta, where Rhys introduces the Court of Nightmares to Feyre as their High Lady. Mor could tell Feyre the rest, if and when she decided to. Fair warning readers, this one is loaded with a self-loathing bat. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Azriel found her a day later. The blog is amazing and you're doing god's work, but my timeline is getting clogged up and sifting through the asks is getting a little difficult. You guys blew my ask box with this one, and figuring out what to do with those wings was so out of my comfort zone, International- A Court of Thorns and Roses: Rhys, Meri on Instagram: "High Lord, Rhysand I always dreamed of drawing him in beast guise .. #rhysand #rhys #rhysandfeyre #feyreandrhysand #feyredarling #acofas #feysand #feyrearcheron #feyre #acotar. Gone was the mockery, the teasing. If you need me or just want to check-in, feel free to reach out on my AO3. My Tumblr will remain here so that any fics people might have saved are still accessible and currently, my master list on the sidebar is updated. Your final task, Feyre, Amarantha said pointing at the concealed victims. This ones for you! And she loved him. The longest night of the year. As the second victim - a female this time - was unmasked, I finally felt what I had prayed and begged and bargained with the Cauldron never to let me feel: I felt Feyre break. . Next to me, heat started to radiate off of her, dispelling what remained of the cool night air clinging to her coat in an instant. Ive never brought alover to the Court of Nightmares. Feyre plunged the dagger into his heart and I cracked into his mind, taking away the pain so that only shock and a forced scream were left before he fell to the floor. Edit. He's last seen sleeping peacefully in her arms. Morrigan and Rhysand used to get sent to the cabin for "reflection" when they were younger. Who gets to kill them?? @therealsjmaas #rhysand #rhysweek #rhysweek22 #highlord #highlordofthenightcourt #velaris, | Xena Fay (@xena.fay) Instagram photos and videos, Julia JM | Illustrator on Instagram: "~kiss meme Azriel and Gwyneth Berdara! Feyre turned to Tamlin and my heart churned as she spoke, for though her words burned in my lungs, the song she sang in her heart for him threatening to poison me, I would not leave her body and soul until the end, not for one moment. All spoilers on this blog will be tagged with #acowar spoiler and put under a keep reading button (they also get a caution spoiler headline). And Id have to find a way to live with the rest of it. She reached for my hand and her skin was hot, but she was in control of that fire power. Thus, Ive decided to cut it out of my life alongside some other changes so that I can hopefully get better and work towards a healthier, happier me. This is just something silly I wanted to write. To all of you asking if Mor and Amren got/get togethernope. And both of themFeyre and Rhysandwill never forget the High Lord who had realized his mistakes. Had asked for my pain to stop. Those belong 100% to Sarah J. Maas. The crowds were dead on their feet waiting to see what the human girl from below the wall would do, the one who had hated faeries so passionately. Amazon.in - Buy A Court of Frost and Starlight: The #1 bestselling series (A Court of Thorns and Roses Book 4 book online at best prices in india on Amazon.in. Feyre is there, never too far away from her High Lord as they both fight and fight and fight. charlie court fury high lord mist night rhys bowater sjmaas rhysand acomaf. And he feels guilty for having done what he did to Feyre. Rhys had also kissed/licked Feyre's tears away Under the Mountain, even kissing her eyelashes until she . Haha yes thats how he goads her telling her how will you keep Elain and Lucien separate if she doesnt train with him. Promise them nothing, Mor had warned me. Promise them nothing, Mor had warned me. Thank you guys for all the sweet notes on my fics this week! The young king stood above the gathered crowd and declared that the Lady Morrigan must be retrieved at all costs, dead or alive. And then there were the other courts of Prythian. 2. Rhys had died for it. We will be using Rhys is a master of spin and gaslighting. I hated the idea of putting any of that at risk by bringing her to the Court of Nightmares. <3], Feyre Makes the Bargain with Rhys (Rhys POV), http://archiveofourown.org/works/10583400/, getting some love in the form of fic that makes him feel like he's not getting love. My mate. Tik tok bullied me into reading the series, and Im halfway through the first book and wish I had some guide because I dont particularly care for the eroticism and I keep getting blindsided by it haha. For the first time in a long while, I didnt know what was coming. Would she truly be the savior they hoped for? Id almost ripped Keirs head off just because he was the first thing I saw when vision cleared. And I reached for her in my hideous joy knowing I was far away and Tamlin was closer, but I didnt care. Not tolerate, not endure, but she actually seemed to enjoy herself when we were together. Kissed me. One moment, I had been so free, so high on victory at what this woman had done for us all and the next, I was shattered. Spoilers show that Feyre then somehow begins to feel trapped in the spring court and an overbearing Tamlin and ultimately gets whisked away on her wedding day in order to fulfill her bargain with Rhys at the night court. I wept at the sound of her, pushing myself up desperately to get to her, but my arms gave out. It was incredible really. Once, I had dreaded that first snow, had lived in terror of long, brutal winters. And circumvent the plot? What nonsense is this?! It curled and caressed my mind from deep within, but I was quickly drowning losing hold of it as pain wracked my body in Amaranthas wake. A year. If it were for anything else besides saving the whole world, I might have actually asked her stay. As Tamlin shredded Amarantha to pieces, a sword blasted through her skull and her throat ripped out in a bloody heap, I broke into the minds of the five remaining High Lords, dragging them to the center of the room. A small, but powerful fragment of my heart wholly devoted to her. She closed the distance between us and sat down next to me on the stairs. My mate. She spends the next five days painting every room. I thought I was going., No, not defiant, I realized. Had he been only a minute later, the Mother knew what would have happened. Deep inside me, rising with every swirling flake, a sparkling, crisp power stirred. Rhysand saw this and knew he had to do something. Youll kneel with everyone else and Ill come to you and welcome you to my Court. Please, the male faerie begged. The snow fell, thick clumps plopping onto the dried grass of the tiny front lawn, crusting the spikes and arches of the decorative fence beyond it. Heck no but the entirety of being under the mountain was oppressive and dangerous for every one involved. Just drop a comment somewhere and Ill find ya. She had a coat on over her white dress, but even so, she looked like a queen. You traitorous piece of filth, Amarantha bellowed at me and I wondered if she was really so surprised at my betrayal. Pain sliced my fingers as she wielded her magic - my magic - to shove the talons back in place inside my skin. Feyre is furious that Rhys held the truth from her, and after she heals him and takes him to safety, she leaves for a remote cabin. I swallowed. ONE DAY. Playing with ice and snow could wait. My mate. Nyx is Feyre Archeron and Rhysand's son. The dancing was to make Tamlin angry enough to kill Amarantha. TheObliviousness, Aspen224, Stardropsoda, thefanfictiondeepstate, Zzz89, AllTheDevilsAreHere, rachiemcd, FreshlyCutGrass, CelestialDragon13, sweetpotatoyams, Ao3Jessie, OpalSpirit, living_lachesism, merlinsapprentice25, thewritersblock0904, Llamaste_in_bed_all_day, disgraceful, Honeydewpoppy, mvck, Dingman, Strix_strixi, Buhhy, shmromy, P0tato3s, liciaa, Starshine_860, Fanfic4fun, Katied210, DreamingWhileAwake06, Khehfhggsggsgshw, SkiaEsh, fearsparks, Chimerical_Sophie, Alvarado_say, Vicsediits, dariusthegreatt, I_llustre, eloquent_fairy, bbookzsstuff, Hillarymitichen, Paulilagos, mossyrockonamossylog, cowboylikebrii, Emmer97203, LynaeKylee, Julia19, hkhina, lelamarie, lizsantiago, Westj059, and 44 more users My mate. I did not want to give her a reason to remember how she had despised me before. . . I trailed off, looking intently at the floorboards, not wanting to go into the dirty details. I hadnt even remembered what real happiness felt like until I saw the blade fall from Feyres hand and defeat swept over Amarantha, itd been so long since Id enjoyed that luxury. I honestly wasnt planning on writing this one until someone asked for it. The Third Trial/Feyre Dies (Rhys POV) All dialogue and ideas behind the scenes belong 100% to Sarah J. Maas. COURT OF NIGHTMARES SCENE - SUMMARY- (REBLOGGING/REPOSTING IS FORBIDDEN), RANDOM ACOWAR SPOILER! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! My mate. What I have to be tomorrow, who I have to become is notits not something I want you to see. I couldnt wield that power any longer as I watched Tamlin scoop Feyre up and hold her. Omg I had such a huge issue with this too. This t-shirt is distressed and garment dyed, meaning each shirt will look a little bit different! The two sleep together, making the bond permanent. . My mate. Feyre describes the cabin as not common, because everything had been made and appointed with care, but casual. And someone does.Feyre and Rhysand at the Night Court. HighLadyofEmbroidery 1 yr. ago. Im going to kill you.. He whored for Amarantha for decades. Her heart tore and with every rip, mine went with it. Though he knows full well that there is nothing that can stop a mating bond, he ponders if Feyre would still be his if he had done something differently. Foolish, stupid human., Amarantha moved toward Feyre and fear crippled my heart rendering my happiness null and void as she pointed to Feyre and spoke with venom, And you. Both of us. She nodded once, as if she knew what the stakes were and found them acceptable. But Winter Solstice is finally . She and Rhys spend a day making love in this little house. . And then, there she stood, my Feyre, before our evil queen, chin held high and boldness in her stance. A Court Of Wings And Ruin. Pity. A guard was given to each figure and accompanying them each was a pillow holding a cursed ash dagger. All I could see and feel was Feyre. Gods, nearly a year since Rhys had called in his bargain, desperate to get me away from the poison of the Spring Court, to save me from my despair. If Feyre was going to die, I would die with her and I would take down Amarantha in the process. It sickened me to imagine her put in that position again, even if it was, and always had been, a lie. While I do understand there might have been a little bit of selfishness and greed in doing that (similar to the bargain), thats what makes him such a well-written character. She angled her head and stared at me until I lifted my eyes to met hers. Would you guys be able to tag your asks with something that I'd be able to blacklist. Because youve only started to look at me like Im not a monster, and I cant stomach the idea of anything you see tomorrow, being beneath that mountain, putting you back into that place where I found you., I watched her as she made the connection and remembered how Amarantha had seen the Court of Nightmares and decided to model her court Under the Mountain after it. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #feyreandrhysand, #feyraandrhysand, #feryeandrhysand, #fryreandrhysand, # . As I waited in the foyer for her to return from her walk, I realized that I Im still shocked I really shipped moriel:((((((. In a last attempt to save Feyre and the baby, Madja created an incision in Feyre's stomach to surgically remove the child. Discover short videos related to feyre and rhysand war camp scene on TikTok. Watching Feyre enter the throne room for her final trial was a challenge. If she didnt turn up, it would mean she was safe. Nyx was conceived when Feyre was in Illyrian form therefore Feyre's pregnancy was very high risk because she did not have the same wide pelvis as Illyrian women in order to give birth to a baby with wings. I take zero credit for the dialogue or ideas behind this scene. Talk to her?! Rhys is so distraught and uncomfortable in that scene and I wanted to . 197 guests I honestly cant believe how much Ive gotten done so far! Instead of watching Feyre as she plunged the dagger into the heart of the female fae, my mind tracked Amarantha, how happy she looked. It doesn't matter who you are to him - fire forged brother, second in command, or even mate. The bedrooms each contain a set of drawers, closets, and large beds. BUT. Chapters 43-45 of ACOTAR where Feyre completes her third trial, solves the riddle, dies, and is resurrected by the seven High Lords, all from the POV of a miserable Rhysand. He was well beloved by all and loved his people in equal measure just as fiercely. Its not super polished and is mostly just for funzies because I like medieval stuff with knights and ladies and I think a King Rhysand with Cass & Azriel as knights would be hot. Before the Court of Nightmares But I could not focus my fury for long. Hed been having these weird dreams lately but he didnt want them to stop. Yet even the festive atmosphere cant keep the shadows of the past from looming. Her family they Images of her destroyed body flashed through my head. I didnt want her to have to debase herself like that. Only one more victim to go. For my delightful friend, @tor-eh, who asked me to write the moment when Tamlin sees Feyres tattoo for the first time Under the Mountain from Rhys POV. The answer is so lovely., Amarantha turned deliciously to Tamlin. Much like he had no choice in being Amaranthas wh*re while he was there. They will all be fixated with you so that they can collect information and sell it to the highest bidder., She nodded slowly and chewed on her lower lip. Mor paints some stick figures on the wall beside the storeroom door. Morrigan was rapturous. This is my first time making this kind of mashup - and it shows - but I wanted to try it out. Not Not fair, Feyre choked out, her heart utterly in ruins. I you so much, Kate. He says that he kissed her after Tamlin did, both to make Tamlin jealous and to hide Tamlin's scent on Feyre from Amarantha. Snaps on Rhys when he winnows out from Under the Mountain at the end of ACOTAR, snaps for Feyre during their very detailed romp right after Feyre serves Rhys food in the hunting cabin about 3/4 of the way through ACOWAR. And Tamlin knows about it. The party was lively and the food flowed abundantly across the tables. The book follows the events of the last book in her series trilogy, A Court of Wings and Ruin, while also thrillingly setting the stage for new novels to come. I was happier than Id been in years. Certainly not when they workedspiedfor both Rhys and Azriel. The human running wild with daring on Fire Night to enjoy the taste of the faerie world. Unnamed Maternal First cousin, twice removed, His middle name is not outspoken, but named after. But the young king was sad, for though his circle of family and friends was large and loyal, he sat atop his throne alone with no one at his side. Jan 31, 2023 - Explore Leah Foster's board "Feyre and Rhysand", followed by 122 people on Pinterest. Roughly the plot of Rocky Horror. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", As I waited in the foyer for her to return from her walk, I realized that I. her to say no. There were plenty of people in the Hewn City who had seen Feyre with me Under the Mountain, who had seen how Id dressed her in the revealing clothes of the Court of Nightmares and ordered her to dance for me or kept her sitting on my lap during those horrible nights. My mate. And all I could think was here stood my powerful, strong, beautiful mate in the arms of another male. I had seen the way the members of the Court of Nightmares had looked at her Under the Mountain.