You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Ammunition A two-stage trigger system allows for either quick-fire capacitors or a charge-and-release attack to electrify the projectiles as they exit the weapon. 1 Low Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Fire Rate In the Legendary Edition, it may be purchased from Kenn's Salvage on Omega. From: Shannon_ForakerTry both. 1.15 I suck at it. However, this tracking will not work for cloaked enemies. 12% Accuracy Shadows and post-processing effects have been added or improved, such as ambient occlusion and anti-aliasing. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Welcome to a Mass Effect 2 weapon guide, as if Steam doesn't have enough of them. This weapon can be picked up from the battlefield. 20 Armor Pack All three games are accessed via a single launcher, however they are still considered separate games. The resolution of the holograms, such as those used when Shepard talks with the Illusive Man and the Council, has been increased. A two-stage trigger system allows for either quick-fire capacitors or a charge-and-release attack to electrify the projectiles as they exit the weapon. Reload Time When viewing a planet in the Galaxy Map, the green-ish nebula in the background has been darkened significantly. Fire Mode In-game and during modification, however, it is depicted as being green by default. The resolution of the textures used for planets in. To maximize damage on paper, one should aim to hit a different target with each pellet, though in practice this is difficult. Systems Alliance. Mass Effect 2: Why All the Weapons In the Galaxy Switched to Thermal Clips The Geth Plasma Shotgun Of all the shotguns, the Geth Plasma Shotgun is significantly more accurate for long-range shots. Like most chargeable weapons, the Geth Plasma Shotgun can also fire while running, charged or not. Eviscerator: This is probably the most well-rounded shotgun. Clip Size Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Unlike with most shotguns, squadmates armed with this weapon keep their distance from enemies instead of closing in. The textures for Pluto have been updated to reflect the much more accurate and detailed photos taken by NASA's New Horizons probe in 2015. Good range, ammo capacity and damage. Weight There are many conventional Weapons you can use in battles, but not every squad member can use all the Weapons. Geth Pulse Rifle Accuracy Collector Chitin Armor (10,000 Palladium). The Advanced Mineral Scanner still makes it faster, but the increase is less profound as a result. Any reason why I can't manually save anymore? Damage Ammunition This applies to all characters in the game, so Dr. Chakwas has her Mass Effect 3 hair, for example. Shields Armor At close range the large projectile will hit the target doing inferior damage; at long range the spread of the projectiles means many of them will miss the target. Although the fire rate is listed at 1000 RPM, it is highly variable, alternating between fast and slow modes. Geth Plasma Shotgun Information Manufactured by Geth Armory Type: Shotguns Related Powers: Cryo Ammo, Disruptor Ammo, Incendiary Ammo and Concussive Shot Accuracy: Moderate Recoil: Moderate Fire Mode: Semi-Auto Ammo per Clip: 5 Clip Size: 10 Geth Plasma Shotgun Location It can be obtained by purchasing the Firepower Pack DLC. Effective. IMHO it's only worth taking the Claymore (the Krogun) if you're good with the reload glitch. Accuracy Location It's usable at any range, has lock on, has the highest damage of any shotgun (Full charge one shots any normal enemy through shields and health), doesn't use ammo for some reason, I guess because it's a plasma weapon, I don't even bring any other guns with me anymore, just that by itself on Insanity. Interestingly, Liara's head does not use the more detailed revision from. Geth Plasma Shotgun. Ammo Per Clip Categories Languages It has the . This weapon can be used by Garrus, Grunt, Legion, Samara/Morinth, and Zaeed. Only. What do you guys think? Geth Plasma Shotgun Location Single-player: The Geth Plasma Shotgun can be found n top of a crate after defeating the Geth on an opposite platform, during the mission "Priority: Rannoch". This weapon refills ammo very efficiently from thermal clip pick ups. Ammo Per Clip The Geth Pulse Rifle has the same icon as the Collector Particle Beam in the Weapons menu in the game. The Mass Shotgun is best used at medium range, where the initial projectile will hit its target as soon as it splits. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Fire Mode Shotgun Legendary edition reveals ME2 is the worst of the triology. At least for a Vanguard anyways. 1000 RPM (Variable) Geth Plasma Shotgun or M-22 Eviscerator . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. General Stats For more information, please see our N/A On the other hand, while the Locust and Geth Plasma Shotgun both are midrange pretenders, having a dedicated midrange weapon will ease ammo woes and give us more versatility. Blooming effects have been significantly adjusted and improved to be more immersive and less distracting. The most obvious disadvantage is that moving targets must be led to have a chance of landing hits. The Eviscerator took out half the armor of a Krogan in one shot. Fire Mode Shields Damage is the Geth Pulse Rifle's crippling shortcoming, inflicting far less damage than any other assault rifle. Capacity Welcome to the Weapons and Weapon Locations page of the IGN wiki guide for Mass Effect 2. Protected by Fabrication Rights Management (FRM) technology, this weapon is nearly impossible to reproduce and is prohibitively expensive. 11 7% Multi-player: These types are: Assault Rifles, Heavy Pistols , Shotguns, Submachine Guns , Sniper Rifles and Heavy Weapons . Its ammunition is more specialized than those of our shotguns, but it's not hard to make or modify. 98% This shotgun can also be found in. As a vanguard your gameplan isnt to fight from long distance and the long chargeup time will get you killed up close. Good base damage, and unlike every other shotgun, it fires in a set pattern that allows it to be used even in the mid-range, making it ideal for more ranged classes like Adept. The resulting impact, heat, and electrical charge overloads shields and barriers and causes massive trauma to unarmored targets. This makes it much safer purchase as close to your max fuel as possible. Welcome to gamefaqs, where poverty is an illegal activity. MASS EFFECT LIGHT Up Omni-Blade Replica Bioware - EUR 74,67. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It hits almost as hard as the claymore and has a 3 shot clip, it is also pretty fun to use. And in my opinion, the Scimitar melds much better with the Vanguard's playstyle (and has the same shield/barrier damage multiplier (of 1.5x) as the GPS) than the GPS. Legendary edition reveals ME2 is the worst of the triology. So, even if you take into account that the Eviscerator has +25% damage. The Geth Plasma Shotgun made this choice relatively simple for the Vanguard as the Claymore is a rather dubious upgrade. Just, give it a read, you might like it. In all areas, the logos have been updated to the "Andromeda" style, with flat white letters, no outline, and the modern font for "Effect". The lack of Armor penetrating bonus really kills it. Sniper - Black Widow / Krysae. 15% Curiously, Ilium's opening cutscene still only plays the first time you visit it, with the departure cutscene remaining unskippable. Good damage, and the damage doesn't scale off at a distance. Shotgun - Claymore / Reegar. Downsides to the Claymore are its extreme weight and low rate of fire. Location A reload cancel will greatly decrease the time you are vulnerable for, as well as increase your damage output and firing speed from reload cancelling. This subreddit is the unofficial source for people who love the Mass Effect universe including the games, books, comics, and DLC. I'm running on insanity so obvs can't get too close. It is of human design but is only used by krogan, due to the fact that the kickback from a single shot has enough force to break a human's arm. The Geth Plasma shotgun is much worse when it comes to damaging armor, and the Eviscerator can't compete much with the Claymore. When fully upgraded and with the right mods can be pared with the M-300 Claymore and M-98 Widow on damage scale. However, this can be shortened drastically by interrupting the reloading animation. Weight Smg - N7 Hurricane / Bloodpack Punisher. Both This means you no longer have to keep up with talking to a Squad Mate to unlock them so long as you catch up with them once after recruiting them. 5 Location Reserve It has absurd base damage, meaning that you'll probably one-shot most mob enemies, or at least leave them with a sliver of health that you can easily melee off. Mass Effect 2 Geth Plasma Shotgun General Stats Type Shotgun Location Firepower Pack LE: Omega Accuracy Moderate Recoil Moderate Fire Mode Semi-Auto Fire Rate 174 RPM (2 s to full charge) Reload Time 1.5 Ammo Per Clip 5 Damage & Bonus Multipliers Base Instant shot 156.50 (250.38) Fully charged 347.77 (556.4) Armor 1.0 Shields 1.5 Barrier 1.5 Mass Effect Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 5 Squadmates are incapable of firing charged shots with this weapon, however, as even uncharged shots are powerful and squadmates don't suffer accuracy penalties, the Geth Plasma Shotgun is still an effective weapon for them. Like all chargeable weapons, the Geth Plasma Shotgun can be fired much more rapidly by either releasing a charged shot and then charging it very briefly (resulting in the next shot being delayed normally), or by releasing a series of very-briefly-charged shots. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Easier to drain that gun of ammo compared to Eviscerator. N/A Fire Rate These characters do. Starting to charge a shot by holding down the fire button causes the damage to ramp up quickly, though it takes some time to reach the maximum charge for maximum damage; maximum charge can be heard from the sound of the charging effect reaching a plateau and also seen visually; only fully charged shots will expend two ammo. Fire Rate Reserve This includes each game's title screen, as well as the opening cutscenes and the Genesis comics. The Claymore used to be a hard-hitting but poor-selling shotgun due to kickback problems snapping the arms of anyone but krogan firing the weapon. The original Female Shepard from 1 and 2 is still available as one of the preset options. This makes it much easier and clearer what the actual Resource amount will be when you launch a Probe. This will still do the. Assets that appeared in higher quality in Mass Effect 3 have been reverse-implemented into Mass Effect 2, if they didn't age noticeably throughout the trilogy. Location Geth Plasma Shotgun - Description. This means that all 3 plasma balls, with full-charge, on a single target, will do only 556.4 base damage instead of the expected 1043. 84. Location Charged Semi-Automatic Pretty vanilla otherwise, but it has got good damage and is dependable for killing Blood Pack mercs and LOKI Mechs. The Pulse Rifle rips through shields and barriers but has a noticeable lack of punch against armor. Fire Mode M-300 Claymore is a Shotgun Weapon in Mass Effect 2. The Music Datapad on the Shadow Broker Base can now be heard throughout the entirity of the base, rather than only in the room it's in. Combine a charged GPS shot with the stasis damage bonus and there's hardly anything that will survive one hit, even bosses at full health. If you wanna think we're dancing together, go ahead.". You can return to this launcher from each game's main menu. 400 Elanus Risk Control. This reduces the delay between shots from 2.4 seconds to approximately 1.4 seconds. Downsides to the Claymore are its extreme weight and low rate of fire. in the middle a melee attack, immediately after overloading a. I've arranged delivery of a few of these weapons to the Normandy. Several camera angles during cutscenes have been adjusted to not focus as much on the chest and buttocks of female characters, such as the infamous shot of Miranda's rear when she talks about her genetic modification. For your general one shot one kill needs, the Eviscerator. With a firing rate of 174 RPM, it takes two seconds to fully charge and begin blasting small cluster rounds of superconductive projectiles. According to the in-game Codex, this is because the fire rate follows a variable. 1 / 10. Coupled with its short-range and high damage, these qualities make the M-300 a "high-risk, high-reward" weapon. This mod adds a number of Mass Effect Weapons to Xcom 2. Arguably the best shotty in the game, the Geth Plasma Shotgun functions in a unique fashion where you can charge up your shots, giving . Like many weapons that fire non-standard projectiles, the Geth Plasma Shotgun's rounds reliably stagger most infantry enemies on impact. It can also be purchased from Elkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies post-mission. If fired while aiming down the sights, the plasma projectiles will seek enemies slightly, making it one of the few shotguns truly effective at mid-to-long ranges. Weapons are randomly rewarded through purchases of item packs. The rate of fire of the Geth Pulse Rifle is significantly higher than any other assault rifle, making it ideal for applying priming effects of ammo powers, which have a fixed chance of occurring per bullet. 1.25x against Armor, Barriers, and Shields. It is also purchasable from Cipritine Armory post-mission if it was missed. Blue Suns, Eclipse, LOKI mechs, Geth, Collectors all use shields or barriers. 56 - 220. Automatic 528 Already tried this against Krogans and Vorcha. and our Maybe I just suck with the thing, but the lack of being able to one shot Armor on Vorcha at point blank range is just pathetic to say the least. Damage & Bonus Multipliers The second and third plasma balls will do only 30% base damage if they hit the same target as the first. Geth Plasma Shotgunis manufactured by Geth Armory. Vice Admiral Shannon Foraker, Republic of Haven. Mass Effect Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.