In Hindu tradition it is connected with the godsVishnuandGanesha or portrayed as a beautiful jewel in the possession of theNgaking. Saffordite Tektite Come From Sirius, lovely lavender colored natural glass stone found only in one place on Earth. They have imported several Hindu deities over the centuries such as Avalokiteshvara and Lakshmi. Cookies Loved this stone, very effective and good quality stone. You can just google . Because it shares similarities with Moldavite, which is a tektite, it can have the same green appearance and they have the same Mohs rating. With the participation of the wearer's determination and will, the Cintamani Stone will help to clear the wearer's obstructions, trauma, pending handling habits, etc. The stones come from the Sirius Star System. He was at one point considered the guru of Henry Wallace, vice president during the Roosevelt administration. Gentle Tree Agate calms nerves, and can be combined with. The Cintamani in these legends are again wish-fulfilling gems that represents the enlightened mind in which all dreams are accomplished. One particular design is called the Cintamani carpet. It was a gift from the heavens so that King Sanat Kumar and his priests could establish a perfect civilization of peace. Moldavite on the other hand has a connection to negative insectoids . Many Lightworkers and Warriors belong to the mandala of the 144,000 Star Beings of Light who came to planet Earth many incarnations ago to assist in the liberation of this planet and the changing of the ages. We are glad to know you liked our collection. Some people adamantly state Cintamani stone only comes from Arizona, USA. They appear to be a dark purple when seen in daylight and are not obviously translucent, a quality that can be seen above due to their being backlit while sitting on a piece of paper with a pencil-sized hole over a bright flashlight. They also adopted the Banner of Peace. But, if you put it up to a strong, powerful illumination, it will sparkle and glisten. The Dogons claimed to have had visitations from Sirian missionaries. And quite odd too because my girlfriend has been talking about everything Ive read about it, but she has never heard of cobra resistance. The Cintamani Stone, or Chintamani, long sought by treasure hunters, has captured the imagination of man through the ages as tales of this wish-fulfilling jewel have spread around the world. Enjoy yours.! I emailed the person and offered a good deal and forgot about it. ), also spelled as Chintamani (or the Chintamani Stone), is a wish-fulfilling jewel within both Hindu and Buddhist traditions, said by some to be the equivalent of the philosopher's stone in . In Hinduism, however, its connected to the gods Ganesha and Visnu with depictions of them holding it or having it set in their foreheads. Unfortunately people do not understand their negativity. When lit, the Pearl of Fire transmits a unique smoky color. It harbors the fabled Cintamani Stone, as well as the Tree of Life, and is thoroughly defended by the guardians, the remnants of the original inhabitants. How do you measure the vibration of your stones, can you explain that so that its not only your subjective experience? Tachyon particles have a very powerful purification ability. All legends on our Earthly plane are symbolic. It was almost Shakespearean in its ironic tragedy. The Cintamanis, originating from the Sirius Star System, are the highest vibrating stones acting on Earth at this time, and with a high capacity for energizing energies. The Pearl of Fire has also been marketed as Cintamani Stone and Agni Manitite which, according to some, have powerful metaphysical properties. Its fragments traveled in all directions, some of them reaching Earth after a long journey through interstellar space. Each knot contains a Mani Jewel with an endless number of facets. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! By the age of 10, most children in the United States have been taught all 50 states that make up the country. That said, the Shinto, Hindu and Buddhist religions hold this stone in the highest regard and its name translates to wishing stone.. If you wish to know more about the Cintamani stone then go to The world of click on website hover over Enlightened Master then click on E.Master Blogs scroll down to the to the Cintamani stone article,there you will learn some history about the stone of wear the main stone is kept, who is keeping it save and the connection of the 144000 to it, and how to connect to it.I hope this as been of some help to you. I also want to ask. Whichever land possessed this jewel would never encounter droughts, floods, earthquakes or famines, and would always experience prosperity. Ultimately, Tibetan Buddhists believe that when you find yourself engulfed in the darknessperhaps having a harder time being the sensitive, caring, enlightened person you are meant to bethe repetition of Om Mani Padme Hum will help you become more aligned with Chenrezig and his mission. According to legend, the 13th-century scientist and philosopher Albertus Magnus , also a German Catholic Dominican bishop,is said to have discovered the philosophers stone. Anywhere a stone is buried will work, and we are now working to bury as many as possible around the planet to reach critical mass, so feel free to go and bury. Since I got mine, Ive had so much clarity about what is going on in the world, more and more becomes clear. It became known as the Roerich Pact. A true Master are called Masters when they can control what they think and feel at all times and will keep calm in all situations. Where did you purchase this? i guess i need a form. We have an acre size property so am not sure how to determine. Id thought. These jewels have the ability to eliminate poverty and suffering. In the Asian culture there is the Cintamani Stone- the wish fulfilling jewel, a stone that is said to grant the wishes of anyone who possess it. Many believe that everything related to Cintamani is only legend, and there is no concrete fact to prove the existence of the stone. Very fine quality stonelike it so much. However, Japan, China, Korea and Tibet refer to it as one wishes precious jewel or as one wishes jewel.. Roerich and his wife, Helena, werefollowers of Theosophy, a spiritual belief that a group of masters would unite all mankind. In my research and personal experience I have found several sources online which carry Cintamani stones, many private collectors. Born in July, 1971, Michelle has long since stopped working out her Read More. Irrespective of what people believe the essence and magnitude of the stone cannot be diminished. Gemexi has a great collection of Cintamani silver jewelry. Thephilosophers stone is a legendaryalchemicalsubstance capable of turning metalssuch asmercuryintogoldorsilver. According to Buddhist legend, it fell from the stars and landed in Tibet, where the ancient Buddhists revered it as a spiritual jewel. 19.08.2018. Yes, I have large pieces from various origin Shambhala, also known as Shangri-La, is a mythical city featured in Among Thieves. Buy Crystal Cave Exports Very Rarest 23 Carat Saffordite Cintamani Stone Wishing Stone High Vibration Magic Power,Energy Inner Peace,Dream Crystal,Philosophers Stone from Loose Gemstones & Diamonds at Robert Temple, author ofThe Sirius Mystery, recorded the history of theDogon peopleand their encounters with the Sirians. Buddhists believe that Cintamani is usually held in possession of a Bodhisattva or a divine being known for his compassion, power, and wisdom. Thank you for making that effort, if you feel welcome to it, its much appreciated! not really having any purpose for doing so. The best way to identify a Cintamani stone, however is if light easily passes through. With so many facets to this incredible stone, perhaps theKing of the Worldand hisCintamani Stonewill make their presence known universally to all. Curiously, once I had a spiritual experience, that lasted only a moment, that turned the world and all my human perceptions, inside-out. The stones are glass-like fragments of a meteor that impacted on earth while in a molten condition, causing it to form small glass stones with highly pitted surfaces. So, in essence, this mantra has the . When his book was published, he was invited to become an initiate of the freemasons. Its akin to something like the Philosophers Stone in western alchemy. Statue of the Naga King, Buddhist temple, Thailand ( MrPreecha / Adobe Stock). In your hand, it will be black and appear rather dull. When Wallace ran for president after Roosevelts final term, the guru letters written between the two men were made public and caused Wallace embarrassment. And why is the cintamani stone. The all-seeing eye, or Eye of Providence ,had already been a symbolthe founding fathers incorporated into the great seal of the United States. They used to form a planet, which is a giant powerful living being. Bibliotecapleyades Available at:, Temple, R.K.G. Cintamani Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors belong to the mandala of 144,000 star beings of Light who came to planet Earth many incarnations ago to assist in the liberation of this planet and the Shift of the Ages. Some critics believed the real mission was to search for the holy city or believed Roerich had concocted a fully paid and funded cover to further his personal ambitions under his Banner of Peace. A dear friend and fellow Contactee named Luis Maertens from Bolivia says the main and original Cintamani Stone is an Egg-shaped stone brought here many years ago by 40 or so different Ascended Master beings representing differing Light groups from different worlds as a special tool to aid the Earth through her transition which is now in process. They are not necessary, and they do not guarantee results. Thus, it would be a tektite. Thank you so much for loving our jewelry & for the kind words. Aside from the spiritual implications, most people simply collect them or use them in jewelry. We love this stone. Cintamani Stones During the last two years there has been increasing interest in what are called Cintamani Stones. Because of covid, I lost my job and gathering these stones has become my main source of income and Im very good at it. So thats what the stone does, it will amplify your weakness and make it stick out like a sore thump and thats why I wear mine 18gr Cintamani stone The Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for the star, Sirius, closely resembles these three objects, being an obelisk (sword), a half circle (mirror) and a star (jewel). One such stone that is often considered sacred and so rare that very few people have seen it is the Cintamani stone. Thank you, Gemexi, for this beautiful jewelry. Moldavite too is a similar-colored stone that was formed as a result of meteoric impacts. I was obviously immediately interested! Nefer Say Nefer - Was Nefertiti Buried in the Valley of the Queens? Benjamin Fulford Report: China calls for end of World War III El Salvador, Former Murder Capital of The World, Claims ZERO Murders Cobra recommends that the Cintamani Stone should be a single stone of bare minimum 2-3gr, or above 3gr to create a proper activation. like seriously, a little bit. Test for yourself but when you do wear it you must be conscious of the fact you are wearing it and when do start to get a bit stressful just smile to yourself and say to yourself Ive got this Im in control here, know you wearing the stone be conscious of it. The Cintamani Stone is a mythical object that appears in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.In the game, it is the subject of Nathan "Nate" Drake's adventure, as he and his companions search for the Stone, which is said to be held in the lost city of Shambhala.However, Nate and his companions are not the only ones looking for the stone; the ruthless Serbian war criminal Zoran Lazarevi also knows of . Know now your Higher I AM will test you there is no such thing as coincidence. Cintmai ( Sanskrit; Devanagari: ) also spelled as Chintamani (or the Chintamani Stone) is a wish-fulfilling jewel within both Hindu and Buddhist traditions, equivalent to the philosopher's stone (Paras Pathar) in Western alchemy. Thank you so much for your kind words and recommendation. Great men, gods, and goddesses adorned themselves with the Cintamani, elevating the mythical nature of the stone. Just recently we got one that was 174 grams. The Dharani hymn of Cintamani is believed to help a person attain the wisdom of Buddha. turns out most of the stones i grabbed here on the complexs property where i live are those. For a stone as ancient as this in a world dominated by advancement in mineralogy, one would think theres more technical data available. Watch on Well, Saffordite has seriously impressed me. As a Mystical, if thrown it restores the health of any downed teammate to 40% within its radius. But it is its mythical powers that are much more attractive and compelling. So, while we dont have much mineralogical information about it, studying what these cultures believe might be the key. The design is perfect for her, it looks really cute, and it's not too big so the size is great! At such depressing times, you need something that not only helps you get back in track but also makes life pleasant and fulfilling. Cintamani is really a beneficial gemstone in many ways, I buy it from gemexi after reading all its benefits from their article and now I love to wear this jewelry. Thankyou for shopping with us and sharing review. Fumio, Thankyou for sharing your detailed review. Since I dont feel any strong energy on it. Cintamani Ladies Front Fasten Bra (34C, Black) 1104 FREE Delivery Cintamani Ladies Suspender with Thong with Detachable Suspenders Red,Black,White Size S,M,L,XL. Volume 40, Issue 2 Available at: But recently the name cobra resistance kept coming to my mind because of their email address. Cintamani is an enigmatic gemstone. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Is there a difference between other stores stones and the ones in the store you have give them the link to? We really appreciate the time you took to share your kind words! While some people classify it as a tektite, or meteorite, others say its a form of obsidian, or volcanic glass. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives.