Rahu Mahadasha affects the mental health of an individual, there will be a constant state of fear and mental pressure. Whenever Rahu or Ketu has a relation with a planet it could take on the power of the planet and magnifies it. The luck of the person does not support him. Rahu is known as the most destructive planet as per Hindu astrology which brings many ill effects in ones life. Obstacles go away. Eclipses occur when the Moon, Sun, and Earth all align in the same plane near Rahu. any house. The native believes in occultism also and earns much money. Enemies with political and influential backing also develop during this time. The native works hard to raise his business and gets success. There is no decrease in the happiness of the mother. The person gets into trouble in family life. Hence, it is important to If it creates a fantastic yoga with some other planets, the potency of this type of planet, under the adverse influence or of adverse great results. The planet Sun and Rahu also creates Grahan Dosh by native can have professional achievement, financial benefits, buying new homes, b) Rahu Mahadasha is known to last for 18 years. When a combination takes place at the 4th house, the native might face severe health or mental issues in his 20th year of existence. I'm virgo ascendant and have Rahu in 5th and ketu in 11th with exalted Jupiter and Venus. During Which were later known . The sub or major periods of Rahu or Ketu can be unpleasant if any of them is at the asterism of Ketu. During 6 years of favorable Sun dasa, talent and skill will be recognised and suitable . the dogs also helps to reduce negativity of the planet Rahu. The 1st house of astrology, Ascendant House or Lagna Bhava represents outer body frame, ego, self-expression, habits, childhood, and temperament. Therefore, anything which is official and related to your religion and social that event should occur and that is marriage. sub-period of Rahu could bring fear of snakes, familial discord, mental Because of this, Rahu can bring great material progress, though any success gained under its influence is likely to be short-lived. No planet is located at the exact same signal as Rahu. The person loses his fame in society. bring many harmful incidents in the life during Rahu Antardasha period. health issues, bankruptcy, loss is the business, enmity, familial discord, Women liked by you will cheat you and this will cause lot of mental disturbance. It is bad for Sagittarius and Scorpio ascendants. Likewise, it places on clothes. The 10th house represents the boss of any working professional, where Venus is the lord of 10th and 5th house, situated at 5th house itself. a) Rahu Mahadasha is highly adverse for the life of the native and brings in many malefic and strong effects which stay on with the native for 18 years. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'mahadasha_com-leader-3','ezslot_14',159,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-leader-3-0');Lets talk about your boss through your horoscope. Rahu is a malefic alien that afflicts the planet with which he is affiliated. As I said Rahu is evil by nature. The Mahadasha works and provide results like an overall scenario, how the things will happen according to that particular planets Dasha period. Rahu Mahadasha can bring issues and problems in multiple important aspects of life. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, an airy planet. It brings wealth, enhanced knowledge, social standing, sudden gains and achievements for the natives. It is likely to have the below mentioned malefic impact: Rahu, when placed with Saturn in any house, creates the Shrapit Yoga. It can be extremely beneficial if it is well disposed of in the birth chart. You have the Lagna lord in this house; therefore, it is an important house. Wearing The malefic mercury invites mental native will not be able to take a decision. studies and overseas travel. But should not be involved in a gambling kind of work. Rahu, just like Ketu, is a shadow planet in astrology. Mercury Mahadasha works best with planets like Venus, Sun, and Moon. It can create a lot of problems during formative years. It is thus highly recommended that the native under such a condition should keep away from weapons, fire, poison and all kinds of infections. Ganesha says, for Sagittarius natives, things will get complicated in love life. They have the potential to become addictive. native. Rahu often has accomplished many stellar bang or good catch achievements in the house in this category. Get Rahu-Ketu report to know your personalized predictions and remedies for the malefic effect of the planet. [the 12th houses] is his palace of Pakka Ghar and can be shown to be auspicious in houses 3, 4, and 6. The Events happening during and shortly after birth also belong to the 1st house. It is not like that you will command over your spouse it is just that he will look after your thoughts and act accordingly. characteristics of a strong graha BPHS: counting the rays of the graha Thara graha. Your email address will not be published. All the He can have an exceptional ability that is legal. Tension remains in the Mahadasha of Rahu. Thoughtful, childlike, defeated by a woman, timid, elusive, sad-bodied with lust, skillful in kamikrida, with many qualities and skills, always happy, beautiful woman achiever, make-up dear, Gross and simple-bodied, big-eyed, loving, taciturn, fraternal male, interested in mathematics and religion, serious, high-spirited and childlike, travel-loving, clever, delicate temperament, disguises his point of mind, childhood it is happy, moderate in the middle and in the final state is painful. In the Mahadasha of Rahu, the person remains unwell, the stomach remains upset, there is a possibility of delay in having a child, and there is a sudden loss. The Mahadasha of Jupiter is known as the Guru Mahadasha. If the native does not remain aware of Rahu Mahadasha in his or her horoscope for a long time, then he or she may land in great trouble. Give it a try and simply just be practical and forget about emotions especially when dealing with your opponents or any person. However, it is extremely important to calculate all the aspect of Rahu. But it is rarely possible that your love relationship will convert into marriage. When Rahu has a relation with the Moon along with the other factors representing the brain (Mercury, the 4th house and its owner), or affects them, insanity, criminal disposition, possession by disincarnate supernatural things, psychic and mental disturbances, drug-taking, alcoholism, and neurological difficulties are going to arise.My relation between badly placed Rahu and also an adverse Moon without any beneficial influence is likely to lead to these conditions.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'mahadasha_com-box-4','ezslot_29',142,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-box-4-0'); Rahu has the power to block and purge the Moon that represents the brain. f) The Mercury in your birth chart should be free from malefic planet Mars, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn to get an excellent result. It might be possible that you had any love relationship in your past at your work place or might be in present. The Jupiter Mahadasha (Guru Mahadasha) runs for a long 16 year and provides good luck and wisdom in your life. Plan accordingly towards your actions and approaches. Click to the below link and share your Birth Details to get the Horoscope report from Mahadasha.com. Due to Leo being situated in the twelfth house, expenditure increases, and there is a possibility of illness. depression, fear from water, suicidal tendency, quarrel with friends, bad Experiencing the Mahadasha of Rahu is a given in the lifetime of a native, sooner or later. The native with Rahu in 3rd House for Gemini Ascendant is bold and does not lose courage. wealth, knowledge, marriage with beautiful women, spiritual gains and social Your credit will go to someone else. during the period of Rahu and Saturn. Some important effect positions are stated as below: Under Rahu Mahadasha with Mercury Antardasha, the native may have a sharp intellect and good power to convey when both the planets are positive, He can have an inclination to gamble and speculate. Ganesha says, the Virgos are the only ones who will remain unbothered in their life during this phase. There is a sudden loss of money in the Mahadasha of Rahu. You are requested to keep yourself balanced under all the circumstances. also helps to have spectacular career achievement, political link, higher also harm if it has created Shrapit Yoga in the chart by sitting with Saturn in In the circumstance where the Rahu is debilitated or is unfavorably placed in unfavorable house or is affected by malefic planets like Mars, Saturn, etc., the Mahadasha of Rahu will have a pejorative impact during its period. He has some friends (Saturn, Mercury, Mars, and Venus) who oppose him, whereas he has enemies (Sun, Mars, and Ketu). If you have kids, their behaviour will cause irritation. Rahu-Ketu Dasha: Under Ketu Bhukti hurt, caused due to fire or weapons, the native suffers from loss of a son, loss of reputation, theft, pain in the body, diseases, and fever due to disease in anus or excess of wind. Rahu Mahadasha along with Saturn Antaradasha is not a good combination for the natives health. Rahu is the significator of skill, whereas Mercury signifies wit and sharpness of the mind. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter etc. These creative things will benefit you for your career growth. and completely gets blinded by the worldly pleasures that one loses the sense of time and religion. a) As both Rahu and Ketu are considered as destructive planets, so this specific conjunction has nothing positive in its store, specifically in mental and physical health conditions. This can bring very bad result by creating Grahan Dosha synonymously police case, danger of fire and change of place etc. Rests are Pratyantar Dasha and Sookshm Dasha effects which would like something around 25-30% (but only for the short-term periods). When theres an eclipse due to the association of the Node with a luminary, the results will be very different. Inauspicious results come from Rahu. Below are the positive effects that the Rahu Mahadasha is likely to bring to a natives life, if rightly placed: Rahu is said to be exalted at the signs Taurus and Gemini. planet Mercury must be free from the evil planets such as Mars, Rahu, Ketu and - 18000 times japs of Rahu Beeja Mantra within a time span of 40 days, as stated below: - Donation of udad dal, black chana dal, coconut or black clothes on Saturday and Wednesday, - Fasting on Saturday with absolutely cutting down on salt intake on fast day, - Be kind to your inferiors or lower caste people, - Keep all electronic items in a functional state at home, - Wear a Gomedh gemstone (guidance of astrologer suggested before buying one). of Jupiter, then also the native will get success during the Antadasha of Sun Start using this Yantra on any Wednesday Morning. While the house in which Rahu is placed becomes the prime focus, there is a focus on spirituality, the core if Rahus influence. It also brings very bad result when it is afflicted by malefic planets such as Saturn, Mars and Sun. Apart from it, whatever the thoughts or decisions came into your spouses mind that will be pass through your advise or we say through your suggestions he would obey your thoughts or opinions. Calculate dosha from Indian Astrologers in your birth chart and know the remedies of its malefic effects. can have plethora of financial losses, social disgrace, joblessness, enemies, It runs for a period of 16 years based on the Vimshottari system of time calculation. What will be the Effects of Rahu Ketu Transit on Your Moon Sign? i) Conflicts with people of the immediate community. The well placed When the male and female signs of Sun and Venus are placed in a horoscope, Rahu will provide bad results. malefic Mercury is harmful to the native. Result of the Moon Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant The native can get immense benefits if the native is born in the Virgo ascendant. Rahu Antardahs with Rahu Mahadasha does not bring good result. The Venus would deliver complete benefice results if it is placed in the Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus and Gemini. Here it gives displeasure of the authorities, parents and the indigenous could be made to migrate elsewhere. c) It will give harmful results if Rahu is conjoined with Marak planets. e) Fear of people of authority and problems may incur over some fixed property and assets. astrologer needs to calculate few dosha in the chart as well. friendly-signed in the 4th, 7th, 9th, 10th This combination at the seventh house leads to a reduction or marital discord of wealth as a result of women. The effects of Rahu in the fourth house on males & females varies in intensity based on rising sign and other associations in kundli. You might also be involved in wasteful expenses and spending on unnecessary items. b) The planetary positions determine what will be the real effects of the Dasha. Whatever influences the first house will impact the entire life, the personality, the body, and the complexion. If take things seriously then your life would be good whether it is on monetary basis or married life. If you are in literature, accounting, banking etc, you will achieve topmost position. period of Moon with Rahu Mahadasha will bring family dispute, loss of money, harmful during its Mahadasha if has created Angarak yoga by sitting with Mars Talk to astrologers to know about the remedies to remove the negative effects of Rahu in Virgo Ascendant. planet Rahu is place in the debilitation in the Scorpio or Sagittarius, it will It will bring beneficial (i) At the ascendant, is indicative of this the native's mother had difficult childbirth. Rahu and Jupiter in 1st House. This combination from the 8th house shortens the longevity, provided the Sun is adverse for the chart. The native is with Rahu in 3rd House for Gemini Ascendant, timid and selfish. It dresses in red. Rahu in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant Ketu in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant Libra Ascendant Jupiter in all 12 houses for libra ascendant Moon in all 12 houses for libra ascendant Saturn in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant Sun in all 12 houses for libra acendant Venus in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant During favorable mercury(budha) dasa of 17 years, you will be recognised as a multi-talented and efficient person at your work. Get a Janam kundali and know your personalised prediction related to Mahadasha Phal in each Antardasha. Such effects are specifically bad in Aries, Libra, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Similarly, In case the owner of an angle and a triangular house aspect or relation of a Node with may have high standing and prosperity throughout the sub or major periods of Rahu. These good results are achieved when Mars occupies houses 3 and when his own 4th House is well-positioned, or when Mercury is in his 4th house, or when he is posited in 4th. by Sun. Nonetheless, these good results will be spoilt if the owner owns the 3rd, 6th, 8th or eleventh house. a) This phase of Mahadasha generally doesnt bring good results. Any questions related to Rahu in 1st House for Virgo Ascendant in Vedic Astrology? and Ketu. The twentieth day following birth will be critical. The native with Rahu in 1st House for Libra Ascendant bear some trouble in the body. But when Mars and Rahu are positive for the chart, the adverse outcomes of the impact will only manifest themselves in the kind of anger. The Mars Mahadasha lasts in your life for 7 years. c) You may have health issues, face bankruptcy, loss in your business, straining relationships with friends and enemies, harm from your enemies, divorce, adverse effect on the health of children, receive bad news of the demise of your dear ones. class people will fight with you. Because he was strong, he would conquer his adversaries. Rahu Mahadasha For Libra ascendant c) When Rahu is well placed with its friendly planets like Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo, it will lead to great wealth gains, increase in comforts, sudden marriage, foreign travel and even one can expect permanent settlement abroad. Its of Rajasik character, is very fortunate and likes to wear garments of different colors. Under the aspects of the Sun, the stars, the planets life energy output is vigorous and healthy. The Guru Antardasha. anything relating to mind. Will be either cheated into marriage or will have differences with their spouse after marriage. For detailed analysis, we have covered in marriage analysis in the previous report, kindly through it.). There are high chances that during this Mahadasha you will experience a very easy going and smooth life with the least amount of obstacles. experiences. But, have some other effects such as: Having crossed the Purity of Virgo ruled by Rajasic Mercury now marriage is the concept of Libra ruled by Rajasic Venus. You are required to stable your thinking so that you get the power to make strong decisions in your life. If Mercury, Venus, or Ketu were in the 11th house, the natives sister would damage his overall well-being. Rahu is a planet that is considered malefic and evil by its very nature, its Mahadasha is also featured with similar results. extremely noxious when the planet Rahu and Ketu is placed in the 8th Those in sports, politicis, science research, medicine, law will earn lot of fame. (iii) The impact happening at the 4th house might prove troublesome. dispute with political, administrative or bureaucratic people. Work comes in better condition. . The When it is situated in its debilitated zodiac sign, Scorpio, there is discord between the younger and elder brothers and sisters. It becomes more evil when it is posited in a malefic house. Rahu influencing the Sun may cause indecisiveness, warped thinking, and illusions about the self. b) There are many associated complications in physical and mental health. The native will certainly become very wealthy, but his wife would lose her family. Rahu Mahadasha is 18 years' time period during which Rahu casts both positive and negative effects on the native's life. The only The GaneshaSpeaks Team. The exalted, own The Sun in the Kendra Sthan is beneficial and can get success in this phase of Mahadasha. depression, anxiety, fear, panic attack, obsessive compulsive disorder and Here you can talk to India's best astrologers, tarot reader, Vastu experts or numerologists over call or order report with just Rs 100. You will get the results accordingly, especially within the time period of Rahus Mahadasha and Antardasha period. d) Mental pressure, a fear of possible cheating by friends and even destruction to ones family. See, we understand that everybody wants to have someone better than us. Physically, the 1st house corresponds to the 1st part of our body, the head in general, and the skull and brain. d) It is also possible that this period also brings in a lot of misfortune in terms of career. Soon, your marriage should get fixed. b) During this period of Mahadasha, you may be involved in enmity, legal issues, fear from fire, health issues and ailments related to the eyes. You can take an online astrology consultation from astrologer Chirag Bejan Daruwalla to know more about Rahu's effect. This period is good for those in fields like cinema, television, music, arts, literature etc. c) It has been seen that the native gets highly influenced by negative or fake people and in his ambition to achieve more wealth that one loses a general sense of good and bad. Virgo Personality with Rahu This is a highly fortunate position for Rahu to be in. During the mahadasha of Rahu it can be highly hazardous to your career, personal life and severe health issues as well. If you are looking for personalized Dasha Predictions then please check our Mahadasha and Antardasha Analysis services. The person is an atheist. In general, placement of Rahu in 4th house from lagna (ascendant) in birth or navamsa chart does not gives good results as per vedic astrology and this is not an auspicious positions of Rahu in horoscope. The career achievement is also featured with overseas travel. negative influence of the planet Venus during its period for 3 years. As it is natural 7th sign its main focus is on partnerships, association, business and balance. It brings out mental depression in natives and feelings like anxiety, panic attacks are also very common. My relationship with my in-laws whether it will be smooth or not. Accidents, snake bites, allergies, and other problems are less likely. Almost everyone of us knows about planet Rahu and Rahu Mahadasha. During Moon(chandra) dasa of 10 years, self driving, swimming, adventure sports should be avoided. The career and personal lives are pejoratively impacted during the Rahu Mahadasha. Will have differences with siblings and cousins. If everything else is absent, then Saturn becomes even more powerful and Rahu takes on the role of an agent. The exact time period where there is a chance of getting married, During Rahu Mahadasha and Antardasha period until July 2021 as per your horoscope, (You should get married. . Possibility of traveling abroad. If we look after your present status, your 40th age of year should be the age when most probably you will get married as per your Dasha and planet positions. We are not really sure but it might be possible that you could have any ancestors business, if yes then you could take part in it. (i) from the first house causes venereal and sinus diseases, (ii) from the 8th house, it gives rise to immorality, as well as. Rahu will fall in the sign of Virgo in the 2nd house for a Leo Ascendant. Even the financial condition of the native suffers a grave setback along with many linked problems in relationships. e) This phase can give beneficial result if the moon is placed in Kendra from Jupiter or Jupiter is well-placed in your birth chart. Rahu Mahadasha and Ketu Antardasha can only bring good result if it gets of An intriguing statement has been made at Brihat Parashar Hora Sastra. Great progress in education is seen for students. Rahu is a very unsteady and erratic force ruled by obsessive passions and unconcerned with ethical notions of right and wrong. Additionally, it suggests the native would suffer from poor health in childhood and would get hurt in his early years times. Its by nature a malefic planet. b) You can get achievement and success in your profession, buy a new property, financial gains, chance to travel foreign country, fame and health benefits. Five million astrologers all over the world read Vidhya Mitra Astrology. Due to the effect of Virgo Ascendant, the person has the ability to fight conflicts because this zodiac sign is considered to be an earth element, therefore it is able to overcome the situation. respite you can have if the planet Venus is in own-signed, exalted and Saturn is the Greater Malefic. After long research, Mahadasha.com Astrologers has also developed a revolutionary formula for calculating the probable DATE OF MARRIAGE of any individual from his Birth Details. Your friends and relatives will get angry on you for your silly acts but will show sympathy on your weak position. It can also be (iv) This type of combination from the 7th house will lead to an extremely disturbed married life. The planet Rahu is one of the most malefic planets in our astrological arena and is perceived to bring most of adverse impacts upon human life. If it gets auspicious aspect [Rahu] main page [Ketu] main page; ncha / uchcha - neechha-uchcha * nitta-utta. Have a diplomatic attitude, think about yourself first, for your personal development. (i) At the ascendant, is indicative of this the natives mother had difficult childbirth. There will be fear thunderstorm. An astrological insight on Vishomttari Shani Mahadasha, Venus Mahadasha results and effects of Vimshottari Shukra dasha for 20 years, Scorpio Ascendant Personality, Traits And Character, Sagittarius Ascendant Characteristics, Personality And Traits Of Sagittarius Rising Sign, Gemini Ascendant Characteristics and Basic Traits. The native may have an increased libido. Lets talk about other factors as well that are related to the fulfillment of your marriage. The person gets failure in the competition and does not get the pleasure of land, house, or vehicle. Aquarius. signed and friendly Saturn can bring immense success in the life. Mars Mahadasha period and effects remain to exist till 7 Years in a Horoscope when it becomes active. This dasa is particularly favorable for those who who are working in fields of literature, cinema and art. At the point when benefic in nature, magnified Rahu put in the main place of a virgo ascendant can favor the local with great outcomes identified with marriage, calling, funds, wellbeing, authority and numerous different sorts of good outcomes. Since the planet Sun is the most powerful planet in the solar system and hence has control over all the planets. Rahu in this position gives employment through government. The person is intelligent, hardworking, and well-spoken, but does not get the support of younger-elder brothers and sisters and family. It is one of the most beneficial Mahadasha in life. The number chanting should be It might be an attractiveness kind of something, nothing more than that. He would be the secretive type of person, carrying various things in his mind, a good planner. The first house represents the birth itself, becoming an individual. b) Rahu Mahadasha is known to last for 18 years. speculation etc. Yes, you have strong chances of inter-caste marriage as Rahu is placed in your 7th house with the Nakshatra lord of Mercury who is also placed in the house of marriage 7th house So, there is a strong possibility of inter-caste marriage there is no doubt about it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. will compel you to sell property. Check out which Mahadasha/Antardasha you are on using any Vedic astrology software. Ask Our Expert Astrologer to know benefic and malefic effect of Rahu in your Horoscope. Are you suffering from any prolonged illness? in the exalted, own-sign and friendly sign etc. Generally, Negate the malefic effect of Saturn by wearing Blue Sapphire and get beneficial results. You might have to leave your d) Also, it is said that if Rahu is present in the second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth house in either Venus or Sun sign then it can bring extreme luck and fame. Will believe in religion. The native leads a struggling life. b) If Rahu is placed in the Scorpio or Sagittarius sign in your horoscope it may bring more harmful incidents in your life. The placement of Mercury in Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius sign is considered to be good. Rahu is a very unsteady and erratic force ruled by obsessive passions and unconcerned with ethical notions of right and wrong. (i) At the 4th house gives land, wealth, harmony, amenities, and cordial relations with relatives. For marriage, look after his family, culture, etc. Will put in all their efforts to make sure that their company runs into good profits but they will be paid lesses than anticipated. The Expenses are incurred in court cases and hospitals. Particularly, you should try to avoid legal issues The native increases his occupation and feels satisfied and happy. A Node put at the 3rd, 6th, or the eleventh house in relation to a useful planet, or put within an angular or triangular house in relation with a malefic planet, will in its own period first give good results, but the results will be unfavorable to the conclusion. Under Rahu Mahadasha, as per your marriage thing, Rahu is placed in the 7th house itself which is the house of your marriage. Ganesha says, the Capricorn natives have a moderate effect on your life. Especially Rahu-Ketu, the Rahu-Rahu and Ketu-Rahu antardasha/ sub-peroids will be quite karmically heavy-duty. When Rahu is situated in Cancer, there will be no affection and help from elder brothers and sisters. (iv) (a) If a Node is put within an angle at the sign owned by a fantastic or Decent planet, or, (b) it is placed in a triangle at the sign owned by the owner of an angle, or. There is the Ganesha says, the Gemini natives might have a good time at the start of the time but after that a constant tussle in their personal life. (c) it is placed in the 8th house, in its own sign, it becomes capable to do good to the indigenous. Wisdom does not support it. He might suffer from the circulatory or digestive disease. The Mahadasha of Rahu can create legal issues, fight with siblings, enmity with political, influential and governmental people etc. The person is brave and courageous. Both Saturn and Rahu are evil or malefic by nature. Jupiter Mahadasha. Matters suggested by the Sun will endure a setback. You will get Vedic astrological remedies within 48 hours with matchless accuracy. Feeding Astrology provides you the paths where you can go and make your life better. The native will h) Lack of good food and deception by family members. However, a negative impact can affect the mental health, cause problems in career and family and cause financial loss, create enemies, etc. And, Rahu Mahadasha is telling you to adjust and compromise and understand the circumstances. Performing Rudra Homam during this period will give some relief. The native could have difficulty from the government persons, or he might not get along with his father or elders of the family. Copyright 2015-2023. A Node will give the results of the house in of its dispositor, and of the planets, with that, its got a relation. If your family gets involved in it then it would be really good for you. the period of the Rahu and Sun the native will have enmity, legal issues, The Rahu If we talk more about the 7th house, we should notice that Rahu is with the 4th sign (Cancer) which is a watery sign. Some astrologers also recommend gemstones to overcome the same.