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Esto incluye hojas sueltas, catlogos, marcas en el vehculo, informacin sobre la condicin o anuncios de vehculos y afirmaciones verbales o escritas que haga el Vendedor, la Subasta, el Subastador o el Representante de Ventas al momento de la venta. La Subasta se reserva el derecho de cobrarle una cuota de arbitraje al Comprador. Arbitration policy for 1st Choice Online Internet sale follows National Auto Auction Association Arbitration Policy. (El da de la venta es el Da 1). damage on the gate release prior to removing the vehicle from the Auction or facilitation service provider's location. Determining structural damage can be complicated, not all damage is considered structural. (Sale day is Day 1). Chevrolet 2.2 / 2.4 Ecotec timing issue. Auction Central follows the National Auto Auction Association ("NAAA") Arbitration Policy as amended or updated and applies as if it was recited at length in this document. TtFMd/ Seuls des dommages ou dfauts qui taient prsents au moment de la vente du vhicule peuvent motiver une demande d'arbitrage de la part de l'Acheteur. La Subasta no ser responsable por ningn gasto incurrido en los vehculos devueltos por un ttulo tardo. Rle du service de vente aux enchres dans le cadre de la vente : Politiques du service de vente aux enchres concernant le NIV. The Dealers Auto Auction of the Southwest follows the arbitration rules of the NAAA. Avant d'envoyer le vhicule tre mesur, le service de vente aux enchres se rserve le droit d'effectuer un contrle visuel de l'tat physique du vhicule pour dterminer s'il doit tre mesur. Ryanair Cabin Crew Salary Italy, MEETUP Desenvolvimento, Sistemas e Coworking Ltda In the event of a conflict between the Manheim Arbitration Policy and those set forth in this Addendum, this Addendum will control. El tiempo es esencial. The buyer must contact and follow the arbitration process of the auction where the vehicle was purchased including the auction's direction for return of the vehicle and the timeframe allowed for the vehicle to be returned. The C pillar/quarter or Cab panel may or may not be a structural component(s) as per the vehicle manufacturer. 0000000016 00000 n
Arbitration dispute resolution services, based on the NAAA Arbitration Policy, protects buyers and sellers and help guarantee fair and ethical sales. In the event a concern arises with regard to the vehicle condition, the buyer and seller agree to resolve such . GENERAL POLICIES 1. <>
Sale day is Day 1. ! Les directives suivantes s'appliquent aux mesures ncessaires au contrle de conformit vis--vis de la norme UVMS : Les mesures de la structure du vhicule doivent rester dans un intervalle de tolrance de +/-8 millimtres (mm) par rapport aux spcifications publies pour la longueur, la largeur et la hauteur, aux points de contrle pour les parties avant (2), centrale (4) et arrire (2) du vhicule. The Post-Sale Inspection (PSI) is a basic mechanical, structural, and flood inspection that is aligned with the National Auto Auction Association's Arbitration Policy. As Is/ TRA, Structural and Title Brand Indications made only in seller comments without notation in the appropriate field are insufficient and may make the vehicle subject to the ordinary arbitration rules. Avant de vendre des vhicules aux enchres, les vendeurs doivent, comme indiqu dans la prsente politique, divulguer les structures endommages, les rparations et les remplacements, et ce, quel que soit le canal de vente ou le signal de vente (se rfrer la principale Politique d'arbitrage pour la dfinition des signaux). Segn esta poltica no es necesario divulgar las soldaduras de unin con ganchos de metal. **Two calendar days within verified receipt of the vehicle from seller and/or auction not to exceed 10 calendar days from the original sale date. Purpose of the Arbitration Policy. It is the buyer's responsibility to enter units into arbitration. Zh4ijq6$2s$g>]!BNcZjJs In the event of an Off-Premise Sale where the Arbitrator does not . Definition (per NAAA guidelines): Damage to the structure or a specific structural component of the vehicle. General Policies: Fair and Ethical Sale The sales made at an Auction are intended to promote fair and ethical treatment to both the Buyer and Seller. Announcements must be made both verbally and disclosed on the auction invoice/sale contract/bill of sale or equivalent document in a physical or online auction environment. 0000001935 00000 n
Regardless of the warranty coverage in terms of the root cause of the complaint, an announcement may be required. -. Todos los vehculos, ya sean importados por un Fabricante o un Importador Registrado, deben mostrar las millas por hora en el velocmetro y las millas recorridas en el odmetro. Global Car Exchange strives to create an arbitration experience that is transparent and fair for both the Buyer and the Seller of vehicles through the Global Car Exchange platform. The auction will not arbitrate vehicles based on any unintentional errors or omissions of any promotional information related to the vehicle, walk-around, handouts, catalogues, vehicle markings, or vehicle listings as they are for the convenience of the buyer and are not to be relied upon as accurate or complete. Les Importateurs enregistrs sont tenus de verser un cautionnement au Ministre des transports des tats-Unis (, avoir une tiquette de certification de conformit aux standards de scurit des tats-Unis (. 0000119326 00000 n
Le Vendeur garantit le titre de proprit des vhicules qui sont vendus par l'intermdiaire du service de vente aux enchres. Une suspension modifie qui ncessite que la structure soit modifie par rapport sa forme d'origine. Las medidas del chasis superior (con el instrumento de precisin para alineacin) por s mismas no sern adecuadas. El Vendedor puede indicar las millas para vehculos exentos, y cualquier divulgacin que haga el Vendedor y todas las discrepancias conocidas son causa para efectuar un arbitraje. Les dommages causs par un contact avec des butes de stationnement et / ou des dbris routiers qui dforme de faon permanente des composants structurels, tels que dcrits dans la prsente politique. 50 miles, subject to the Arbitrator's discretion taking into account type of damage and other . Mother Nature can be unpredictable. If announced as Title Attached/Title Unavailable/Title Absent, Seller must provide title within 30 calendar days unless state law specifies a different time period. Red light vehicles that are sold for MORE than $1,500 can arbitrate for unannounced structural damage, odometer discrepancies, and title issues. Arbitration Steps. Auction is not bound by vehicle grades or other types of scoring systems placed upon the vehicle. Job Postings and Careers, 2022 NAAA Annual Convention Country Caviar, National Safety Council Check to Protect. 0000002825 00000 n
If, after 90 calendar days, Seller has not produced negotiable title and Buyer has not returned the vehicle, this title guarantee shall not apply and Auction shall have no duty to produce the certificate of title to the Buyer and shall have no duty to pay Seller. Vehicles that have any of the defects outlined in Appendix I that were not disclosed or announced at the time of sale must be reported to Auction within the time frame noted below in order to be eligible for arbitration. The auction reserves the right to buy back any vehicle at their discretion. Any single mechanical defect that has a repair cost of $500 or more is subject to arbitration on Green Light vehicles. The Buyer or Buyer's agent (transporter or driver) should note any obvious damage on the gate release prior to removing the vehicle from the Auction or facilitation service provider's location. Grading . In addition, the seller is responsible for the disclosure of additional items detailed in this document. damage on the gate release prior to removing the vehicle from the Auction or facilitation service provider's location. Buyer agrees to be liable for any and all work done to a vehicle (including a vehicle purchased as title attached, unavailable or absent) prior to returning the vehicle to Auction except on vehicles arbitrated for undisclosed conditions not detectable through vehicle inspection including but not limited to; not actual miles, salvage, theft recovery, stolen vehicle, flood damage, Lemon Law buybacks and trade assist. B. If price adjustment is made and accepted, vehicle becomes "As-Is" property of the Buyer, and is not subject to any further arbitration. Vehicles may not be arbitrated based solely upon information provided in Electronic Data Vehicle Histories (EDVH) or printed EDVH reports. Purpose of the Arbitration Policy. Recommended Disclosures The process, which follows NAAA Arbitration Policy guidelines, is designed to . In addition to said time frame, all claims must be in compliance with the Alliance location's Test Drive Policy which takes precedence once a unit has exited the Alliance gate. Le Vendeur ne sera pas pay pour les vhicules en cours d'arbitrage jusqu' ce que l'arbitrage ait t rgl et les vhicules vendus. Les annonces doivent tre faites verbalement et figurer sur la facture/le contrat de vente/l'acte de vente de la vente aux enchres ou sur un document quivalent associ un environnement de vente aux enchres physique ou en ligne. Si, despus de 90 das calendario, el Vendedor no ha producido un ttulo de propiedad negociable y el Comprador no ha devuelto el vehculo, esta garanta de ttulo de propiedad no aplicar y la Subasta no tendr el deber de darle el certificado de ttulo de propiedad al Comprador y no tendr el deber de pagarle al Vendedor. 0000006260 00000 n
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Damage due to contact with parking abutments and/or road debris that permanently deforms structural components outlined in this policy. Auction will not be responsible for any expenses incurred on vehicles returned for late title. Whenever any claim is made by any person against the title of a vehicle, whether by suit or otherwise, the Buyer, after becoming aware of said claim, shall immediately notify Auction. Dinner Event & Awards, Online Member Directory In the event of a conflict between the vehicle arbitration rules set forth in the Manheim Terms and Conditions and those set forth in this Addendum, this Addendum will control. 53 0 obj
4. Le Vendeur s'assurera que le titre de proprit est rattribu directement l'Acheteur. Transparent and Fair Resolution Process. Padre Leonardo Nunes, 440, Porto Curitiba | E-mail: contato@meetupcoworking.com Esto incluye cualquier marca (como por ejemplo, de salvamento') indicada en el certificado del ttulo actual o anterior a menos que dichas limitaciones fueran anunciadas al momento de la venta del vehculo mediante la Subasta y por un perodo de cuatro (4) aos a partir de la fecha de venta. Le service de vente aux enchres peut effectuer des recherches sur l'historique d'un vhicule en se basant sur des informations qui figurent dans les EDVH, si celles-ci sont de nature influencer l'arbitrage. |L@- ZK@@ My/(305iF b! >*@ N
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Possible outcomes include sale price adjustment or sale cancellation. $3000 and Under Arbitration Policy. La subasta determinar los costos de reparacin y reflejar el costo de la subasta para la reparacin. Those vehicles having a reassigned VIN plate by the State in place of the original VIN plate must be announced or will be subject to sale cancellation or Buyer return. Les pices d'usure : Le service de vente aux enchres n'entreprendra aucune procdure d'arbitrage relative aux pices d'usure. El vendedor garantiza, afirma y asegura la posesin y traspaso de un certificado de ttulo, debidamente firmado, vlido en el estado donde est ocurriendo la transaccin y libre de todo gravamen y limitacin (excepto por las cuotas del ao en curso que impone el DMV de California), y el vendedor garantiza y defender el ttulo contra las reclamaciones y demandas de cualquier persona que sea. 0000067318 00000 n
National Auto Auction AssociationPolicy The NAAA Standards Committee has made an adjustment to the NAAA Arbitration Policy. Wearable Items: Auction will not arbitrate vehicles for wearable items. Esta garanta del ttulo asegura que el ttulo ser comerciable y que estar libre de todo gravamen y limitaciones. Valid CIG claims must be related to the items covered in the Concierge Inspection Report and meet a minimum of $150 per damage item and add up to $600 or more within a covered claim. 0000193549 00000 n
Documentation substantiating prior rebuilt, salvage, flood or major damage history is required to arbitrate these defects, as determined within 6 months of purchase. Une annonce peut tre requise, et ce, quelle que soit l'tendue de la garantie relative l'objet de la plainte. Depending on sale channel, announced conditions, or sale price, other arbitration policies may apply. If there is a conflict between the NAAA Arbitration Policy and Auction Central'sArbitration Policy, this policy shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency. Fair and Ethical Sale a. . 0000003753 00000 n
If a vehicle is sold for $1,500 or less, the buyer cannot arbitrate for frame or unibody damage. <]/Prev 223240>>
Seul l'achat d'une inspection post-vente (IPV) permet de faire exception ces dlais. 2022 NAAA Annual Convention : Alerts and Notifications. L'annonce de la prsence de signaux d'avertissement n'exonre pas le Vendeur de ses responsabilits en matire d'arbitrage, telles que dfinies par la prsente politique. OUR ROLE 1) The Auction is a service provider. Addendum to 2021 NAAA Arbitration Policy for OVE. If announced as Title Present, Seller must provide title within 3 business days of the sale unless state law specifies a different time period. Publishers Clearing House Second Place Winner, General Policies 1. Repair costs will be determined by the auction and will reflect the auction cost to repair. Please Note: Due to the volume of vehicles and the resources available for inspections, the time period for reporting arbitration is now Monday at 5:00pm. Any vehicles delivered to and left on Auction premises without Auction approval remain the sole responsibility of the Buyer. Vehicle . All structural damage must be announced via seller disclosure. Flood Policy Amendment - 9/5/17. For purposes of this policy wearable items are defined as parts of the vehicle that the manufacturer recognizes the need for replacement/adjustment during the expected life of the vehicle. All vehicles consigned must have a public Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) plate attached to the vehicle. .|P kz"YlW0%>ch0F7w;;qJtn9NfK *: "0P=$Cc4* Flood Damage Policy. Les demandes ou autres documents relatifs des duplicata de titre ne seront pas accepts, sauf si une annonce a t faite en ce sens ou si le ressort appropri le permet. Arbitration Rules - National Arbitration Policy: In-Lane and Online NAAA Version 2.0 January 2010 I. Vehicles sold for $3000.00 or less. Known and/or normal issues not subject to arbitration. Visual evidence supersedes any/all mechanical or electronic measurements. stream
*Units may have 7-day guarantee if pre-sale inspected - all other units are sale day only *Online is 2 days after verified receipt (not to exceed 10 days) *Catalytic converter/airbag missing/deployed (not disclosed or obvious) sale day only - unit must not have left auction facility *Electrical problems $500 or more per single item (parts & labor, labor at $75 per hour) Arbitration Policy 2021 - Effective Date: January 15, 2021: English: . 0 1 C Vehicles are considered Ride and Drive, unless indicated as As-Is or TRA, and seller must provide comments or announcements of arbitrable defect and issues. endobj
Cualquier defecto mecnico individual que tenga un costo de reparacin de $500 o ms estar sujeto a arbitraje para los vehculos de luz verde. Therefore, any vehicle sold that has more than 200 miles at the time of pickup availability than those disclosed on the vehicle listing, the buyer may arbitrate the vehicle. For arbitrations occurring after the seller has been paid, seller is required to promptly return the payment to the auction if the transaction is voided as a result of arbitration. gG"Eee1 0ETVZ (B>si36b/y3nBV|g
W0I|^|"gQQH78oTZ>;bqM'}09ehq3]APwzpF)U;PCOrOy:cW* `m$^D La gerencia de la subasta toma todas las decisiones para el Comprador y el Vendedor en todos los asuntos de arbitraje. L'Acheteur est responsable financirement de toute vente en attente et assume tout risque de perte jusqu' la finalisation de l'arbitrage. %PDF-1.3 No es posible realizar un arbitraje para vehculos basndose simplemente en la informacin proporcionada en las Historias de datos electrnicos de vehculos (EDVH, por sus siglas en ingles) ni en reportes impresos de EDHV. All other vehicles imported must be imported through a Registered Importer. Multiple access holes (regardless of size) or singular access holes greater than 5/8". % Definitions a.
$.' NAAA will conduct training on damage analysis and arbitration this year on the following dates: March 22-23 at Manheim Riverside May 10-11 at Manheim Toronto June 21-22 at Manheim Dallas Aug.. Si se hace y acepta un ajuste de precio, el vehculo pasa a ser la propiedad "Tal como est" del Comprador y no estar sujeto a ningn arbitraje posterior. Tout titre de proprit attribu directement au service de vente aux enchres facilitant la vente ne sera pas accept. Total Resource Auctions (TRA) Arbitration Policy. In the event of a successful arbitration by the Buyer, the Seller is responsible for reimbursement of all reasonable documented expenses incurred by the Buyer (excluding profit, commissions and detail charges) on vehicles arbitrated for undisclosed conditions. Vehicle must be returned in a timely manner consistent with Auction direction. Condition Report Position Statement - VIDEO. Auction reserves the right to refuse the sale of any vehicle in which the VIN plate appears to be altered in any way. Tous les vhicules, qu'ils aient t imports par un Constructeur ou par un Importateur enregistr, doivent afficher la vitesse en milles par heure sur l'indicateur de vitesse et la distance parcourue en milles sur le compteur kilomtrique. endobj
Tout vhicule consign auprs du service de vente aux enchres peut tre inspect, avec ou sans pravis, par le FBI ou par les polices d'tat et de province, par le Bureau national des vols d'automobiles, les forces de police locales et/ou tout autre organisme gouvernemental ou quasi-gouvernemental. Auction reserves the right to review any audio/video documentation to verify the accuracy of a sale. En caso de que el Comprador logre con xito el arbitraje, el Vendedor es responsable de reembolsar todos los gastos razonablemente documentados en los que haya incurrido el Comprador (sin incluir ganancias, comisiones ni cargos por limpieza minuciosa) en relacin con los vehculos para los que se haya realizado un arbitraje por condiciones no divulgadas. El vehculo deber ser devuelto con prontitud segn las instrucciones de la Subasta. Les dispositifs de remorquage installs (ou retirs), quand de nouveaux trous ont t percs ou les trous d'origine percs par le fabricant ont t agrandis, ou encore quand le dispositif de remorquage a t soud ou bras la structure. 0000030144 00000 n
Please see: *To qualify for arbitration on these items, defects must be singularly $150 or more and reach a cumulative total of $600 within that line item. endobj
L'arbitre examine uniquement le dfaut qui figure sur le formulaire/les documents d'arbitrage. What does Hail Damage mean fo ehicles? califican para la venta y para anunciarse como tal. Download CNY Auto Auction's NAAA Arbitration Amendments. Refer to Appendix I for arbitration time periods. If the vehicle sells for $3,000 or less, frame/unibody damage will not be arbitrable.Any vehicle over 175,000 miles is not arbitratable for any condition. Buyer assumes all risk of loss. Estos elementos normalmente se identifican en el Manual del Propietario como que necesitan una revisin y reemplazo rutinario y que incluiran, entre otros: llantas, limpiaparabrisas, almohadillas de frenos, zapatas de frenos, rotores, correas, mangueras, lubricantes/lquidos, correas de distribucin, bombillos, filtros, amortiguadores y puntales. This includes any brand (such as 'salvage') noted upon the current or any prior certificate of title unless such encumbrances were announced at the time the vehicle is sold through Auction and for a period of four (4) years from the date of sale. Les rparations non certifies comme conformes la norme UVMS. These vehicles are not eligible for arbitration. Policy or the NAAA Arbitration Policy if, in its sole discretion, ADESA considers it fair and reasonable to do so under the circumstances. 0000001296 00000 n
Si le problme relatif au titre est le rsultat d'une erreur d'criture ou de codage, ou bien d'une documentation incomplte, le service de vente aux enchres bnficiera d'un dlai raisonnable pour corriger l'erreur, aprs rception d'un avis l'en informant. Brazed exhaust hangers are not a required disclosure under this policy. La poltica tiene como propsito proporcionarle al comprador una divulgacin adecuada para que tome decisiones de compra basadas en la informacin y para limitar los arbitrajes para el vendedor. 11 0 obj
0000030225 00000 n
A replaced roof skin is not a required disclosure in terms of the Structural Damage Policy. Les critres noncs dans la prsente politique (ainsi que dans la Politique d'arbitrage principale) seront les principaux critres qui serviront pour toutes les procdures d'arbitrage. Tous les vhicules en consignation doivent afficher une plaque visible portant le Numro d'identification du vhicule (NIV). Arbitration Steps. Los vehculos que no tengan un ttulo debidamente cedido o que haya sido cedido nuevamente para transferir un ttulo a la hora de la venta deben indicar "Ttulo adjunto/Ttulo no disponible/Ttulo faltante", a menos que no sea necesario hacer esa indicacin en esa regin. 0000002010 00000 n
2023 NAAA World Automobile Auctioneers Championship Failure to Tel: (41) 3075-0989 | Whatsapp: (41) 3075-0989, Todos os direitos reservados MeetUp - Coworking 2021, room essentials 3 drawer dresser assembly instructions, new orleans prostitute serial killer clay, comment utiliser ail pour grossir les fessiers, latest obituaries in barbados nation newspaper, what is the best distance to pattern a shotgun, Publishers Clearing House Second Place Winner, A Letter To Her Husband Anne Bradstreet Summary, how to remove lower front panel on whirlpool duet dryer. Effective February 6, 2015, this addendum to the most recent NAAA Arbitration Policy and Manheim OVE Addendum (for online sales) applies to Manheim Specialty Sales (Boat, RV, Motorcycle and PowerSport vehicles . 1. Please Click Here for the NAAA Arbitration rules. Le service de vente aux enchres n'est li ni par une quelconque note attribue un vhicule, ni par les points attribus au vhicule par un quelconque autre systme de notation. Dans un tel cas, le Vendeur doit dclarer que le vhicule offert la vente n'est accompagn que d'un acte de vente et qu'il n'y a pas de titre de proprit transfrer. Appendix. arbitration of this vehicle in conjunction with the green light or when "limited guarantee" is announced. Any vehicle 2010 and older or km's in excess of 200,000 will be sold Red Light AS IS (no arbitration) unless otherwise declared Green Light by the seller 5 0 obj
Arbitration Policy Effective Date: January 15, 2021 6. 0000031996 00000 n
El Vendedor entiende que la luz/vdeo que se muestra es una afirmacin de arbitraje vinculante de la condicin del vehculo y, por lo tanto, es responsable de garantizas que sus vehculos se vendan segn la luz correcta en el carril. Auction or facilitation service provider and Seller will not be responsible for any Se pueden conseguir recursos adicionales en la pgina de Estndares de NAAA en www.NAAA.com. Arbitration is the referral of a buyer-seller dispute to an impartial person for final and binding determination. Each vehicle transaction is allowed one chance at arbitration. Les trous d'accs mesurant entre 1/4 po (6,3 mm) et 5/8 po (15,9 mm) doivent faire l'objet d'une divulgation en fonction de l'emplacement et de l'tat du composant structurel. If a buyer is not in possession of such vehicle, the claim will be . OVE does not operate with a sale light system. La subasta no acepta responsabilidad por los vehculos no titulados que se vendan sin ttulo. Le service de vente aux enchres est dot d'un systme vido/de signaux lumineux standard qui permet de dcrire l'tat du vhicule en vente et/ou les divulgations le concernant. Si la Subasta determina que la transaccin no es justa y tica para alguna de las partes, el Vendedor y el Comprador acuerdan que la Subasta puede cancelar la venta, a su exclusiva discrecin. The policy is intended to provide adequate disclosure to the buyer for informed purchase decisions and to limit arbitrations for the seller. 0000015455 00000 n
All vehicles are considered to be "Ride and Drive" unless specifically noted as "As-Is". Tous les vhicules et quipements sans titre de proprit seront vendus Tel quel . 1. 3 0 obj
Arbitration shall end at the close of business as determined by each Auction on the last calendar day in the time period. Les obligations et dlais en matire de divulgation sont soumis la politique locale en matire de vente aux enchres. El comprador debe contactar y seguir los procesos de arbitraje de la subasta en la que se compr el vehculo incluyendo las instrucciones de la subasta para la devolucin del vehculo y el perodo de tiempo permitido para devolver el vehculo.En caso de un dao estructural que el vendedor divulgue indebidamente, el comprador tendr derecho a reembolso conforme a la poltica principal de arbitraje. Position Statement. a. Transparent and Fair Resolution Process. OVE Vehicle Availability Policy Updated: January 4, 2021 Effective January 4, 2021, in addition to the vehicle arbitration rules set forth in Manheim Terms and Conditions, this Addendum to the 2021 NAAA Arbitration Policy applies for digital sales transacted through OVE.com and Manheim Express ("Addendum"). 2022 NAAA Annual Convention Country Caviar Dinner Event & Awards . Pour ce qui concerne les vices de titre et toute autre question relative au kilomtrage affich sur le compteur kilomtrique, aux relevs de kilomtrage, ou aux dclarations de divulgation de dommages : le Vendeur et l'Acheteur acceptent d'indemniser et d'exonrer le service de vente aux enchres, de toutes responsabilits, pertes, cots, dommages et frais (y compris tous les honoraires d'avocat) qui pourraient dcouler, directement ou indirectement, de la vente et de l'achat du vhicule en consignation, y compris, mais sans que cela soit limitatif, les services lis au titre qui auront t fournis. vehicle was purchased. Structural Damage Policy Overview The purpose of the NAAA Structural Damage Policy is to define and clarify terminology associated with structural damage and to specify the disclosure requirements of the seller for vehicles offered at NAAA affiliated auctions. Home; About; Menu; Contact El contrato de ventas es entre el Vendedor y el Comprador solamente. Sellers Disclosure Requirements - Seller must disclose structural damage, repairs or replacements as outlined in this policy prior to se lling a vehicle at auction. seller for vehicles offered at NAAA affiliated auctions. A vehicle is not considered returned until received, inspected and approved for return by Auction management. 1. In addition to the changes to the policy, NAAA and the Auction Standards Committee posted 2 position statements to . 4 0 obj
En cas de dsaccord entre les versions anglaise et franaise, la version anglaise des prsents accords prvaudra. Seller's liability under this title guarantee shall never exceed the Auction sale price (the "maximum amount") of the vehicle, and this maximum amount shall be reduced by two percent (2%) per month following Auction sale date. Arbitration Policy Effective Date: January 1, 2011 . 4 0 obj
Sellers are responsible to ensure mileage disclosed on vehicle listings are accurate. Si el arbitraje es vlido, la Subasta se reserva el derecho de cobrarle una cuota de arbitraje al Vendedor adems de cualquier otro cargo asociado con el arbitraje. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>